
Vandorn, known as "The Free City," is the largest and most vibrant metropolis in Idorin, spanning the entire width of Western Aridora's coast from north to south. Renowned for its sprawling streets and scenic canals, the city is a bustling hub of commerce and culture, crowned by the magnificent Colossus of Miera, a 1000-foot golden statue welcoming travelers into its vast port. Vandorn's diverse population thrives amidst its terracotta-colored architecture inspired by Spanish and Roman styles, making it a dynamic blend of tradition and innovation. The city is not only a key economic center with the prestigious Adamantine Bank but also a cultural melting pot that draws visitors from across the continent.


Vandorn is the most populous and diverse city in Idorin. It boasts a cosmopolitan population comprising humans, elves, dwarves, halflings, gnomes, tieflings, and a myriad of other races. The city's openness and wealth attract people from all over Aridora and beyond, seeking opportunity, adventure, and prosperity.


As "The Free City," Vandorn operates under a unique government structure that emphasizes independence and commerce. The city is governed by a council of elected representatives from various guilds, merchant associations, and influential families. The council is led by a Mayor, who is elected every five years. This system ensures that the city's diverse interests are represented and that governance is efficient and responsive to the needs of its inhabitants.


Vandorn is well-defended by both natural and man-made means.   Coastal Fortifications: Strong walls and towers along the coast guard against naval threats. City Guard: A well-trained and diverse city guard maintains internal security, patrolling the streets and canals. Naval Fleet: A powerful fleet of ships patrols the waters around Vandorn, ensuring safe passage for trade vessels and protecting against pirates and other threats.

Industry & Trade

Vandorn’s economy thrives on trade, banking, and various industries.   Trade: The city's strategic coastal position and vast port facilities make it a central hub for trade in Idorin. Banking: The presence of the Adamantine Bank and other financial institutions supports extensive economic activities. Craftsmanship and Manufacturing: Various industries, including shipbuilding, textiles, and luxury goods, flourish in Vandorn.


Vandorn's infrastructure is extensive and sophisticated, designed to support its vast population and bustling economy.   Roads and Canals: A network of well-maintained streets and canals facilitates movement throughout the city. Gondola boats are a common sight, providing both transport and a scenic way to navigate the city. Bridges and Aqueducts: Numerous bridges connect different parts of the city across the canals, while aqueducts supply fresh water from nearby rivers and reservoirs. Public Services: The city has a comprehensive public service system, including waste management, public baths, and well-distributed guard posts ensuring safety and order.


The Northern District: The more presentable side of the city, featuring grand buildings, luxury markets, and cultural landmarks. This district is the face of Vandorn to incoming travelers and traders. The Southern District: Primarily residential, with warehouses and docks for trading and storing goods. This district supports the city's vast commerce with ample facilities for trade logistics. The Market District: The bustling heart of commerce where traders from across Idorin sell goods ranging from everyday items to exotic treasures. The Financial District: Home to the Adamantine Bank and other financial institutions, this district is the economic powerhouse of Vandorn. The Cultural District: Filled with theaters, museums, and galleries, showcasing the city’s rich cultural diversity and artistic heritage.


Vandorn's assets are numerous, ensuring its status as the largest and wealthiest city in Idorin.   The Colossus of Miera: A massive golden statue that is a symbol of wealth and prosperity, welcoming travelers into the port. The Adamantine Bank: The largest and wealthiest bank in Idorin, playing a crucial role in the city's economy. Vast Port Facilities: The largest port in Idorin, facilitating immense trade and commerce.

Points of interest

The Colossus of Miera: A monumental statue visible from miles away, symbolizing the city’s wealth and welcoming travelers. The Adamantine Bank: The central institution in the Financial District, a towering symbol of economic power. The Grand Market: A bustling marketplace where traders from all over Idorin converge. Theater of Dreams: A grand theater in the Cultural District, hosting performances and events that draw audiences from far and wide. The City Canals: Iconic waterways navigated by gondolas, offering a unique way to experience the city.


Tourism in Vandorn is a significant part of the economy, with visitors attracted by its vibrant culture, historic landmarks, and luxurious markets.   Cultural Tours: Guided tours of the Cultural District, including theaters, museums, and galleries. Market Visits: The Grand Market is a major attraction, with its diverse and exotic offerings. Scenic Gondola Rides: Popular among tourists for experiencing the city’s beauty from the canals.


Vandorn’s architecture is inspired by Spanish and Roman styles, featuring clay and terracotta-colored buildings with vibrant roofs and window shutters. The cityscape is characterized by ornate facades, grand domes, and open plazas, creating a visually stunning environment.


Situated on the coast of Western Aridora, Vandorn spans from the northern coast to the southern coast, covering an extensive area of 311,730 acres. Its location provides a strategic advantage for trade and maritime activities.


Vandorn enjoys a Mediterranean climate with mild, wet winters and hot, dry summers. This climate is conducive to outdoor activities and contributes to the city's vibrant street life.

Natural Resources

Coastal Resources: The city benefits from abundant marine resources, supporting a thriving fishing industry. Agricultural Products: Surrounding areas provide a variety of crops and livestock, supplying the city’s markets. Mineral Wealth: Access to nearby mineral deposits supports local manufacturing and trade.
Alternative Name(s)
The Free City
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under


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