
Nestled on the enchanting island of Ekora, Dragonmist is a city of artisans and shipwrights, renowned for its exquisite craftsmanship and diverse culture. As a vassal state to Thesaris, Dragonmist enjoys a unique blend of autonomy and loyalty. The city is famed for its skilled woodworkers and entertainers, whose creations are sought after across Idorin. With its picturesque landscapes of forests and a lone, towering mountain, Dragonmist offers a serene yet vibrant atmosphere. Its architecture, a harmonious blend of traditional craftsmanship and natural beauty, attracts visitors who marvel at the city's artistic prowess and scenic surroundings. Dragonmist is not just a hub of trade and craftsmanship but also a cultural jewel that celebrates the spirit of creativity and craftsmanship.


Dragonmist is a highly diverse city with a population that includes humans, elves, dwarves, halflings, and a notable number of gnomes and other skilled artisans. The city's diversity is reflected in its cultural richness and the variety of crafts and arts practiced by its inhabitants.


As a vassal state to Thesaris, Dragonmist is governed by a local assembly run by the Steward of Dragonmist, who reports directly to the High Sunrider of Soladerhon. This assembly is composed of representatives from the major guilds, influential families, and notable community leaders who ensure the city’s policies align with the broader interests of Soladerhon while catering to local needs.


Dragonmist is fortified with wooden palisades and stone watchtowers. The harbor is protected by a series of sea walls and defensive structures to prevent naval incursions. The city maintains a well-trained militia and a small contingent of soldiers from Thesaris to ensure its security.

Industry & Trade

Woodworking and Crafts: The primary industries, with products exported across Soladerhon and beyond. Shipbuilding: Another major industry, with Dragonmist-built ships prized for their quality and durability. Entertainment: A thriving sector, drawing visitors to the city for its performances and festivals.


Dragonmist boasts well-planned infrastructure, including cobbled streets, intricate waterways, and bridges that connect the various districts of the city. The city's layout is designed to accommodate its bustling trade and craftsmanship industries, with ample workshops, markets, and residential areas.


Craftsman’s Quarter: The heart of Dragonmist’s woodworking and craftsmanship industry. It is filled with workshops, artisan guilds, and marketplaces selling finely crafted goods. Harbor District: A bustling area where shipbuilding takes place. The docks are lined with shipyards and warehouses, and it is a hub for both trade and travel. Entertainment District: Known for its theaters, taverns, and performance halls, this district is where the city's famed entertainers showcase their talents. Residential Areas: Diverse neighborhoods where the city's inhabitants live, characterized by charming wooden houses and community spaces.


Shipyards: Renowned for their skilled shipwrights, Dragonmist produces some of the finest ships in Soladerhon. Workshops: Home to master craftsmen in woodworking, metalworking, and other artisanal trades. Theaters and Performance Halls: Venues for the city's many talented entertainers.

Points of interest

The Great Shipyard: Where the finest vessels are crafted. The Orion Theater: The main venue for performances and cultural events. Artisan’s Market: A bustling marketplace showcasing the best of Dragonmist's craftsmanship.


Dragonmist attracts tourists with its vibrant cultural scene, beautiful craftsmanship, and lively festivals. Visitors come to see the master artisans at work, enjoy the performances, and purchase unique handcrafted goods.


The city's architecture is a blend of traditional Soladerhon styles with local influences, characterized by wooden structures, intricately carved details, and vibrant facades. Buildings are designed to blend seamlessly with the surrounding natural beauty.


Dragonmist is situated on the large island of Ekora, surrounded by dense forests and nestled at the base of a lone mountain. The city's location offers stunning views and access to rich natural resources. A large man made canal feeds directly from the sea to Dragonmist.


Ekora experiences all four seasons distinctly, contributing to a dynamic and changing landscape. The climate supports the growth of diverse flora, which in turn fuels the city’s woodworking industry.

Natural Resources

Timber: The forests surrounding Dragonmist provide high-quality wood for shipbuilding and crafts. Marine Resources: The coastal waters offer abundant fish and other seafood. Minerals: The nearby mountains are a source of various minerals used in crafting and trade.
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