
Arthin, the majestic human capital of the country of Eldoria in the world of Idorin, stands as a breathtaking testament to architectural splendor and strategic fortification. Nestled into the rugged side of the Mountains of Ealdor, the city's grandeur is only surpassed by its strategic significance. Arthin exudes an aura of noble heritage and resilient beauty.   The city's most striking feature is its powerful white stone walls that rise like towering sentinels against the mountainous backdrop. The white stone, quarried from the very mountains it clings to, seems to shimmer with a hint of ethereal light, especially in the glow of sunrise or the soft embrace of twilight. These walls are a testament to both the skill of the city's craftsmen and the kingdom's determination to safeguard its heart.   Dominating the skyline is the White Keep, the resplendent palace of the King of Arthin. Rising gracefully amidst the city's tiers, it stands as a symbol of leadership and strength. Its gleaming towers mirror the surrounding peaks, and from its vantage point, the ruler can survey the entirety of the kingdom, from the fertile plains below to the distant horizons. Within the Keep, the Marble Throne awaits, a place of regal authority and decision-making, where the monarch administers justice and contemplates the welfare of the realm.   The city's layout is leveled, with successive tiers of ascending grandeur. Markets, homes, and gardens adorn each tier, a cascade of life and culture that gradually ascends the mountainside. The streets are adorned with banners bearing the sigils of noble houses and the heraldry of the kingdom, each fluttering in the breeze as if echoing the city's vibrant spirit.   Stepping into the courtyard of the Kings, visitors are greeted by the sight of a massive black boulder, a striking juxtaposition against the city's pale walls. This boulder, a silent testament to the challenges and trials that the kingdom has overcome, serves as a reminder of the strength and unity that binds the people of Eldoria.   Minas Arthin, the jewel of Eldoria, embodies the melding of architectural brilliance and nature's majesty. Its white stone walls, towering keep, and picturesque tiers all reflect a kingdom that has risen above the challenges, uniting its history, legacy, and future into one harmonious symphony of splendor and strength.


Human Majority: The majority of Arthin's population consists of humans, reflecting the dominant species in the region.   Noble and Common Folk: The city hosts the aristocracy, including the royal and noble families, within the White Keep and lavish estates. The common folk live on the lower tiers, working in various professions such as artisans, traders, laborers, and more.   Skilled Artisans: With impressive architecture and a focus on craftsmanship, the city is home to skilled stonemasons, architects, artists, and artisans.   Scholars and Sages: Given the city's cultural and political significance, it attracts scholars, philosophers, and advisors who seek knowledge and wish to contribute to the kingdom's progress.   Guardians and Soldiers: The city's location in the Mountains of Ealdor requires a strong contingent of guards, soldiers, and defenders to maintain security.   Religious Devotees: With the Church District home to temples for all deities, religious orders, clergy, and followers are drawn to the city, contributing to its spiritual and moral fabric.   Entertainers and Performers: The city's vibrant tiers attracts entertainers, musicians, actors, and performers who contribute to the cultural scene.   Traders and Merchants: Eldoria's focus on trade and commerce gives Arthin a bustling marketplace, with traders and merchants from various regions.   Families and Generations: The city houses families that have resided there for generations, along with newcomers who seek new opportunities.   Social Hierarchies: The social structure includes a hierarchy of nobility, commoners, and those in specialized roles.


Monarchial Council System   1. King and Queen: Once the grand unifyers of the Eldorian Empire, uniting the dwarves, elves and humans. The King of Arthin is the rightful heir to Eldoria. However years without a King has turned the once great capital city into a puppet for the social elite.   2. The Steward of Arthin: Taking over the responsibilities of the King, the Steward of Arthin is a mere placeholder for the monarchy, when the true heir returns with the pendant of Arthinore, or if someone removes the Sword of Arthinore from the Black Rock, the Steward must step down.   2. Marble Council: Supporting the monarch is a council of advisors, the Marble Council. Comprising experienced nobles, scholars, and experts from various fields, this council assists the monarch in making informed decisions. Each council member might oversee a specific department, such as foreign affairs, treasury, defense, and more.   3. Noble Families: The 10 noble families of Eldoria hold significant influence in the city's governance. The heads of each family serve as advisors to the monarch and members of the Marble Council, contributing to policy-making and representing the interests of their houses.   4. Departmental Ministries: Under the Marble Council, departmental ministries oversee various aspects of governance, including foreign affairs, treasury, defense, justice, trade, and more. Each ministry is led by a capable minister who reports to the Marble Council and works closely with the monarch.   5. City Councils: To ensure representation and local administration, different tiers of the city might have their own councils that address local issues and report to the central government.   6. Arthin Sentinels: Given the city's strategic location, military commanders play a crucial role in its defense. They work closely with the monarch and the Marble Council to ensure the city's security.   7. Guilds and Organizations: Guilds, religious orders, and other organizations contribute to the governance structure, offering specialized expertise and guidance.   8. Citizens' Participation: The government has mechanisms for citizen participation, such as town hall meetings and appointed representatives, allowing the voice of the common folk to be heard.


Impenetrable Walls: The city's most prominent defense is its towering white stone walls that encircle the city. Reinforced with sturdy materials, these walls are designed to withstand attacks and provide a formidable barrier against potential invaders.   Guard Towers: Positioned at regular intervals along the walls, guard towers offer vantage points for archers and guards to monitor the surroundings and provide swift responses to threats.   Strategic Fortifications: Specific sections of the walls are reinforced with additional layers, battlements, and fortifications, creating strongpoints for defenders.   Gatehouses: The city's entrances are fortified with gatehouses equipped with portcullises, drawbridges, and defensive mechanisms to control access.   Guard Posts: Guard posts and checkpoints are scattered throughout the city, ensuring a constant presence of guards and enabling rapid responses to security issues.   Raven Archers and Ballistae: The highly skilled Raven Archers man the walls and towers around the white keep, ready to rain arrows down on approaching enemies. Ballistae and other siege weaponry is positioned at strategic points to defend against siege engines.   Militia and Professional Guard: Trained guards and soldiers form a disciplined force responsible for the city's protection. The militia, made up of able-bodied citizens, can be called upon to bolster the defense during emergencies.   Beacon Towers: Tall towers equipped with signal fires serve as a communication network to transmit important alerts and messages between Arthin and outlying settlements.   Civic Defense Plan: The city has a well-thought-out plan in place for civilians to seek shelter and safety during an attack in bunkers under the city, ensuring order and protection for the population.   Height Advantage: The city's elevated position within the mountains offers a natural advantage, making it more challenging for attackers to approach and mount an assault.   Surveillance and Reconnaissance: Blackvine Scouts and observers stationed at higher points provide intelligence on enemy movements, allowing the city to respond proactively.   Emergency Barricades: Streets and alleys within the city might have pre-built barricades that can be quickly erected to block off access and hinder enemy advancement.

Industry & Trade

Stonemasonry and Architecture: The city's distinctive white stone walls, buildings, and monuments are a testament to the skilled stonemasons and architects who work within the city. This industry contributes to the city's unique aesthetic and its reputation as a cultural center.   Craftsmanship: Arthin is home to skilled artisans who create intricate works of art, jewelry, pottery, and other crafts. These crafts are sought after both locally and in distant markets.   Armor and Weaponry: The city's focus on defense leads to a thriving industry in armor crafting, weapon forging, and blacksmithing. Arthin's armories provide not only for its own defenses but also supply arms to other parts of the kingdom.   Textiles and Garments: Weavers and tailors produce a range of textiles, clothing, and accessories, catering to both practical needs and fashion.   Shipbuilding and Maritime Equipment: The city's proximity to waterways supports a shipbuilding industry, producing vessels for trade, exploration, and defense. Additionally, the production of maritime equipment such as ropes, sails, and navigation tools is crucial.   Alchemical and Herbal Goods: Alchemists and herbalists might create potions, remedies, and other alchemical products that are in demand both within the city and beyond.   Trade:   Crossroads of Trade: Arthin's central location makes it a hub for trade routes that crisscross Eldoria. Merchants from various regions converge on the city to exchange goods, making it a melting pot of cultures.   Luxury Goods: The city's skilled craftsmen produce high-quality luxury goods like fine jewelry, ornate garments, and intricate artwork that are sought after by nobility and collectors.   Raw Materials: The city's proximity to the mountains might lead to the extraction of minerals, precious metals, and gems, which are then processed and traded.   Agricultural Products: While the city itself might not have extensive farmlands, it could serve as a trading hub for agricultural products like grains, fruits, and livestock from the surrounding regions.   Exotic Imports: Arthin's vibrant trade network allows it to import exotic goods and resources from distant lands, enriching its markets and culture.   Cultural and Religious Artifacts: The city's religious importance and cultural heritage might lead to the production and trade of artifacts, relics, and religious items.   Maps and Navigational Tools: Given the city's maritime connections, maps, navigational instruments, and charts could be produced and traded.   Entertainment and Literature: The city's cultural scene might lead to the trade of books, scrolls, plays, and other forms of entertainment.


Roads and Streets: The city's layout features well-structured roads and streets that wind their way through the tiers, connecting various districts and facilitating transportation.   Grand Gates: The entrances to the city are marked by grand gates, fortified with strong materials and guard towers to ensure security.   Walls and Defensive Structures: The city's impressive white stone walls are a defining feature, offering protection against potential threats. Guard towers and fortified sections along the walls provide strategic vantage points.   Bridges and Walkways: Bridges span gaps between tiers, allowing people to move easily between levels. Walkways with balustrades offer safe pedestrian paths along the terraces.   Staircases and Elevators: Staircases carved into the stone and elevators powered by pulley systems help residents navigate the city's vertical layout.   Water Systems: The city features an advanced water management system, with aqueducts and channels designed to bring fresh water from mountain streams to fountains, baths, and homes.   Sewerage and Waste Disposal: Sophisticated sewer systems ensure proper waste disposal, with channels leading waste away from the city to avoid contamination.   Markets and Bazaars: Each tier houses bustling markets where goods from all over Eldoria are sold.   White Keep and Palace: The White Keep, housing the palace of the King of Arthin, stands as the heart of the city, a magnificent edifice adorned with statues of past kings and strong marble architechture.   Marble Throne: Inside the palace, the Marble Throne serves as the seat of royal authority, where the king or queen makes significant decisions and declarations.   Public Buildings: Libraries, courthouses, academies, and administrative buildings are scattered throughout the tiers, contributing to the city's educational and administrative functions.   Temples and Religious Centers: Arthin's Church District houses grand temples dedicated to various deities, reflecting the spiritual diversity of Eldoria.   Residential Areas: Residential districts on each tier include houses, apartments, and communal spaces where citizens live, work, and interact.   Entertainment Venues: The city boast theaters, arenas, and other venues for cultural and recreational activities.   Guard Posts and Barracks: Guard posts and barracks are strategically located to ensure swift response to any security threats.   Workshops and Guild Halls: Craftsmen and artisans have dedicated workshops, with guild halls serving as centers for their respective professions.   Parks and Gardens: Amid the urban landscape, green spaces, gardens, and parks offer places for relaxation and reflection.   Beacon Towers: High towers with signal fires serve as a means of communication and alert between the city and outlying areas.


Noble Quarter: Home to the grand estates of noble families, including the White Keep. Lavish residences, elegant gardens, and opulent architecture define this area.   Artisan Enclave: Filled with workshops and ateliers, this district is where skilled craftsmen and artisans create their masterpieces, from stonemasonry to fine arts.   Scholar's Haven: Libraries, academies, and centers of learning are concentrated in this district, fostering intellectual pursuits and scholarly endeavors.   Entertainment District: Hosting theaters, amphitheaters, performance venues, taverns, inns, and brothels, this district is a hub for entertainment, plays, music, and cultural events.   Gardener's Quarter: A network of gardens, parks, and arboretums offers serene spaces for relaxation and leisure.   Market Row: A collection of smaller marketplaces and bazaars that specialize in unique goods, curiosities, and exotic imports.   Silverstrand Market: A bustling hub for local artisans and tradespeople, offering a wide array of goods crafted by skilled hands.   Merchant's Haven: The heart of trade and commerce, featuring bustling markets, merchant stalls, and a diverse array of goods. Focused on trade, this district is where merchants from different regions come to exchange goods, fostering commerce and cultural exchange.   Citizen's Quarter: The heart of the city, where common citizens live and work. It includes residential areas, local shops, and community spaces.   Guardian's Hold: Houses the city's guard posts, armories, and military training facilities, ensuring the city's security.   Lighthouse Outlook: Positioned at a higher tier, this district serves as a lookout point and beacon tower, offering breathtaking views and communication.   Crafter's Lane: A network of narrow streets lined with workshops, boutiques, and studios, showcasing unique and specialized goods.   Navigator's Point: Dedicated to navigation and exploration, this district hosts the offices of ship captains, explorers, and mapmakers, reflecting the city's maritime connections.   Church District: Featuring grand temples and places of worship dedicated to various deities, fostering spiritual devotion and reflection.

Guilds and Factions

The Raven Archers Knights of Nidses The Iron Brotherhood The Sons of Creation The Marble Council


The Sacking of Olinth (340 BA): Tragedy struck when the Storm Giants of Frostfel invaded the previous capital, Olinth. The city was razed, and its citizens, including the ten founders, faced a dire threat. Forced into retreat, they sought refuge in the Ealdor mountains, where their final stand would be made.   The Heroic Victory: Atop what would later become the Whitestone Keep, Arthinore Aldenheart led his people in a climactic battle against the Storm Giants. In a legendary showdown, Arthinore's blade clashed with the leader of the giants, Maag Thunderfist. Through valor, strategy, and unwavering determination, Arthinore emerged victorious, slaying Maag Thunderfist, scaring his followers away, and securing the safety of his people.   Rise of a King and a City: Arthinore's triumph on the battlefield marked his ascension to the throne as King of Eldoria. In honor of their victory and the new era they were ushering in, the city of Arthin was officially founded. The Whitestone Keep, where the final confrontation took place, stood as a testament to their resilience and unity.   Monument of Remembrance: As a reminder of the sacrifices made and the lives lost during the sacking of Olinth and the battle against the Storm Giants, a massive black boulder was left as a monument. This boulder serves as a poignant symbol of both the city's origins and its unwavering spirit.

Points of interest

Whitestone Keep: This iconic fortress atop the city houses the palace of the King of Eldoria. It stands as a symbol of strength and resilience, marking the site where King Arthinore Aldenheart defeated Maag Thunderfist, leader of the Storm Giants.   Marble Throne: Housed within the White Keep, the Marble Throne is where the King of Eldoria makes important decisions and holds audiences with advisors and dignitaries.   Founders' Plaza: A central courtyard outside Whitestone Keep adorned with statues of the ten founders of Arthin surrounding the Black Boulder. It serves as a reminder of their vision and unity.   Astralveli Library: Named after Gauline Astralveli, this renowned library houses a vast collection of scrolls, manuscripts, and tomes, making it a hub of knowledge and learning.   Silverstrand Market: This bustling marketplace, named after Garrat Silverstrand, is a hub of commerce where merchants from across Eldoria gather to trade a wide array of goods.   Ravenwing Park: A serene park dedicated to Grimláf Ravenwing, offering green spaces, fountains, and a peaceful atmosphere for residents and visitors.   Blackvine Citadel: Named after Reynfred Blackvine, this citadel houses the city's intelligence and security operations. It's a strategic hub for safeguarding the city's interests.   Hawthorn Sanctuary: Ererch Hawthorn's namesake sanctuary is a religious center that attracts devotees and pilgrims. It houses sacred artifacts and provides a tranquil space for reflection.   Larethor Bastion: Named after Éadmód Larethor, this bastion stands as a defensive outpost and training ground for the city's forces, showcasing the legacy of Larethor's military leadership.   Silverhart Exchange: Named after Chevalier Silverhart, this is the heart of Arthin's trade district, where merchants negotiate deals and exchange goods in a bustling environment.   Vaeltigar Outlook: Named after Raevar Vaeltigar, this high tower offers panoramic views of the city and surrounding landscapes, doubling as a communication point.   Aldenheart Plaza: A grand square dedicated to the Aldenheart family, featuring a statue of King Arthinore Aldenheart, and hosting cultural events and celebrations.   Guardian's Hall: A museum and tribute to the city's defenders, where visitors can learn about the history of Arthin's military and its heroes.   Artisan's Enclave: A district dedicated to artisans and craftsmen, featuring workshops, galleries, and boutiques showcasing their creations.   Temple Row: The main street in the Church District lined with grand temples dedicated to The Major Gods.


Cultural and Historical Exploration: Tourists are drawn to Arthin to explore its historic sites, including the Whitestone Keep where King Arthinore defeated the Storm Giants. The Astralveli Library attracts scholars and enthusiasts seeking knowledge. Visitors can learn about the city's founding and its founders through guided tours and interactive exhibits.   Architectural Marvels: The city's Gondorian-like architecture, white stone walls, and grand structures are a sight to behold. Tourists marvel at the White Keep, Marble Throne, and the meticulously crafted statues and monuments dedicated to the city's founders.   Cultural Festivals and Events: Arthin hosts various cultural festivals, celebrating art, music, literature, and more. These events provide immersive experiences for tourists, allowing them to interact with locals, participate in cultural activities, and enjoy performances.   Craftsmanship and Artisan Workshops: Tourists have the opportunity to visit Crafter's Enclave, where they can observe skilled artisans at work, purchase unique crafts, and even take part in workshops to learn traditional crafts.   Religious Pilgrimages: The Hawthorn Sanctuary and other temples in the city attract pilgrims seeking spiritual connection. Visitors partake in religious ceremonies, view sacred artifacts, and find solace in the serene ambiance of these places of worship.   Culinary Delights: Arthin's diverse culinary scene offers tourists a taste of local cuisine influenced by various regions. Market stalls, cafes, and restaurants serve traditional dishes using locally sourced ingredients.   Guided Tours and Storytelling: Local guides offer insightful tours, weaving tales of the city's history, legends, and prominent figures. Storytelling sessions and guided walks immerse tourists in the narrative of Arthin.   Scenic Views and Photography: Vaeltigar Outlook and other elevated points provide breathtaking panoramic views of the city and its surroundings. Tourists capture these vistas through photography and paintings.   Educational Experiences: Educational institutions like the Astralveli Library and Scholar's Haven offer tourists opportunities to attend lectures, workshops, and discussions on a wide range of topics.   Souvenir Shopping: Marketplaces like Silverstrand Market and artisan boutiques offer a plethora of souvenirs, from handcrafted jewelry to books, allowing tourists to take a piece of Arthin's culture back with them.


White Stone Construction: The city's most distinctive feature is its use of high-quality white stone, quarried from nearby mountains. This stone is a hallmark of Arthin's architecture, giving the city its luminous appearance.   City Walls and Defenses: The imposing white stone walls encircling the city are not only functional defenses but also impressive architectural feats. Crenellations, battlements, and watchtowers add both aesthetic appeal and practicality.   Grand Gatehouses: The entrances to Arthin are guarded by grand gatehouses featuring intricate carvings, sturdy gates, and mechanisms for controlling access. These gatehouses showcase the city's commitment to both security and elegance.   Elevated Architecture: Due to the mountainous terrain, Arthin's buildings are often built on terraced levels, creating a stunning tiered effect. This elevation also grants strategic advantage and breathtaking views.   Gothic Arches: Pointed Gothic arches are a prevalent architectural motif throughout the city. They adorn doorways, windows, and entrances, adding an air of elegance and sophistication.   Towers and Spires: Arthin's skyline is punctuated by tall towers, spires, and cupolas, contributing to its regal appearance and offering vantage points for city views.   Courtyards and Gardens: Amid the urban landscape, internal courtyards and gardens provide tranquil spaces. Fountains, sculptures, and greenery are often found within these areas.   Ornate Facades: Buildings often feature ornate facades with intricate carvings, reliefs, and decorative motifs. These designs celebrate the city's history, culture, and the stories of its founders.   Palatial Residences: Nobles' estates and the White Keep itself exhibit palatial grandeur, with expansive chambers, grand halls, and opulent interiors.   Colonnades and Pillars: Colonnades with rows of pillars provide sheltered walkways and architectural elegance, especially in public squares and important thoroughfares.   Stained Glass Windows: Places of worship, libraries, and other significant buildings feature stained glass windows depicting historical events, religious scenes, and city emblems.   Balconies and Terraces: Balconies and terraces offer places to observe city life or enjoy vistas. They often feature ornamental railings and provide a connection between interior spaces and the outdoors.   Symmetry and Harmony: Architecture in Arthin often emphasizes symmetry and harmony in its layout and design, conveying a sense of order and balance.


Mountainous Terrain: Arthin is nestled within the Mountains of Ealdor, which provides natural protection and a strategic advantage. The city is built into the side of these mountains, utilizing their elevation for defensive purposes.   Elevated Position: The city's elevation grants it sweeping views of its surroundings and allows for effective surveillance. It also contributes to the city's unique tiered architecture, with different levels built into the mountainside.   Rivers and Waterways: While not directly located near large bodies of water, Arthin benefits from nearby rivers and waterways, facilitating trade and communication with other settlements via water routes.   Strategic Passes: The Mountains of Ealdor are home to strategic passes and routes that connect Arthin to other regions. These routes have contributed to the city's role as a trade hub.   Defensive Advantage: The mountainous terrain serves as a natural barrier against invading forces, making it easier for the city to defend itself against potential threats.   Natural Resources: The mountainous surroundings offers resources such as minerals, ores, and precious gems, which could contribute to the city's economy and craftsmanship.   Climate: The altitude and mountainous environment could contribute to Arthin's climate, leading to cooler temperatures and potentially more precipitation than lower-lying areas.   Scenic Beauty: The city's location provides stunning scenic views, with mountains, valleys, fields, and rivers contributing to the picturesque landscape.   Access to Resources: While the mountains may not be conducive to extensive agriculture, the city can benefit from the resources within the fields provided by the surrounding landscape.   Trade Routes: The strategic positioning of Arthin allows it to control and benefit from trade routes passing through the Mountains of Ealdor, enhancing its economic importance.


Cool Temperate Climate: Arthin experiences a cool temperate climate due to its mountainous location. The elevation contributes to cooler temperatures, especially compared to lower-lying areas.   Mild Summers: Summers in Arthin tend to be relatively mild and pleasant. The higher altitude helps to moderate temperatures, preventing excessively hot weather. Visitors and residents alike can enjoy comfortable temperatures during the daytime, making outdoor activities enjoyable.   Crisp Autumns: Autumn brings cooler temperatures and the changing of foliage in the surrounding forests. The crisp air and vibrant colors create a picturesque atmosphere, enhancing the city's natural beauty.   Chilly Winters: Winters in Arthin can be chilly, with the mountainous terrain contributing to colder temperatures. Snowfall is possible, especially in the higher elevations, transforming the city into a winter wonderland.   Moderate Springs: Spring sees a gradual warming of temperatures as the snow melts away. As the city comes to life with blooming flowers and budding trees, the climate becomes moderate and pleasant.   Varied Precipitation: The mountainous environment can lead to varied precipitation patterns. Rainfall is relatively consistent throughout the year, while snowfall is more likely during the winter months, adding to the city's charm.   Frequent Fog and Mist: Due to its elevation, Arthin might experience frequent fog and mist, especially in the early morning and late evening. This atmospheric effect adds a touch of mystery and ethereal beauty to the city.

Natural Resources

Stone: The white stone used in Arthin's architecture is a valuable resource extracted from quarries in the nearby mountains. It's not only used for construction but also for decorative carvings and sculptures.   Minerals and Ores: The mountainous terrain harbors various minerals and ores, such as iron, copper, silver, and gold. These resources can contribute to crafting, blacksmithing, and economic activities.   Gems: Precious gems like sapphires, emeralds, and diamonds are found in the mountains, serving as both valuable commodities and decorative elements in jewelry and art.   Timber: The surrounding forests provide timber for construction, crafting, and fuel, supporting both the city's infrastructure and its artisanal endeavors.   Herbs and Medicinal Plants: The diverse flora of the mountains include a variety of herbs and plants with medicinal properties, contributing to apothecaries, alchemy, and healing practices.   Freshwater Resources: Streams, rivers, and springs originating in the mountains offer freshwater resources for the city's inhabitants and agricultural needs.   Wildlife: The mountains are home to diverse wildlife, providing opportunities for hunting and animal-based resources such as fur, leather, and meat.   Scenic Beauty: The natural beauty of the mountains themselves, with their breathtaking vistas, could be considered a valuable resource, attracting tourists and inspiring artists.   Clay and Minerals for Pottery: The surrounding landscapes provides clay and other minerals suitable for pottery and ceramics, contributing to local craftsmanship.   Fertile Soil: In lower-lying areas around the city, the soil is fertile and suitable for some forms of agriculture, contributing to food production.   Fresh Air and Clean Water: The high altitude and mountainous environment provides fresh, clean air and pristine water sources, which are valuable resources for the health and well-being of the population.


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