The Western Cult of Satsyn
West of the Mezeka mountain range, this sect of the Cult of Satsyn holds some sway. The group gained popularity through its focus on divination. Telling futures, dowsing and other readings were comforting to Ganima's peoples, and the cult has been able to progress these techniques and technologies accordingly.
The cult is fairly formal, with members wearing sanctioned dress. They keep well-maintained libraries and are known to be fair teachers of magic. Some sects are more sinister in nature, taking the pursuit of knowledge to a questionable degree.
Public Agenda
They are not preaching for a salvation or looking explicitly for power. They welcome anyone pursuing knowledge and the members of this cult are those who dedicate themselves to it. You are not bound to stay longer than you wish. Learning in its own is worship to Satsyn.
Lumina, Vide Omnia
Religious, Cult
Practioner of Satsyn's Graces, West-Satsynian
Controlled Territories
Manufactured Items
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