Black Firedrake

The appearance of a Black Firedrake is often seen as an ill omen, foretelling doom and destruction. They are feared by many, even among other dragons, due to their malevolent nature and the dark powers they wield. The mere presence of a Black Firedrake can corrupt the land around them, tainting it with darkness and despair.   Legends speak of the rare instances when Black Firedrakes ally with dark sorcerers or necromancers, forming unholy alliances that bring even greater terror to the world. The sight of a Black Firedrake flying alongside a coven of dark spellcasters is a haunting image that is etched into the nightmares of those unfortunate enough to witness it.

Basic Information


Black Firedrakes inherit the lithe and agile form of their Firedrake parent, with a length of around 12 feet (3.7 meters) and a weight of approximately 400 pounds (181 kilograms). Their scales are a deep, obsidian black, reflecting the darkness of their draconic lineage. Sinister crimson veins run beneath their scales, giving off an eerie, pulsating glow as if molten lava courses through their veins.   The eyes of Black Firedrakes burn with an intense, malevolent red glow that pierces through the darkness like smoldering coals. Their wings are membranous and bat-like, allowing them to glide silently through the air. The most striking feature of Black Firedrakes is the jagged row of sharp, obsidian spikes that run along their spine, reminiscent of the deadly spines of Black Dragons.

Biological Traits

Dual Breath Weapon: Combines acid and fire. Heat Resistance: Adapted to infernal environments. Infernal Connection: Subtle connection to chaotic energies.

Genetics and Reproduction

Infernal Lineage: The infernal heritage of black firedrakes is derived from the firedrakes, known for their fiery nature and breath weapon. Genes responsible for producing the unique glandular structure required for their dual acid and flame breath weapon are inherited from firedrakes. The ability to radiate intense heat from their bodies is a result of genetic modifications influenced by firedrakes.   Draconic Heritage: The draconic traits of black dragons contribute to the dark and menacing appearance of black firedrakes. Genes that influence the coloration of scales, such as those responsible for shades of black and deep red, are inherited from black dragons. The bat-like wings, which allow for flight, are influenced by the wing structure of black dragons.   Hybrid Traits:The successful intermingling of genetic material from both parent species leads to the unique ability of black firedrakes to unleash a breath weapon composed of both acid and flame. The heightened sensory perception and infernal intuition of black firedrakes are a result of the combined genetic influences of both parent species. Environmental Adaptations:   Genes related to heat resistance and adaptation to infernal environments are influenced by both parent species, allowing black firedrakes to thrive in such harsh conditions.

Growth Rate & Stages

Egg Formation: After the successful mating of a black dragon and a firedrake, the female lays eggs that carry the hybrid genetic material of both parent species. Incubation: The eggs are incubated for a period that combines the incubation times of black dragons and firedrakes, resulting in a unique duration.   Birth: The hybrid eggs hatch, giving rise to small and vulnerable hatchlings. Size and Physical Development: Black firedrake hatchlings exhibit a blend of characteristics from both parent species. They have dark scales with reddish hues and exhibit some traits inherited from both dragons and firedrakes.   Nurturing and Learning: The hatchlings are cared for by their parent(s) or other members of their pack. They learn basic survival skills, such as using their breath weapon, flying, and hunting.   Growth: Black firedrakes experience a growth spurt during their juvenile stage. They become more independent and self-sufficient.   Training: Young black firedrakes learn more advanced combat and hunting techniques from older members of their pack.   Social Integration: They establish their place within their pack's social hierarchy and contribute to pack activities such as hunting and territorial defense.   Maturity: Black firedrakes reach full physical and mental maturity, typically at a size comparable to that of an adult black dragon or a firedrake.   Reproduction: Adult black firedrakes may engage in the cycle of mating and egg-laying to continue their species. However, their complex hybrid genetics may affect their ability to reproduce.

Ecology and Habitats

Volcanic Realms and Blighted Lands: Black firedrakes are naturally drawn to environments that align with their dual nature of fire and darkness. They tend to inhabit volcanic regions, where the intense heat, molten rock, and sulfurous gases create a fitting atmosphere for these creatures. Blighted lands, corrupted by dark energies and often scarred by past battles, also serve as suitable habitats for black firedrakes.   Caverns and Underground Lairs: Similar to black dragons, black firedrakes are known to make their lairs within vast underground caverns or deep within the heart of mountains. These hidden lairs provide protection, privacy, and a suitable environment for the creatures to rest, breed, and hoard their treasures.   Twisted Forests and Shadowy Glades: Incorporating traits from firedrakes, black firedrakes might also inhabit areas of dense and twisted forests, where the interplay of light and shadow complements their dark and fiery nature. Shadowy glades and groves within these forests serve as potential resting spots and hunting grounds.   Corrupted Waters and Lava Flows: Black firedrakes may also be found near corrupted bodies of water, such as acidic lakes or rivers tainted by dark magic. Additionally, the proximity to lava flows and molten rivers provides them with both warmth and opportunities to harness the destructive power of fire.   Interaction with Primus Mortis and Eldoria: Given the connection to the Primus Mortis and the Angels of Death, black firedrakes may also have a presence in areas touched by dark forces or necromantic energies. This could include the Necropolis or other regions influenced by the Angels of Death's activities.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Carnivorous Diet: Black firedrakes are carnivorous predators, relying on a diet primarily composed of meat. Their predatory nature and sharp teeth and claws make them well-suited for hunting and capturing prey.   Varied Prey: Similar to black dragons, black firedrakes are likely to exhibit a wide range of dietary preferences. They may hunt and consume various creatures, including mammals, reptiles, birds, and even aquatic creatures. The ability to fly allows them to pursue prey in different environments, from the ground to the air and even underwater.   Fondness for Sentient Beings: Black firedrakes, like their black dragon parentage, may have a particular fondness for sentient beings, including humanoids. They could view these creatures as both a source of sustenance and a means of asserting dominance and control over the lands they inhabit.   Use of Breath Weapon: Black firedrakes have a unique breath weapon that combines acid and fire. This breath weapon could be employed not only for defense and combat but also for hunting. They might use their breath to weaken or immobilize larger prey before moving in for the kill.   Hunting Strategies: Drawing inspiration from both black dragons and firedrakes, black firedrakes may employ cunning hunting strategies. They could stalk their prey, ambush from concealment, or engage in coordinated pack hunting, utilizing their intelligence and agility to outmaneuver and overpower their quarry.   Territorial Behavior: Black firedrakes are likely to establish territories that they fiercely defend. Their dietary habits may revolve around maintaining control over a specific hunting ground or territory, which they guard against rival creatures and intruders.

Biological Cycle

Birth and Early Life: Black firedrakes are hatched from eggs laid by female firedrakes, who were captured from deep within the Everleaf Forest in the case of Renaesella Vaeltigar's creation. These eggs are likely to be incubated in the warm and fiery environment of a black dragon's lair, as the hybrid creatures thrive in such conditions. Once hatched, the young black firedrakes are relatively self-sufficient and instinctively possess a blend of traits from their dragon and firedrake heritage.   Growth and Development: During their early years, black firedrakes experience rapid growth, fueled by their voracious appetite and the unique combination of acid and flame that makes up their breath weapon. They become increasingly agile and adept at utilizing both their physical abilities and breath weapon for hunting and defense. Their scales develop a dark coloration that provides camouflage in their chosen habitat.   Social Structure and Maturity: Black firedrakes may exhibit a hierarchical social structure, influenced by the leadership tendencies of black dragons. The strongest and most cunning among them naturally rise to positions of authority within their groups. As they mature, black firedrakes become more skilled at utilizing their breath weapon strategically, combining acid and fire to devastating effect. They also become proficient in using their wings for flight and navigation.   Reproduction and Dominance: Similar to black dragons, black firedrakes may engage in territorial disputes and conflicts with rival creatures. When it's time to reproduce, dominant black firedrakes vie for control of prime nesting sites and mates. Mating likely involves complex courtship displays and challenges to establish dominance.   Aging and Longevity: Black firedrakes, being hybrids, may have lifespans that fall somewhere between those of their black dragon and firedrake parentage. As they age, they continue to accumulate scars and experience physical changes that reflect their experiences and battles. The oldest and most battle-hardened among them may exhibit larger size, enhanced abilities, and a more intricate arrangement of scales.


Cunning and Deceptive: Black firedrakes would inherit the cunning and deceptive nature of black dragons. They are likely to be intelligent creatures that use trickery and manipulation to achieve their goals. They might lay elaborate traps, employ psychological tactics, and exploit their enemies' weaknesses to gain the upper hand.   Aggressive and Territorial: Similar to black dragons, black firedrakes would be highly territorial and aggressive. They fiercely defend their territories and hunting grounds, often engaging in confrontations with other creatures to establish dominance. Their aggressive behavior extends to both natural rivals and potential threats, making them formidable adversaries.   Calculating and Strategic: Black firedrakes would exhibit a strategic mindset, planning their actions carefully to maximize their chances of success. They might analyze situations and opponents before engaging, preferring to strike when they have the advantage. This calculated approach sets them apart from more impulsive dragon species.   Cruel and Sadistic: Black firedrakes may possess a sadistic streak inherited from black dragons. They might take pleasure in inflicting pain, fear, and suffering on others, reveling in the emotional turmoil they can create. This sadism could manifest in both their hunting tactics and interactions with sentient beings.   Dominant and Power-Hungry: Driven by their black dragon heritage, black firedrakes could have a strong desire for power and dominance. They may seek to subjugate lesser creatures, including humanoid civilizations, and establish themselves as ruling forces in their territories. Their arrogance and thirst for control might lead them to demand tribute or servitude from those they deem beneath them.   Resourceful and Adaptable: Firedrakes are known for their resourcefulness and adaptability. Black firedrakes would likely inherit these traits, allowing them to thrive in various environments and situations. They could adjust their strategies, hunting methods, and behaviors to exploit different opportunities and challenges.   Intense Emotions and Charismatic Presence: Both black dragons and firedrakes possess intense emotions and powerful charisma. Black firedrakes could evoke fear, awe, or even admiration in those who encounter them. Their commanding presence might compel others to submit or cooperate, whether out of genuine respect or fear of reprisal.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Hierarchical, with dominant individuals leading packs.


Not domesticated due to their malevolent nature, unless under the control (or allyship) of dark sorcerers.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Research: Valuable for studying draconic biology and infernal connections. Byproducts: Scales, bones, and glands used in crafting and dark rituals.

Facial characteristics

Malevolent red eyes, jagged spikes, and crimson veins.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Volcanic regions, blighted lands, dense forests, and corrupted waters.

Average Intelligence

High intelligence, capable of complex strategies.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Darkvision: Much like their black dragon ancestors, black firedrakes possess exceptional darkvision. This ability allows them to see perfectly in darkness, even in pitch-black conditions.   Keen Senses: These creatures possess heightened senses, making them adept at detecting movements and changes in their surroundings. Their acute sense of smell and sharp vision aid them in hunting and tracking prey.   Heat Detection: Black firedrakes can sense heat signatures, allowing them to detect warm-blooded creatures and objects. This thermal perception assists in tracking down hidden adversaries and potential sources of food.   Infernal Intuition: An extrasensory perception inherent in their lineage grants black firedrakes a subtle connection to the chaotic energies of the infernal realm. This enables them to sense disturbances in the magical and metaphysical fabric of their environment.   Breath Weapon Detection: These hybrid creatures can detect the presence of lingering acidic and fiery auras, alerting them to the use of breath weapons or lingering remnants of such attacks.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Symbiotic: Relationships with infernal creatures and dark entities.   Parasitic: Vulnerable to certain infernal parasites.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Draco fraxinus
500-800 years
Conservation Status
Least concern
Average Height
Around 8 to 15 feet at the shoulder when standing on all fours.
Average Weight
Approximately 800 to 1,000 pounds
Average Length
Roughly 18 to 30 feet from the tip of their snout to the end of their tail.
Average Physique
Lithe and agile with powerful wings and spiked spine.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Obsidian black scales with crimson veins.
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