Session 14 - Ancient, Upside-Down, and Full of Surprises Report in Icewind Dale | World Anvil
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Session 14 - Ancient, Upside-Down, and Full of Surprises

General Summary

Previously on...

After extensive questioning, Dzaan's simulacrum agreed to an unconditional surrender, ordering Krintaas to allow himself to be unmade. Lucian beheaded the wight, who then dissolved into a pile of ash. The simulacrum let you know that a basilisk had wandered down to the lower/top level, and might have starved by now. The simulacrum was willingly restrained and put under Owly's watch, while the party searched the stacks of books (finding Lost Scrolls of Sabreyl, From Shadow, Here Lies the King, and Ventatost) and proceeded with exploring the tower.

Backtracking through the second laboratory and peering through the busted wall, you found a shrine to Mystral, and with it a potion. An identify spell revealed that the potion would grant the ability to cast minor illusion as a cantrip to a creature who previously could not.

By approximately this point, Alif had attuned to the amulet that the simulacrum was studying when you found it; learning that it was the control device for a shield guardian some 100 miles to the south-southeast.

Looking through the next hole in the floor/ceiling, you could make out the shape of the basilisk, still breathing, but seemingly asleep. It was easily dispatched, inthis room, a ruination of what was something like a school cafeteria two millenia past.

Across the corridor, you found a wrecked bedchamber with a corpse in it. Enacting a sweep of the room, Styron quite literally stumbled across an invisible chest, which was unlocked with the small brass key from the second laboratory. Caontained within was an ancient spell book with the same sigil from the amulet imprinted on the spine. However, the book disintegrated a few seconds after being exposed to fresh air for the first time in 2,000 years. The exterior of the chest remains invisible, and it was taken into Lucian's backpack.

The final room is the Rune Chamber, where Dzaan's simulacrum wants to go more than anything. As you entered, an illusory figure resembling the statues from the entrance appeared, and recited a 45-second speech in Loross before disappearing. The tower's crash caused some cracks in the runed walls, which you learned might cause unreliable results in use of the chamber. Nevertheless, you tested it out. Alif produced an illusory 5-foot cube of platinum coins, and a crystal disc on the ceiling/floor glowed yellow, and made the illusory into material. 4,522,500 platinum coins! The next test was a dove. Lucian warily gave it a life-spark (nothing bad; similar to a shock of static electricity), and the dove came to life, flying up and perching on the underside of the disc, where it contentedly cooed, ignoring all commands & questions.

You decided it was time to take the simulacrum to Bryn Shander for safe confinement, and climbed back up the ropes you had tied together. As you emerged from the library into the entry hallway, you saw five bugbears, and a sixth sliding in from the tunnel...
Dunstons, Dragons, and Dives
Lucian A'Thuit
Report Date
12 Jun 2022

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