
  Based upon the lineage of King Labrax, the Labraxian Kingdom is the homeland of the Humans. Sprawling across more territory than all the other races combined, they are the superpower of Iara and broken down into four provinces: Thenia, Osnia, Bechor, and Ushye. Sharing a border with the rest of the races who have established their places on the world, they quickly became a hub of activity and traffic as trade increased between them. Based around a feudal system, the king relies on a duke that oversees an entire province while provinces are broken down into separate baronies which utilize knights to manage land granted to them in which their serfs typically live on. While there is no state-mandated religion, faith is still a widely found feature of their society. It just varies from community to community. For instance, a large population of a city may worship The Great Ox, their god and symbol of strength, due to their location and frequency of conflict in their area while a neighboring town might worship The Great Ox, the protector of their homes. While the human kingdom is united, due to the sheer size of it, the customs between each province can vary.   During recent times, the balance that they had established with their neighbors and themselves has begun to deteriorate. With the Dwarves focusing on their own war for survival, the Elves having disappeared, and their relationship with the Gnomes of the Shimmering Forest at an all-time low, trade has decreased exponentially, further straining the economy. Within the kingdom, the provinces are at each other's throats due to the power vacuum. With King Raullin missing now for 5 years and no heir yet found, the kingdom waits with bated breath to see if the ancient bloodline of kings before shall return to the throne or be supplanted by a new one.  




Duke Altman

The most Northern of the human provinces, it is dotted with temperate forests and plains. Home to Labraxia, the seat of power, it is also considered to be the origin of the learned man and is the magical hub of the kingdom. Within the walls of Labraxia resides The Athenaeum, a great library rumored to house the full extent of knowledge researched, and the multiple spires which house the advisors to the throne collectively known as the Augury Circle. Protecting these and the throne are members of The Radiant Guard formed from great knights of renown. Despite this, Thenia has been suffering as of late. Within the gilded walls of Labraxia and all its splendor, lies a cloud of miasma, plaguing the populace and bringing with it whispers of death. The city of Mitikas and the surrounding area have become overrun by the undead, largely believed to be the result of a curse placed upon the land due to the disappearance of King Raullin.  
  • The Radiant Guard -
  • Order of warriors formed from the most renown of knights. Considered to be the highest of honors and are viewed as the protectors of all that the kingdom stands for. Armor is plated with polished silver and weapons are known to shine brilliantly amidst the battlefield. The knights who enter this order don't hold land as they would if they were a knight serving under a baron but rather, gain access to the services of the throne such as entry to The Athenaeum and receive training in the arcane arts.  


    Duke Garlyn

      The Easternmost province of the Labraxian Kingdom, mountains can typically be seen on the horizon and is covered in arid forest landscapes. Controlling the Merchant's Expanse and the major waterways, it acts as the trade hub to all of the kingdom's provinces, the Dwarves, and previously the Elves. Widely considered to be the bank of the kingdom, Osnia is by far the most wealthy of the provinces. The standing armies of the various baronies within the province consists primarily of mercenaries, often viewed to be more effective but costly. However, with the economic stagnation and trade deficit, Osnia has been hit particularly hard. These days it is more common to find barons who are having difficulties paying their mercenary soldiers, have had their lands left severely undermanned because of desertions, or those who's men have turned on them for lack of payment.  


    Duke Caine

      Bechor is the southern province. A fertile mountainous region with access to plenty of natural streams and springs, it is the agricultural powerhouse of the human kingdom. With large lakes and rivers teeming with fish, plentiful grazing fields spilling down from the mountains, and terraced farms climbing up them, food production is by and large a predominant aspect for the people of Bechor's lives. A simple people, their lives have a tendency to revolve around crop cycles, tradition, and celebratory events. As a people who have grown accustomed to their mountains and farming lifestyle, the men of the south are a sturdy breed, typically heavier built and broad-shouldered. This lends credence to the reputation of their warrior order known as The Stoic Knights, the honorable protectors of the province. As of late, they have been hard at work trying to repel orc warbands, typically known for their work as mercenaries, who have been raiding farms, hamlets, and towns across the lands.   - The Stoic Knights -     The Stoic Knights have a reputation for being nigh unmovable, especially when in large numbers. Clad in full-plate and wielding tower-shields, they are the sturdiest of the warriors in the Labraxian Kingdom. Able to withstand protracted battles given the right positioning, defensive battles are their specialty, draining an enemy's morale and numbers through repeated assaults against their bulwark. Their armor and shields are emblazoned with the sigil of Duke Caine and Bechor, which is a mountain on a red and white circle.  


    Duke Creighton

      The Western region, Ushye is the wildest of provinces. They are known for their exports of the iconic Blackwood trees, a rarity highly sought after by royalty and the wealthy for its unique appearance. Traders who deal in Blackwood must brave the channels of The Green Mire to reach Ushye's only port city of Hag. With large tracts of their land still unexplored, the secrets of their taiga continue to attract adventurers and those searching for excitement or riches. While the woods have always been risky to delve into, in recent times they have become positively fraught with danger. Where once there may have been reports of a pack of hungry wolves roaming around a town, there may now be a pair of Daeodon. Despite these dangers, the warriors of The Bestial Legion stand vigil over their homeland against both man and beast.   - The Bestial Legion -   The Bestial Legion is the elusive order of protectors for the province of Ushye. Unlike some of the other warrior orders, serving in it is something that everyone does. It isn't some great honor, just a duty to protect their homes. Everyone from the Baron's son to the miller's daughter will serve. Due to the treacherous nature of the forests around them, they don't rely on large battles or even open combat to eliminate threats. They prefer to cloak themselves in light garb such as leather and move quickly enough so as to minimize losses while ensuring damage is done. , since not all of them could necessarily be classified as warrior material. While functional, they forgo decorating their garb with the insignias or markings of a lord, as they consider themselves more guardians of the land rather than under the service of a lord.