Eamon Tiberius

Lord Steward Eamon Flaxim Tiberius

Lord Eamon Tiberius, the current Steward of Arthin, is a figure of immense cunning and corruption. Born into the influential Tiberius family, Eamon was groomed from a young age for power, receiving an elite education in politics, diplomacy, and strategy. His reign, marked by over a decade of manipulation and control, has seen him consolidate his power through a vast network of allies, spies, and informants. While his policies have led to economic growth for the elite, they have also sparked unrest and resistance among the lower classes. Eamon's pursuit of power has left him paranoid and anxious, constantly vigilant against betrayal. Known for his piercing blue eyes, sharp intellect, and persuasive oratory, he hides his true nature behind a facade of stability. Despite his accomplishments, his tenure is marred by scandals, failed schemes, and the constant threat of rebellion. Lord Eamon Tiberius’s legacy is one of deceit and control, a stark contrast to the ideals of integrity and honor once upheld by his family.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Eamon Tiberius is in relatively good physical health for his age, maintaining a respectable appearance befitting his status. While not particularly athletic, he ensures he is presentable and maintains a regimen that keeps him fit enough to command respect.

Body Features

Height: Approximately 6 feet (183 cm) Build: Average build, slightly lean with a hint of the rigors of noble life. Skin Tone: Fair, with a slight tan from occasional outdoor activities. Age: Middle-aged, with subtle signs of aging beginning to show.

Facial Features

Eyes: Sharp, piercing blue eyes that convey intelligence and scrutiny. Hair: Dark brown hair, neatly groomed, with a few streaks of gray indicating his age. Facial Hair: Clean-shaven, maintaining a meticulously groomed appearance. Expression: Often carries a composed and authoritative expression, with a slight smirk when he feels in control.

Identifying Characteristics

Eyes: His piercing blue eyes are a notable feature, often described as cold and calculating. Ring: Wears an ornate signet ring bearing the Tiberius family crest, a symbol of his authority. Posture: Maintains an upright and confident posture, exuding an air of superiority.

Physical quirks

Finger Tapping: Frequently taps his fingers rhythmically together when deep in thought or plotting. Smirk: Has a characteristic smirk that appears when he believes he has outmaneuvered someone. Pacing: Often paces when frustrated or anxious, a habit that reveals his underlying restlessness.

Special abilities

Strategic Mind: Highly intelligent and adept at political maneuvering, able to devise complex strategies and schemes. Persuasive Orator: Possesses exceptional oratory skills, capable of swaying opinions and manipulating conversations to his advantage. Network of Spies: Maintains an extensive network of informants and spies, providing him with valuable information and leverage. Psychological Insight: Skilled at reading people and situations, allowing him to exploit weaknesses and predict behaviors.

Apparel & Accessories

Clothing: Dresses in finely tailored clothes befitting his noble status, often in dark, rich colors such as deep blues, blacks, and purples. His attire includes a long, elegant coat with silver embroidery and a high collar.   Accessories: Wears the Tiberius family signet ring on his right hand. Often carries a silver-tipped cane, more for show and status than necessity. Adorns himself with discreet yet valuable jewelry, such as cufflinks and a modest chain.

Specialized Equipment

Signet Ring: The Tiberius family signet ring, used for sealing important documents and asserting his authority. Cane: A silver-tipped cane, symbolic of his status and useful for both walking and as a subtle display of power. Hidden Dagger: Keeps a small, concealed dagger on his person for protection, reflecting his cautious and calculating nature.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lord Eamon Tiberius was born into the prestigious Tiberius family, a lineage with a storied history of leadership and influence in Eldoria. Raised in the opulent halls of the family's ancestral estate, Eamon was groomed from a young age for a life of power and responsibility. He witnessed the political machinations of his father and grandfather, learning the arts of manipulation and control. His ascent to power began with minor roles in local governance, gradually climbing the ranks to become a key advisor in the court of Eldoria. Following the death of Arthinore Aldenheart, Eamon was elected Steward of Arthin, a position he has held for over a decade.


Eamon received a comprehensive education befitting his noble status. He studied under the finest tutors, mastering subjects such as history, political science, economics, and philosophy. Additionally, he was trained in rhetoric and the art of diplomacy, skills that would later serve him well in his political career. Eamon also learned the basics of combat and military strategy, though his true strengths lie in his intellectual and manipulative prowess.


Eamon's career has been entirely within the realm of governance and politics. Starting as a minor official in local administration, he quickly proved his capabilities, earning promotions to more influential positions. His adept handling of political affairs and strategic acumen eventually led to his appointment as Steward of Arthin, where he now wields significant power.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Consolidation of Power: Successfully consolidated his power within the court, neutralizing potential rivals and securing his position. Economic Growth: Implemented policies that increased Eldoria’s wealth, primarily benefiting the upper echelons of society. Political Network: Established a vast network of allies, spies, and informants, ensuring his control over the kingdom’s political landscape. Maintenance of Stability: Maintained a facade of stability and order in Eldoria, despite underlying corruption and unrest.

Failures & Embarrassments

Public Scandals: Several attempts at political reform have backfired, leading to public scandals and increased scrutiny of his rule. Failed Assassinations: Multiple failed attempts to discreetly eliminate rivals have led to increased opposition and paranoia. Internal Unrest: His policies have sparked unrest among the lower classes and those loyal to the late king, leading to periodic rebellions and resistance.

Mental Trauma

Eamon’s relentless pursuit of power and control has taken a toll on his mental health. The constant need for vigilance and the fear of betrayal have led to chronic paranoia. The pressure to maintain his position and the weight of his corrupt actions haunt him, causing bouts of anxiety and insomnia.

Intellectual Characteristics

Highly Intelligent: Possesses a keen intellect, able to devise complex political strategies and schemes. Analytical: Skilled at analyzing situations and people, allowing him to exploit weaknesses and predict behaviors. Persuasive: Exceptional oratory skills, capable of swaying opinions and manipulating conversations to his advantage. Cunning: Naturally deceitful and manipulative, always thinking several steps ahead in the game of power.

Morality & Philosophy

Eamon’s morality is deeply flawed. He believes that the ends justify the means and that power is the ultimate goal. His philosophy centers on the idea that control and dominance are paramount, and he is willing to sacrifice ethics and integrity to achieve his aims. Loyalty, to him, is a tool to be wielded rather than a virtue to be upheld.


Betrayal: Despite his own manipulative nature, Eamon abhors betrayal against himself and considers it an unforgivable sin. Showing Weakness: He despises any display of weakness or vulnerability, both in himself and others, as it undermines his authority. Transparency: Eamon avoids transparency and honesty, seeing them as threats to his control and manipulative tactics. Trusting Others: He is extremely wary of trust, believing that everyone has an ulterior motive.

Personality Characteristics


Lord Eamon Tiberius is driven by a thirst for power and control. His primary motivation is to maintain and expand his influence over Eldoria, using his position to accumulate wealth and manipulate political dynamics to his advantage. Unlike his ancestor, Alaric Tiberius, Eamon is less concerned with the welfare of the kingdom and more focused on securing his legacy and dominance.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Master of political manipulation and intrigue Skilled orator capable of swaying opinions and gathering support Adept at accumulating and managing wealth Strategic thinker with a talent for long-term planning  
Lacks genuine empathy and compassion Poor in direct combat or physical confrontations Struggles to inspire genuine loyalty and respect among those who see through his deceit Limited patience for honest diplomacy and transparent governance

Likes & Dislikes

Power and control over others Wealth and luxurious comforts Political intrigue and strategic maneuvering The fear and respect he commands  
Opposition and rebellion against his authority Genuine, heartfelt loyalty and selflessness in others Transparency and honesty that undermine his schemes The concept of a rightful heir returning to claim the throne

Virtues & Personality perks

Intelligent and highly strategic Persuasive and charming when needed Diligent in managing the kingdom’s resources for his gain Capable of maintaining a facade of stability and competence  
Access to vast wealth and resources A network of spies and informants Strong influence over the kingdom’s political landscape The appearance of a benevolent ruler to the uninformed populace

Vices & Personality flaws

Deeply corrupt and manipulative Greedy and power-hungry Vindictive and ruthless towards perceived threats Prone to bouts of paranoia and mistrust  
Inability to form genuine, trusting relationships Overreliance on manipulation and deceit Alienation of those who see through his facade Risk of exposure and rebellion as his true nature becomes apparent

Personality Quirks

Frequently taps his fingers in a rhythmic pattern when deep in thought or plotting Smirks condescendingly when he believes he has outmaneuvered someone Has a habit of pacing when frustrated or anxious Often adjusts and polishes his ornate signet ring, a symbol of his authority


Eamon maintains impeccable hygiene, reflecting his status and wealth. He takes pride in his appearance, wearing fine clothes and expensive fragrances, and ensures that he is always presentable and commanding in appearance.

Representation & Legacy

Lord Eamon Tiberius is a figure of controversy and fear. To the uninformed, he represents stability and leadership, a continuation of the Tiberius family's legacy. However, those closer to the political heart of Eldoria see him as a corrupt and manipulative ruler, more interested in his power than the kingdom's welfare. His legacy is likely to be one of division and deception, with his tenure marked by political intrigue, hidden corruption, and the eventual struggle for true justice and leadership in Eldoria.



Eamon Tiberius has held the title of Steward of Arthin for over a decade, assuming power shortly after the death of Arthinore Aldenheart. His reign has been marked by political maneuvering, consolidation of power, and a growing sense of unease among those aware of his true nature.

Contacts & Relations

Political Allies: Eamon has cultivated relationships with influential nobles, merchants, and foreign dignitaries who benefit from his rule. Spy Network: Maintains a vast network of spies and informants to keep tabs on potential threats and gather information. Enemies: Faces opposition from those loyal to the late king and those who suspect or know of his corruption, including underground resistance groups. Family: Distant relations with the broader Tiberius family, who may be unaware or complicit in his schemes.

Social Aptitude

Eamon is a master manipulator with high social aptitude, able to charm and persuade those around him. He excels in political settings, using his intelligence and charisma to navigate complex social landscapes and maintain his facade of benevolence.


Taps his fingers rhythmically when plotting or deep in thought. Smirks condescendingly when he believes he has the upper hand. Adjusts and polishes his ornate signet ring frequently. Paces when frustrated or anxious. Speaks with a calm, measured tone, even when discussing disturbing topics.

Hobbies & Pets

Eamon does not keep any pets, likely viewing them as unnecessary distractions.  
Strategic games and puzzles, which he uses to sharpen his mind. Collecting rare and valuable artifacts, often with historical or magical significance. Reading ancient texts and histories, particularly those related to power and governance. Attending and hosting lavish banquets and social events to maintain his influence.


Eamon’s speech is calm, calculated, and often layered with subtle manipulations. He uses a commanding yet measured tone, carefully choosing his words to maintain an aura of authority and intelligence. His ability to weave complex narratives and persuasive arguments makes him a formidable presence in any conversation or negotiation. Despite his corrupt nature, Eamon's speech can be both inspiring and intimidating, depending on his audience and intentions.

Wealth & Financial state

Lord Eamon is extremely wealthy, having amassed significant resources through taxation, control of trade routes, and exploitation of Eldoria’s resources. His wealth allows him to maintain a luxurious lifestyle and fund his various schemes to secure and expand his power.
Current Status
Ruling over Arthin
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord Steward of Arthin Lord of House Tiberius Keeper of the Golden Throne (temporary title until the rightful heir returns)
Currently Held Titles
Current Residence
The White Keep
Long Grey hair
133 lb
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Loyalty is but a tool; wield it wisely, and it will serve you well." "Power is not given, it is taken." "Trust is a currency I do not trade in." "The ends always justify the means."
Known Languages
King's Tongue Celadic


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