
  Deep within the jungles of Mitha lies the home of the Elves. Located in the center of the Sylmarae Shallows, their capital city of Im Allanar stands tall amongst the towering jungle canopy. With waterways to four other major cities, Im Allanar is the definitive center of their society. Governed by a Magocracy that consists of archmages, the Elidyr Council handled all aspects of Elven life ranging from foreign diplomacy to cultivation mandates. As a deeply curious people, it is not uncommon for them to devote large chunks of their lives to the study of a subject, whether it be through experience or theoretical knowledge. Those elves who wished to pursue their research further are known to embark upon a traditional quest for enlightenment known as the Zaltair in which they would travel, learning from as many sources as they could find. This intellectual drive can almost be considered an inherent trait of their race because some of their common folk are known to embark upon these quests, despite the vast differences in their environment from the scholars of Im Allanar. Of particular note, a great topic of concern and investigation amongst their scholars was the origins of themselves as a race. Unlike some of the other races, the vast majority of their population did not attribute their existence to a powerful being.
  On the world stage, the relationship of the Elves to the other races could be considered amicable at best. While they were able to coexist with them well enough, the Elves didn't embroil themselves with the concerns of the short-lived races. Trade and traffic was allowed unabated but, they did not actively participate in any of their affairs. Essentially isolationists, they became neutral parties when it came to conflict unless they were attacked. Generally, their views on the other races were tinged with hints of negativity, believing that the pursuit of knowledge and self-improvement were the foundation of a prosperous life while scoffing at the squabbles between the others. The minor land skirmishes as the result of in-fighting between the humans or their occasional battles with the Dwarves seemed almost pitiful, if not comical at the least.
  Given their curious nature and the travels required by the Zalatair, Elves could be found all over the world, following whatever roads their inquisitive minds could find. It was equally likely to find one in a human tavern reading a manuscript discovered in their local library as it was to see one delving the depths of the canyons in The Arid Wastes searching for a lost caravan rumored to have an artifact of interest to them. However, it was in the year 713 of Ianar that the Elidyr Council requested all elves return home, sending out missives and runners across the lands. Such messages were rare but, what made it rarer was that it contained the approval seals of each archmage. This surely was to herald a momentous occasion so, as expected, most of the elves returned to the jungles of Mitha. Now, the Elves have all but disappeared, with no sign of what transpired within the forest. Curious adventurers wasted no time trying to explore but, quickly realized that anyone who entered never returned. Now, the jungle is avoided by most and the noble Elves are all but extinct with only a scant few thousands remaining.
  Side Note Clarification: The Zaltair is primarily focused on gathering knowledge and achieve expertise in a field. This can range from studying a specific subject so that you can contribute to the libraries or to becoming a master of arms by successfully slaying a creature of sufficient renown or even to learning a craft and forging your own masterworked piece.