Session 8 - He Barely Has Six Zhents to Rub Together Report in Icewind Dale | World Anvil
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Session 8 - He Barely Has Six Zhents to Rub Together

General Summary

Sounds of clattering and shouting drew you to Easthaven's Town Hall, which was oddly unlocked at 8am. Going through the reception office, first Lucian and then others beheld a pair of humans bringing the Cauldron of Plenty up the stairs from the jail. Lucian drew his sword and demanded they drop it, and in response the one nearer the top of the stairs heaved the cauldron up to the landing and drew his mace. The second thief followed the first, and a third emerged onto the stairs. These first three were followed by a fourth, and Morag and Mai took the secret door into Speaker Waylen's office, where Morag produced an illusory replica of herself, and Mai opened the far door with a mage hand. The first three thieves were identified by Lucian as Zhentarim from their tattoos of winged snakes, and swiftly dispatched to the Nine Hells. Mai telekinetically shoved the Cauldron of Plenty down the stairs, toppling the fourth Zhent and disarming him. A slow expedition down the narrow stairs led to the fourth thief's loss of an arm (cauterised by Lucian's burning blade), and the revelation of a fifth Zhent down the hall. Fourth was knocked unconscious and Fifth was killed, while Pallas found Speaker Waylen, Captain Arlaggath, and two guards locked in jail cells making the racket that drew you inside.

With all immediate threats neutralised, Captain Arlaggath shouted that one of the thieves had taken the keys, and Styron found them on Fifth's corpse. Fourth, still unconscious, was searched and locked in a cell. The town officials were released, and Waylen recounted how Prudence had never come back with any water or water-bearers, but instead, just under an hour ago, let these five bastards into the Town Hall to take them by surprise, and then she fled.

Interrogating the imprisoned Zhent yielded information that the five thieves, as well as Pru, were six agents in a network of twelve, organised and ordered by Naerth Maxildanarr, speaker of Targos. The network operated on a rotating basis, with ten of them semi-permanently dwelling in each of the Ten-Towns, while the other two operated as couriers, carrying orders verbally to the dwellers. Naerth received a flying snake late yesterday evening from Pru with news of the Cauldron of Plenty, and ordered them to steal it (killing no one if they could avoid it) and bring it to him at his rooms in the Luskan Arms in Targos. Their plan was to have their axebeak (hitched outside) pull the cauldron. Naerth, according to this agent, is planning to turn Targos into a hub for the Zhentarim Network, but with his own smaller network now cut in half, he's probably fucked.

Speaker Waylen provided the promised gemstones, and they were sold, along with the Zhents' arms and armor, and the group went shopping. Eventually you departed for Caer-Dineval, arriving to find curtains and shutters being drawn as you proceeded through the town. You then remembered that you'd previously discussed bringing a cask of ale to sell to the dried-up taverns here, and went back to Easthaven. Eight casks were purchased (and you potentially retrieved Arrakas from his rest day at the White Lady), and you returned to Caer-Dineval shortly after 8pm.

Dinev's Rest, a tavern at the southwest edge of the town, seems to have been abandoned for months. You decided to cut out the middleman and sell your ale from here, a tavern with its door detached from its hinges, instead of hauling it around the harbor and up the clifftop to the Uphill Climb. Mai and Alif made their way around the common areas, cleaning and fixing up the disrepair with mending and the disarray with prestidigitation, joined by Lucian. Upon examining the rooms at the back of the building, it seemed that beds had been slept in recently, certain paths through them were not as dusty as they should be, and a makeshift brazier had been fashioned out of rocks next to a window. Yet no squatters were seen...
Dunstons, Dragons, and Dives
Lucian A'Thuit
Report Date
05 Apr 2022

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Apr 11, 2022 03:28

Haha in hindsight I might have been drunk when I thought selling it ourselves was a good idea. This should be interesting!