
Aquans are a remarkable race, blending the elegance of aquatic elves with the adaptability of marine life. Their upper bodies are humanoid, resembling elves with high cheekbones, pointed ears, and expressive eyes, while their lower halves are more fish-like, covered in scales with webbed feet for efficient swimming. Their skin ranges in shades of blue, and their hair is commonly green, reflecting their deep connection to the sea. Found in underwater cities and coastal regions of oceans and large freshwater lakes, Aquans live in close-knit communities that emphasize cooperation and mutual aid. Highly intelligent and curious, they are skilled navigators and foragers, thriving on a diet of fish, sea plants, and small marine creatures. With lifespans reaching up to 150 years, Aquans are known for their complex social structures, rich oral traditions, and strong bonds with the ocean, making them a respected and integral part of the fantasy world.

Basic Information


Upper Body: Resembles aquatic elves, with graceful and humanoid features.   Lower Body: Fish-like with scaly legs and webbed feet, adapted for swimming.   Skin: Typically shades of blue, ranging from light blue to deep navy.   Hair: Various shades of green, often long and flowing.

Biological Traits

Longevity: Can live up to 150 years.   Physical Adaptations: Scaly legs and webbed feet for swimming, gills for breathing underwater.

Genetics and Reproduction

Reproduction: Sexual reproduction similar to humans, with live birth. Gestation period is around nine months.   Genetics: High genetic diversity, which allows for adaptability to various aquatic environments.

Growth Rate & Stages

Infancy: Birth to 2 years, rapid growth and learning basic survival skills.   Juvenile: 2 to 12 years, development of swimming and social skills.   Adulthood: 12 to 100 years, full maturity and reproductive capability.   Elderly: 100+ years, decreased physical activity but often respected for wisdom.

Ecology and Habitats

Habitat: Primarily found in underwater and coastal cities.   Lifestyle: Semi-nomadic, with communities often centered around rich aquatic resources.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Diet: Omnivorous, consuming fish, sea plants, and small marine creatures.   Feeding Habits: Forages for food, often farming underwater gardens.

Biological Cycle

Active Period: Diurnal, active during the day and resting at night.   Reproduction Cycle: Year-round with no specific breeding season.


Social Structure: Community-oriented with strong familial bonds and strong sense of loyalty.   Psychology: Highly intelligent, curious, and social, with complex emotional lives.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Live in close-knit communities with a strong emphasis on cooperation and mutual aid.


Not domesticated; live freely in their natural habitats but can coexist peacefully with other races.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Uses: Valued for their knowledge of the ocean and maritime skills.   Exploitation: Rarely exploited due to their intelligence and strong communities.

Facial characteristics

Elven-like with high cheekbones, pointed ears, and large, expressive eyes.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Found in and by oceans, seas, and large freshwater lakes around the world.

Average Intelligence

High, comparable to humans.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Vision: Excellent underwater vision, capable of seeing clearly in both light and dark aquatic environments.   Hearing: Acute hearing adapted for underwater communication.   Smell: Enhanced sense of smell for detecting changes in water composition.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Symbiotic: Often coexist with marine plants and animals that benefit from their presence.   Parasitic: Susceptible to certain marine parasites and infections.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The first name of a Triton usually are 2-3 syllables long and end with a vowel followed by an "s". Often marine inspired aswell.

Beauty Ideals

Smooth, blue skin and vibrant green hair are highly valued; physical fitness and swimming ability are also admired.

Gender Ideals

Both genders are respected equally, with roles often based on skills rather than gender.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship involves displays of swimming prowess, artistic expressions, and sharing of resources.

Relationship Ideals

Monogamous relationships are common, with strong emphasis on family and community.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Speak their own language with regional dialects; many also speak King's Tongue and other languages of coastal peoples.

Common Etiquette Rules

Respect for elders and leaders is paramount; sharing resources and cooperative living are core values.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Rich oral traditions, with stories and songs passed down through generations; strong connection to the ocean and its creatures.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Seasonal festivals celebrating the sea and its bounty; rites of passage for young Aquans.

Common Taboos

Disrespecting elders, hoarding resources, and polluting the water are considered serious offenses.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Generally peaceful and cooperative, often forming alliances with other races; valued for their maritime knowledge and skills.
Scientific Name
Aqua sapiens
120-150 years
Conservation Status
Least Concern
Average Height
5 to 7 feet
Average Weight
120 to 200 pounds
Average Physique
Slender and muscular, adapted for swimming.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Blue skin with shades varying from light to dark; hair in various shades of green.


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