
The Afanc is a formidable semi-aquatic creature native to the freshwater lakes and large rivers of Idorin. With a body blending features of a crocodile and a beaver, the Afanc stands out due to its powerful limbs, long muscular tail, and tough, scaly skin. Its jet-black scales shimmer with an eerie gleam, and a distinctive crest adorns its head, resembling the tendrils of deep-sea creatures. This solitary and territorial predator has acute senses, detecting minute vibrations in the water through specialized sensory adaptations in its scales. Afancs are opportunistic carnivores, preying on fish, small mammals, and birds, and are known for their cunning hunting strategies. These creatures reproduce by laying eggs in secluded nests, with juveniles rapidly growing into formidable adults. Highly intelligent and aggressive, Afancs are difficult to domesticate and are valued for their scales and teeth in local crafts and traditional medicine. Conservation efforts are crucial to prevent over-exploitation and ensure the survival of this rare species, which can live up to 70 years in the wild.

Basic Information


The Afanc is a large, semi-aquatic creature with a body resembling a mix between a crocodile and a beaver. It has powerful limbs for swimming and digging, a long, muscular tail, and tough, scaly skin. Its head features strong jaws filled with sharp teeth.

Biological Traits

Strong jaws and muscular tail for defense.

Genetics and Reproduction

Afancs reproduce through internal fertilization. Females lay eggs in secluded nests near water bodies. The genetic diversity within the species is limited due to their small population size and isolated habitats.

Growth Rate & Stages

Egg Stage: Eggs hatch after an incubation period of about 90 days.   Juvenile Stage: Young Afancs stay close to the nest and grow rapidly, reaching maturity in about 10 years.   Adult Stage: Fully grown Afancs can live up to 70 years, growing slowly after reaching maturity.

Ecology and Habitats

Afancs are typically found in freshwater lakes and large rivers. They prefer deep, still waters surrounded by dense vegetation, which provides cover and hunting grounds.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Afancs are carnivorous and primarily feed on fish, small mammals, and birds. They are opportunistic feeders and can consume a variety of prey, depending on availability.

Biological Cycle

Afancs are most active during the warmer months, with a period of dormancy or reduced activity during colder seasons. Breeding typically occurs in the spring, with females laying eggs in the early summer.


Afancs are solitary creatures, highly territorial and often aggressive towards intruders. They are known for their cunning and strategic hunting methods, using their environment to ambush prey.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Afancs are solitary except during the mating season. Each individual maintains a large territory.


Domestication of Afancs is not feasible due to their size, aggression, and specific habitat needs.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Afanc scales and teeth are highly valued in local crafts and traditional medicine. Conservation efforts are necessary to prevent over-exploitation and ensure the survival of the species.

Facial characteristics

Afancs have a broad, flat head with strong jaws, small eyes set high on the head for a better view above water, and nostrils that can close when submerged.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Afancs are found in isolated freshwater bodies across Idorin, particularly in regions with minimal human activity.

Average Intelligence

Afancs possess high animal intelligence, capable of problem-solving and strategic thinking during hunting.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Afancs have highly developed senses of sight, smell, and hearing, allowing them to detect prey and threats both in water and on land. They possess a unique sensory adaptation in their scales, which can detect minute vibrations in the water, aiding in the location of prey and navigation.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Symbiotic: Certain fish species clean their scales, feeding on parasites and dead skin. Parasitic: Afancs can suffer from waterborne parasites and leeches.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Afancus lacustris
50-70 years
Conservation Status
Average Height
1.5-2 meters (5-6.5 feet) at the shoulder.
Average Weight
660-1100 lbs
Average Length
5-7 meters (16-23 feet) from head to tail.
Average Physique
Afancs have a robust and muscular build, adapted for powerful swimming and digging.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their scales range from dark green to brown, providing camouflage in their aquatic environments. They often have lighter underbellies.

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
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