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Like Bryn Shander, Targos is surrounded by a wooden wall, which helped to protect it from raiding orcs in the past. The wall extends into the lake , creating a safe harbor for the many fishing boats that made Targos its wealth. Now, Auril's winter has frozen the harbor, and the boats that floated there. Fishers now have to drag their boats along the ice until they reach flowing water beyond the wooden walls.    Almost all the towns in Icewind Dale make their living off the bounty of the three great lakes, but no where is that more evident than in Targos. The town has always boasted the largest fishing fleet and the largest infrastructure around fishing. Almost every aspect of life in Targos revolves around catching and reeling in Knucklehead Trout out of Maer Dualdon. Auril's endless winter makes the work harder, but it gets done nevertheless.


Majority. Human, Half-Elves, Half-Orcs   Minority. Elves, Halflings   Individual. Dwarves


The wooden wall around Targos is one of only two in Ten-Towns. 200 fighters will rally to protect the town under the directions of 16 veterans.

Points of interest

The Luskan Arms Tavern

  The Luskan Arms Inn and Tavern is the oldest public building in Targos, established back when Bryn Shander was just "the camp on the hill." Many of the traders who came to Targos in those early days hailed from a town called Luskan, so the Luskan Arms was built to remind them of home. As a result, much of the décor is nearly 200 years old. The Inn has sturdy walls but rotten floorboards, and drafts rise up from the cellar into the common room. The place is also infested with rats, that scurry between the walls at all hours of the night.  

Three Flags Sailing

  Fishers gather in Three Flags Sailing after a long day for a bowl of hot chowder and a quick pint before trudging off to bed. The atmosphere is subdued while the fishers are cold, tired, and unsure of Icewind Dale's future.  


  Triglio takes its name from a chanteys the fishers of Targos sing when they are hard at work. "Trig-lee-oh lads, an' 'oist up the lines/Trig-lee-oh lads, an' bring your fishes in." The store itself is a jovial affair, as its name suggests, despite the fact that the owner had to start his busniess after his hand was crushed in a collision between boats on the Maer. Anything you need for fishing - except boats, sails, and nets - can be bought here.


Targos has attempted to mimic the wooden walls of southern buildings by trying to carve the stone to look like wood. The interiors are recycled from retired whaleling ships and thus appear to be the interior of a boat.

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