Axel Dreadwing

Xerxia Laevinius (a.k.a. Axel Dreadwing)

Axel is a 20 year old tiefling born by the name Xerxia Laevinius from 2 tieflings. He was born in Cinderfell where his parents, Arzikos and Samaia, met. Arzikos, his father, is a chaotic worshiper of the god (god) and a warden in the (mines) of Cinderfell. He treats his workers brutally, frequently abusing them with infernal magic and manipulation. Samaia was forced into labor at these mines. She worships the god (Bauos?), and although she also calls upon infernal powers of fire and destruction, her connection is not the same evil as the power of the nine hells. Her religion focuses more on the creative potential of fire and how calamity has the potential to bring about something better from the ashes. Because of these somewhat milder views, she was forced to work in the mines by Cinderfell slavers.   Unfortunately for Samaia, Arzikos took a liking to her. Through manipulation and pressure, they got involved in a relationship, one of many that Arzikos proudly pursues. They eventually had a child, Xerxia (later Axel), whom Samaia tried to shield from the harsh environment of Cinderfell. Arzikos, by contrast, believed men were made strong by enduring hardship and pain, and was highly abusive toward his son. He wanted his offspring to be truly demonic, spreading evil and chaos like himself.   When he was 12, it was time for Xerxia to begin his formal training in infernal magic. Due to his fathers decent status, he was able to attend (school). There, he had a bit more freedom to choose which path he wanted to take forward. Xerxia didn't have a fantastic relationship with his mother either, but he was fond of her, so he decided to study with the clerics of (Bauos?). There they taught him of the powers of fire, how to fight with it and use it to your advantage, but also how it could be used to forge, create, and heal. He was able to succeed well enough in school with a moderate connection to his god, but he never really had a passion for it as he was pretty much forced into the whole thing. What Axel does love is music, and although he has no formal training, he is always trying to develop his own skills and style (heavy metal/punk rock type beat). There is little market for this type of “vocation” in Cinderfell, so he kept it all pretty underground. Unfortunately for him, this means getting involved with some unsavory people.   After he finished school, he didn’t particularly want to pursue the whole “cleric” thing, so instead he lived on the streets, trying to get gigs at pubs and events and going by the name “Axel Dreadwing” He was willing to work for pennies, but he still wasn’t very good; plus for the very few people in Cinderfell who actually care about music, they can hire real bards. This lifestyle left him poor and homeless, and even tieflings with a decent relationship with their parents don’t usually stick around family. When slavers arrived in Cinderfell to fill their massive demand for labor all around the world, they saw Axel sleeping in an alley: the easiest sort of target. They jumped him, put him in chains, and locked him in the back of their wagon with the rest of the slave exports.   They traveled around the continent to slave markets, and Axel would get sold into some brutal labor. Everywhere they went, however, no one expected that he was actually trained and educated, and he was usually able to escape his master. He would regain his freedom, post up in the next town, and keep living as a vagabond until more slavers would come and the cycle continued. Each time he was captured they would take his guitar and whatever other few belongings he had, so as this happened over and over, he got pretty good at making new guitars. His knowledge and gifts from the forge god allowed him to keep honing his craft, though he still needs practice actually performing.   Eventually this cycle brought him to (the city we started in) and Axel once again escaped his masters. He did a lot of drugs and such and something yet to be revealed happened in the town square, leading him to where he is now.   General Characteristics of Axel:   Axel is generally chaotic neutral, though instead of actual neutrality it's more like sometimes he sways toward evil and sometimes he sways toward good. Despite not being a model cleric, he does worship his god, Buaos, and believes in Buaos’ ideals. He hates his dad but still has some affection for his mom. He’s definitely a bit of an outsider but he doesn’t mind; he just wants to do him and preferably not be beaten, robbed, and sold. He’s passionate about music and hopes to be a legitimate musician with a real band some day, which is in part why he is not entirely opposed to hanging around this new party.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Axel is physically resilient due to enduring harsh conditions. He is generally fit but bears scars from his abusive past and slave labor.

Body Features

Axel has typical tiefling features with a lean, muscular build. His body is marked by numerous scars from past abuses and slave work.

Facial Features

Axel has sharp, defined features with a somewhat hardened expression. His eyes reflect both his infernal heritage and his turbulent past.

Identifying Characteristics

Axel is identified by his infernal markings and scars. He is often seen with a self-crafted guitar.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Axel Dreadwing, born Xerxia Laevinius, is a 20-year-old tiefling from Cinderfell. He was born to Arzikos, a brutal warden and chaotic worshiper of a malevolent god, and Samaia, a slave forced to work in the mines, who worships Bauos, the god of fire and creation. His father wanted him to become a fierce demonic force, while his mother tried to shield him from their harsh environment. After suffering abuse and enduring a forced education in infernal magic, Axel pursued his passion for music under a new name, living as a street musician and repeatedly escaping slavery.

Gender Identity

Axel identifies as male.


Axel was educated in infernal magic and clerical studies dedicated to Buaos, focusing on the creative and destructive powers of fire. Despite this formal training, his true passion lies in music, which he learned informally on the streets.


Axel has worked as a cleric trainee, street musician, and almost as a slave laborer. His attempts to make a living from music have been unsuccessful, leading to a life of poverty and homelessness.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Survived brutal conditions and escaped slavery multiple times. Developed skills in infernal magic and guitar crafting. Maintained his passion for music despite severe hardships.

Failures & Embarrassments

Failed to establish a successful music career. Captured by slavers, losing his belongings multiple times. Struggled to make a living and faced homelessness and poverty.

Mental Trauma

Axel endured severe abuse from his father, leading to deep emotional scars. He is also traumatized by the harsh conditions of slavery and repeated captures.

Intellectual Characteristics

Axel is intelligent and resourceful, particularly in escape tactics and survival. He is also creative, with a strong passion for music and crafting.

Morality & Philosophy

Axel is chaotic neutral, swaying between good and evil. He believes in the ideals of Buaos, focusing on the creative potential of fire rather than its destructive aspects.


Axel has a strong aversion to oppressive authority figures, particularly those resembling his father.

Personality Characteristics


Axel is driven by a passion for music and the desire to find a place where he can belong and express himself freely. He seeks to avoid being captured and oppressed again.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Savvies: Skilled in infernal magic, guitar crafting, and survival tactics. Ineptitudes: Struggles with formal employment and mainstream societal norms.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Music (especially heavy metal/punk rock), crafting guitars, moments of freedom. Dislikes: Authority figures, oppressive environments, being confined or captured.

Vices & Personality flaws

Vices: Tendency to indulge in drugs and other escape mechanisms. Flaws: Trust issues, rebellious nature, and occasional recklessness.


Religious Views

Axel is a devout worshiper of Buaos, the god of the forge, though not a model cleric. He believes in the transformative and creative power of fire.

Social Aptitude

Axel is generally an outsider but capable of forming bonds with those who share his interests or understand his past. He prefers the company of other free spirits and outcasts.
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
black eyes with red irises
long curly black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
blueish grey skin


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