
  A nomadic people, the Halflings roamed between the civilizations of Iara, establishing themselves within the provinces and customs. Due to their nature, they garnered a mixed reputation as both disturbers of the peace and boons to the local economy. In the days of old, there were more clans than one could count on both hands and feet. However, clans began mysteriously disappearing and halfling scouts could find nary a trace of them. Thus, the Guides for each clan convened a council and it was determined that they would unite under a single Elder Guide, the most adventurous and wise of them all determined through the Test of Resilience. Today, the Halflings find themselves sheltering within the grand halls of the Dwarves, close friends and allies, at the behest of Elder Guide Summersong.
  As a whole, Halflings are some of the most adventurous people of their time. The thrill of exploration courses through their blood and excitement fuels their wiles. It is a rare thing for a youthful and hale halfling to turn down an exciting escapade to find a long-forgotten scroll, jump into the fray for a friend, or be the first to slide into an unknown tunnel. While the most excitable of their kind have a tendency to run off and explore the dark corners at their first whim, the more tempered commit themselves to learning a craft or studying the arcane arts before setting off into the world. While it is customary for all who venture off to return to the clan and offer a testament to their deeds typically in the form of a gift presented to the Elder Guide, it is also not unheard of for some to venture off and never return for various reasons.