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The Factions of The Green Hell

*The following information has been gathered and compiled by Drakka Ungol of the Truth Seekers in the summer of 19AOC*
*Further Expeditions will be needed for a complete understanding in regards to the subject of this archive*
  The Green hell is an unforgiving jungle hellscape
  Rotted and festering Paladins of a once great order roam the swamps and rivers searching for anything with a modicum of innocence to befoul.
  Leagues of treacherous snake-men lurk in the shadows cast by their impossibly large and needlessly opulent Ziggurats.
  Dragons gather hordes of treasure to satisfy their gluttonous nature, as well as hordes of weak willed mortals to comply with their convoluted plans and tolerate their inane philosophical babbling.
  An abomination of the Fae Courts has said to have been birthed deep in the Jungle, a vile mockery of the delicate balance kept in the Wilds.
  Even the bloody trees are trying to kill you.
Moradin Help me! I love this place, its just like home.
  -Drakka Ungol, Head Archivist of the Truth Seekers

The Major Players


The Paladins of Pestilence:

It seems to me that my original observation was incorrect and the Paladins of Pestilence (Refered to hereafter as "The Paladins") are not simply a "Upstart group of Demon Worshippers". The Paladins have been moving with suprising speed in spite of their rotted apearance. They will become a substantial threat to Ingrid if left unchecked.   I know only surface level information about them.
  • Their base of operations is a fortress deep in the heart of the jungle, and seems to be mobile, whether that is by intentional design or a byproduct of the nature of the Green Hell is unknown to me.
  • The Paladins Worship Praxus The Decayed, a Demon lord of the Abyss. He is safely locked away on his own layer in the Abyss, however due to the unstable nature of the outer realms that safety might not be permanent.
  • Their Leader is known as Unthax The Fetid. Undoubtably a title bestowed to him by Praxus. His true name is likely kept a secret, having knowledge of it could help in destroying him.
  • The Paladins are Hostile to all other factions in the Green Hell, and it seems unlikely but not impossibe that an alliance would be formed with any of the other major players.

The Yuan-Ti:

The Snake men of the green hell are an insidious foe, they utilize illusion magic to establish themselves in important positions within an enemies hierarchy, forming bonds with powerful members of said instituions they use these connections to weaken the defensive capabilities of a location from the inside. Comprimizing the enemy from within leads to decisive victories that incur minor casualties on the Yuan-Ti Strike forces. We have already identified some members of the Ingrid defence force as being members of this disgusting race.
  Luckily for us the Yuan-Ti are a jealous bunch, often times leading to the snake eating its own tail. They have splintered into a assortment of minor factions after a schism (the cause of the schism is unknown to me at the date of this article being compiled) Keeping them seperated is a priority, if they were all to band togther it would spell the end for Ingrid.
  If you are unlucky enough to enounter this particular brand of evil while venturing in the green hell it is important to keep the following in mind:
  • The Yuan-Ti operate out of massive Ziggurats that dot the jungle landscape, the contents of these Ziggurats is unknown, any attempt to enter them has been met with extreme hostility and even entering the vicinity of the mega-structures can lead to your untimely demise.
  • The Yuan-Ti covet power above all else, if you suspect someone you know is a Yuan-Ti watch for their reaction when offered something of significance. If they get excited enough the veneer will drop, their scaly skin and thin eyes showing through the illusion.
  • The Yuan-Ti are adept at charming unsuspecting victims, be wary of false friends when operating in the green hell
  For the love of all that is good and gold do not tell the general population about the Yuan-Ti, the last thing we need is people murdering their neighbors out of fear of them being snake men, having Octavious running around and espousing his suspicisions is one thing, but if people find out about this it will cause nothing but death and chaos, which is ironically the perfect enviroment for the snake people to plot.

The Dragons:

The Various Dragons of the green hell are an interesting bunch. Not all of them are threats (some are even considered allies) and rarely do they make agreements with one another, however the sheer power of a dragon cult is far to much to ignore, so keeping tabs on them is a must in the current climate
  Due to the vastness of the Green hell and the lack of information about the deeper sections of the jungle, I am all but certain there is a few nestled in the southern regions of the jungle. The dragons that are known to us are as follows:

Breznier, The Brass

Breznier is an Ancient Brass dragon who runs a cult in the north of the jungle. He is a potential ally. Kugan Burnbeard has been petitioning Zruki for a meeting with Breznier, I will update this section if any important revelations occur.
      EDIT SPRING, 20AOC: Kugan has made contact with Breznier with the help of Octavious and an adventuring party of (For now) little renown. Breznier is open to friendly disscusions and has been invited for a dinner in Ingrid. Future revelations will be placed into Breznier ID folder.  

Dominus, The Bastard

Dominus is a Nasty adult black dragon who was kicked out of The Molten Mountains sometime in the last decade. His hatred of the Mortal races is of an unparalleled degree. He has formed a rabid cult who follow his orders with extreme zealotry. He seems to have an archmage in his ranks, unfortunatly our inside man was killed before we could develope a clear picture of his exact capabilities. He needs to be put down before his power rises to an unstoppable level.  

Nazirez, The Undying

Nazirez is an ancient green dragon could have been a big threat at one time, but he is currently the favourite caged pet of the Zitell known as Lord Farhew. If he ever excapes I'm sure his gaze will be fixated on Farhew. If however he does decide to come to Ingrid for a meal, we will be in a great deal of trouble  

Pemesdis, The Enflamed

Rumours have been circulating of an Adult Red Dragon who has taken up residence in a ancient Kobold city known as "Ugladuz". We have a few eyewitness reports which confirms the rumors. Not much is known about Pemesdis at the moment. I'm certain his past will come to light in the near future.      

The Corrupted Court:

The Corrupted Court is a vile mockery of the 4 courts that share control over the Fae Wild. The Court is a violent group of malicious Fae. Fortunately for us they are a hedonistic household, and only make decisions that benfit their dark but fleeting desires. I believe The Court will inevitably cast their contemptuous gaze upon the walls of Ingrid. The assault that follows will likely end in a great deal of death for all parties involved.
  The following facts have been confirmed by credible sources.  
  • They throw massive parties in thier oppulent mansion, inviting all nearby mortals to the occasion and tempting them with every form of earthy desire in exchange for their very souls.
  • They form raiding parties, and search the green hell for "enemies of the court" throwing them into cells and holding mock "Trials" to determine their punishments.
  • We had a mole inside the mansion feeding us information from time to time, a wood elf by the name of Marin however it seems as if he was discovered or worse gave into the temptation presented at these Fae gatherings.


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