
  To the far southwest of the Labraxian Kingdom lies a copse of large pearlescent trees. Known as the Shimmering Forest, it is a land covered in white pollen, similar in appearance to a light dusting of snow. Known as the Dilnae trees, they are considered a valuable resource to many, given their magical properties and unique appearance. However, to those who reside deep under their protective canopy, these trees symbolize home. Having lived there for generations, the Gnomes of the Shimmering Forest have grown accustomed to the forest, learning to use the nutritious pollen as well as using the trees as their abodes. Their affinity for the pollen of the Dilnae trees has grown to the point where they include it in practically every aspect of their cuisine. While the Dilnae trees are sacred to the Gnomes, at the heart of the forest grows the Pillar of Radiance, the center of Gnomish society and their capital Cruvier.
  At the head of Gnomish society are the three branches, modeled after the three great branches from the Pillar of Radiance. The Branch of Enforcement concerns itself with guarding the borders of the forest, maintaining order, and performing any other task which may require an armed force. The Branch of Preservation is tasked with maintaining the health of the forest and its inhabitants. Their responsibilities include research, food production, morale, and expansion with a conservation focus. The last branch is the Branch of Statesmanship. As the legislative and diplomatic branch, they shape Gnomish society and how it is viewed. Regardless of the issue, the heads of each branch, known by their title of Adjunct, heed the advice and wisdom of The Radiant Gem. This is a Gnome who is typically highly regarded amongst their own kind and is deemed to have an exceptional affinity for the nature of the Shimmering Forest who is given the honor of joining with The Radiant Pillar and acting as a conduit between it and the Gnomes. 
  Being surrounded by the Labraxian Kingdom, the Gnomes have primarily dealt with humans in any official diplomacy. This is not to say that they haven't met Dwarves or Elves, but rather, they simply haven't dealt with them in a direct diplomatic capacity given how far removed they are. Early on, their relationships with the Humans were non-confrontational and even friendly at some points. However, things slowly began to shift once the Humans, particularly those who were magically inclined, discovered the Dilnae trees and their properties. Where the Gnomes saw a gift which they were to live amongst with thanks, the Humans saw a resource which they wished to exploit. Given the amount of political pressure, the Branch of Statesmanship made multiple concessions to the Humans to harvest small amounts of the trees in order to appease them. They quickly learned that giving the Humans a taste of it would entice them to bite. Illegal logging operations popped up, skirmishes were had, and more logging requests made, despite any pleas submitted. With their voices ignored and their home being defiled, tensions are at an all-time high and conflict appears to be inevitable.