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The Selkie's Secret - A One Shot Adventure


lvl 2 players


dungeon master




fifth edition

Plot Overview

Four adventurers meet in a tavern in Ostarith. Unlike on most nights, the tavern is crowded with people and noise. There is great news; a public trial is to be held in the city hall the following day. They have found the leader of the Selkie's rebellion...


  • Politics
  • Social Justice
  • Problem Solving
  • Roleplay-based gameplay


Juniper Graemme
Juniper's grandmother was a selkie, whom they saw infrequently throughout their younger years. It was an unspoken secret between the Graemme family but Juniper never could understand why they couldn't be proud of their heritage. Juniper has been in trouble previously for standing up for magic users and selkies alike, but they are not afraid to continue to defend their beliefs

by Frod0_baggins
Orrim Oakbringer
Orrim is a learnt magic user; scared of those in power. They are forced to hide themselves from their family and friends on fear of being outcast, or worse. Although they pretend otherwise, Orrim would do anything to protect others like themselves. They feel like they do not belong in dwarven society, yet they have nowhere else to go.

by Frod0_baggins
Aleratha Herstina
Aleratha is a wild magic user, born with the power of the goddesses flowing through her veins. It is a gift she has been taught to hide since she was young by her parents who feared for their daughter's life. Outwardly, Aleratha appears to be a perfect, law-abiding citizen yet in secret she wishes for a day where she can be herself with no consequences

Darius Argent
Darius Argent thinks himself an upstanding member of the long established dwarven society. However, he has one secret. His boyfriend is a selkie. His conflicting loyalties have forced him into uncomfortable situations in his past, torn between his safety and those whom he loves, and now he is stuck. Unsure of whether to defy authority or give up his family.

Welcome to Ostarith

The City You Call Home

Ostarith is one of the capital cities of Iastarene. You have grown up here, and spent your childhoods wandering its cobbled streets. You know every church and green, every shop and tavern, you believe you could find your way home blindfolded. An important skill for those dark, winter nights.
Settlement | Feb 23, 2024

One of the twin capital cities of the Iastarene. Also the starting article for Daeni's scavenger hunt challenge.

Icebreaker - Tavern Games

Note: The following games can be played with a gambling mechanic where characters bet on the winner. This is an optional mechanic and has no narrative affect  

Arm Wrestling

This game can be played with 2 players
The game begins with a contested strength check. The winner rolls 1d20 and adds their strength modifier. If this beats their oponents strength score, they win the round. If not, the players return to the strength check. The loser of the last round rolls at disadvantage.  

Dice Snap

This game can be played with 2-4 players
The Gamemaster rolls 2d6 in the open where they can be seen by all players. If the dice show the same number, the first player to call "SNAP!" and place their hand over the dice adds the total on the dice and adds it to their score. The first player to reach a score of 30 wins.

Starting Location

The adventure begins with the party sat drinking in The First Oak, a popular tavern in Ostarith. All the characters are familiar with this location and fequent it often. Although they do not know eachother well, they have seen eachother in this very location before. As is common courtesy when out for a drink, they begin to hold conversation with eachother.
After the characters have got to know each other a little better and have a few drinks, they hear the tavern door open. An important looking dwarven gentleman enters and begins to converse in hushed tones with the bartender. He hands him a scroll of paper and then leaves. The tavern is quiet for a split-second before everyone breaks into excited chatter.   A loud noise from the bar catches everyones attention... The bartender, Ellen, begins to speak   "*Slams tankard on the bar to get attention*   Right you lot. Listen up! It says here that the entire city has been invited to the criminal trial of the supposed ringleader of that band of selkies that's been running about the place. Attendence is mandatory, don't take any chances. Be at the city hall for noon tomorrow or else. I guess that means I'm closing early tonight, so clear off!"   Adventures with a passive perception score greater than 10 notice that the bartender appears very worried by this announcement, and fidgets nervously as he goes about his job. He keeps glancing towards the back door and seems anxious for the patrons to leave.

The First Oak

Tavern Map

Roleplaying Ellen

Click For Stats

Ellen Vanyar

Medium Elf, Barkeep, Chaotic Good

Armor Class 11
Hit Points 30
Speed: 35 ft


( +0 )


( +2 )


( +0 )


( +1 )


( +1 )


( +4 )

Skills sleight of hand +3, deception +3
Senses passive perception 11
Languages Common, Elvish


Dagger melee or ranged weapon attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft, or range 20/60ft. One targer. Hit: 4 1d4+2 piercing damage.

Ellen Vanyar is the owner of the The First Oak, a small tavern in Ostarith. Unknown to her patrons, Ellen is closely linked to the selkie 'rebellion'. Ellen is the girlfriend of Elspeth Murdoc, the designated leader of the selkies of Iastarene. Together they use her tavern as a means to smuggle endangered selkies to safer parts of Iastarene and away from the capital cities.   A loud, no-nonsense elf. Ellen is outgoing and friendly but also keeps her private life, you know, private. You will only know as much about her as she lets you. She can be very secretive, and will do almost anything to restore good to her world.   She also lives with a great secret; she is a friend of the selkiefolk and this puts her life at risk. However, she is smart enough to know when she should keep her mouth shut about her opinions, most of the time...

Ellen's Plan

As the character's are leaving the tavern, Ellen calls them back. She hurridley shuts the door and ushers them behind the bar. "You lot seem trustworthy, at least by my judgement anyway" she says, "and I think you could help me. You see this trial tommorow? Well, ideally, I'd rather it didn't go ahead, but considering the circumstances, I've got a better plan instead"   Ellen's plan is for the adventurers to attend the trial as members of the public but to rescue Elspeth Murdoc (the selkie on trial) by using a series of tunnels and a trapdoor situated under the stage of the city hall. She cannot take part in the rescue herself, but offers the adventurers 100gp to go on her behalf

Roleplaying Top Tip!

Every character has an opinion, whether it's an strong belief that elvish wine is the best alcoholic drink, or a unique take on the political issues of the day. Use this to your advantage and let it flavour your roleplay. Think about the ways that your character would go about enacting change in their world, and act upon them.  

Character Questions

Think of:
  • One thing your character likes about their world
  • One thing your character dislikes about their world
  • One person your character would do anything to protect
  • One person your character believes is evil incarnate (if any)

  • What would they do if any of these feelings were questioned/challenged?

    The Trial


    Ostarith City Hall

    The city hall is a building you know well, and like well enough. You have been weddings here, and funerals. City events have been held here for as long as you can remember. But you also know of its darker history, the side people try to hide behind false smiles and cheerful worlds. People have been convicted here, and people have been executed here. That is why you are here today; to stop these things from happening another time.  
    Ostarith City Hall
    Building / Landmark | Feb 23, 2024
    The hall is crammed full of people (humans, elves, and dwarves alike). They are all waiting expectantly for the trial to begin. The players are among them, standing close by a window at the left side of the hall. A dwarven gentleman, Archeus Frendle, walks up onto the stage, alongside him a gaurd brings a frightened looking woman. He gestures for her to sit on the rightmost chair on the stage. A hush falls over the crowd as he begins to speak.   "We are gathered here today for the trial of Elspeth Murdoc, the leader of the selkie rebellion. She has committed many crimes against our people and will be charged with the following: Conspiring with the selkiefolk, attempting to bring down the goverment, defying government officials..."
    City Hall - Ostarith

    Roleplaying Archeus

    Click for stats

    Archeus Frendle

    Medium Dwarf, Political Leader, Lawful Evil

    Armor Class 16
    Hit Points 68
    Speed: 25 ft


    ( +4 )


    ( +2 )


    ( +1 )


    ( +5 )


    ( +2 )


    ( +3 )

    Saving Throws STR +6, CON +9
    Skills perception: +5 intimidation: +9
    Languages Common, Dwarvish
    Proficiency Bonus +2

    Indomitable (2/Day). Archeus can reroll a saving throw that he fails. He must use the new roll. Second Wind (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). As a bonus action, Archeus can regain 10 hit points.


    Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (1d12 + 5) slashing damage   Multi-attack Archeus can make two attacks with his greataxe each turn.

    Archeus is a stuck-up, self-absorbed dwarf who just so happens to hold a position of authority within the city. He believes himself to always be in the right and will do whatever is neccessary to protect himself and his ideals.

    Adventure Goals

    Ellen gives the adventurers the following instructions
  • create distraction
  • locate secret tunnels
  • rescue Elspeth through the trap door
  • escape to the seafront
  • GM information

  • the tunnels can be found with a DC 15 investigation check
  • the correct path can be found with a DC 18 perception check
  • the trapdoor can be unlocked with a DC 10 sleight of hand check or thieves tools
  • The Adventure Ends

    If the players find a way to free Elspeth, her and Ellen will reward them with 100g and the promise to call on them if they need help. Whilst thanking them for her survival, any player with proficiency in mageic will hear her voice in their head. It says, "Save Us, Save Us, Save Us..."

    Author's Note

    Thank you for reading Iastarene's first ever one-shot adventure! This is also the first adventure I've ever written outside of my own notes so please let me know of any changes, or errors so I can correct them. Feedback is appreciated!

    Table of Contents

    How to Play

    For Players

  • Pick a character or build your own
  • Familiarise yourself with the location
  • Let the Gamemaster know of any triggers or anxieties before play
  • Have fun!

  • For Gamemasters

  • Familiarise yourself with the location
  • Read the GM only adventure notes
  • Be aware of any player anxieties or triggers before play
  • Have fun!

  • GM Secrets

    GM secrets look like this:
    This is a GM secret.
    Hover over them for more information.
    An entry for:
    MAPril 2024 Badge by Tillerz using MJ


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