
  Despite being as varied as the snowflakes that fall during Frost, the one thing that all the Orc clans have in common is that they are widely regarded as respectable warriors capable of most tasks. Originally a nomadic people living on the fringes of Human lands, they used to range from the Stormy Mountains to Mt. Vermillion. Living as one with nature, the various clans would hold celebrations and meetings at sacred groves hidden within the wilds where their druids would act as intermediaries between the Half-orc Chieftains, keeping the peace during these times. There are even tales saying that so great was their connection to the world around them that the very plants would heed the wills and calls of the druids.   However, those are only tales passed down through generations and told by a dwindling number of aged orcs around many a campfire. As the centuries have passed, the clans have adapted more and more to Human expansion. Instead of nomadically moving about as they please, the majority have instead become mercenaries, working for any lord or lady with enough coin to pay for their services. This could range from acting as a standing personal army to singular jobs. As a result, many of the clans have taken to residing within Osnia, being paid to fight each other as they settle squabbles over lands that aren't even their own or assuaging emotions sparked by petty insults at noble galas hundreds of miles away. With the amount of gold flowing through the clans, many are of the mind that the modern ways are superior, as it allows them to fund better lives in lands that now belong to the Humans. However, there are those who disagree with this. Those who wish to return to the ways of old or those few clans that still reside in the wild, separated from the whims of the Humans. But with each passing generation, those numbers shrink and the stories of old become rarer.