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Walking into Easthaven is like stepping into the history of Icewind Dale - the place is a living example of the boomtown way of life that gripped all of Ten Towns centuries ago. In the generations since, as other towns have settled into a predictable pattern of existence, Easthaven has continued to grow and reinvent itself. After the Eastway was paved, Easthaven evolved into a frontier traders' paradise, fulling the jealousy of its neighbors.   Easthaven's founders were thieves from the far south. They refused to kowtow to a powerful Thieves' Guild and were driven out of their home. To this day, Easthaven honors its shady history be declaring pickpocketing legal within the town limits - explaining the "Watch thy pouch!" signs posted above the doors to various establishments.


Majority: Human   Minorities: Halflings, Elves, Half-Elves   Communities: Dwarves   Singulars: Tieflings, Dragonborn


Easthaven has no wall, but can muster 150 militia, 10 town guards, and 2 veterans fighters.

Points of interest

The Easthaven Ferry

  When the lake wasn't frozen, this modest keelboat transported people and cargo to the towns of Caer-Dineval and Caer-Konig for a modest fee. Now, the boat - and much of Easthaven's harbor - are trapped in ice. Speaker Waylen has declared the ferry service must cease until the ice thaws, which given Auril's temperament, seems unlikely to happen soon. The ferry's owner and operator, a Tiefling named Scython, spends his idle time and his stash of earnings at the Wet Trout, the most comfortable tavern in town. In Scython's absence, the ferry sits cold, dark, and abandoned.  

The Wet Trout

Located near the docks to attract cold fishers and ferry passengers, the Wet Trout is the largest tavern in Easthaven. Known for its ribald atmosphere and rumor mongering, the large hearth in the center of the building has become a gathering spot for the town. The tavern's current owner is Nymetra Myskyn, a White Dragonborn who, rumor has it, used to be a lawless barbarian of the Reghed tribes. Although she can be crusty and full of complaints, Nymetra is not discouraged by Auril's Rime.  

The White Lady Inn

  The musty old inn on the west side of town is named after a local legend. The old building claims to be the oldest in Ten-Towns, but locals will immediately point to the Caer in Caer-Dineval as the true holder of the title. Consisting of a handful of rooms for rent and a main dinning room for meals, the White Lady is one of the few inns in Ten-Towns that visitors will be hard-pressed to procure rooms from. It's also the only inn outside of Bryn Shander to boast a bard.  

The Easthaven Town Hall

  Mostly ignored by travelers to Easthaven, the Town Hall serves as a place for the Speaker to issue proclamations and act as arbiter for disputes. It also serves as a customs office for any trade that would be done by the ferry. However, in these recent years, customs have dried up.


Easthaven wears its history on its sleeve, with tall houses made of wood and low stone walls that line the streets and mark out small, snow choked gardens from times of warmth long past. Now, heavy shutters keep warmth from escaping the glass-paned windows and smoke billows out of every chimney.
Additional Rulers/Owners

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