
Exilica, with its strategic location, robust infrastructure, and vibrant economy, stands as the largest and most important city in Faerun. Its rich cultural heritage, scenic beauty, and dynamic trade make it a vital hub in the southeastern corner of Idorin, offering both residents and visitors a unique blend of opportunity and charm.


Exilica is a diverse and bustling city with a population of around 20,000 inhabitants. The city's population is a mix of various races, including humans, elves, dwarves, and a small number of other races such as gnomes and halflings. The diversity reflects its status as a major trade hub and a colonial outpost of the Eastern Aridorian Empire.


Exilica is governed as a colonial city under the control of the Eastern Aridorian Empire. The city is overseen by a governor appointed by the empire, who manages the city's administration, law enforcement, and trade regulations. The governor is supported by a council of local representatives who handle day-to-day governance and address the needs of the citizens.


Exilica is well-defended to protect against external threats:   City Walls: Tall stone walls encircle the city, providing a formidable barrier against invaders. Fortifications: The city features several forts and watchtowers strategically placed to monitor and defend key points. Garrison: A well-trained and equipped garrison ensures the city's security and maintains order.

Industry & Trade

The city's economy is driven by various industries and trade:   Trade: Exilica serves as a major trade hub, with goods flowing in and out of the city via its harbor and overland routes. Craftsmanship: Skilled artisans produce high-quality goods, including textiles, pottery, and metalwork. Fishing: The coastal location supports a thriving fishing industry, providing fresh seafood to the city and for export.


Exilica boasts well-developed infrastructure to support its large population and bustling trade:   Roads and Bridges: Paved roads and sturdy bridges facilitate easy movement within the city and connect it to surrounding areas. Water Supply: An advanced aqueduct system and numerous wells ensure a reliable supply of fresh water. Public Services: The city has public buildings such as a town hall, market squares, schools, and hospitals to cater to the needs of its residents.


Exilica is divided into several distinct districts, each with its unique character and purpose:   Market District: The commercial heart of the city, filled with shops, stalls, and bazaars where traders sell a wide variety of goods. Residential District: This area houses the majority of the population, with a mix of modest homes and more affluent residences. Harbor District: Located along the coast, this district handles maritime trade and features docks, warehouses, and shipyards. Industrial District: Home to workshops, factories, and other manufacturing facilities, this district produces goods for local use and export. Military District: Contains the barracks, training grounds, and fortifications that house the city's garrison and protect the city.


Exilica's assets include:   Strategic Location: Its position on the southwestern coast of Faerun makes it a vital trade hub and gateway to the continent. Skilled Workforce: A diverse and skilled population supports various industries and crafts. Natural Harbor: The city's natural harbor facilitates maritime trade and commerce.

Points of interest

Exilica features several notable locations that attract both locals and visitors:   Governor's Palace: The official residence of the city’s governor, an impressive building that also serves as the administrative center. Great Bazaar: A bustling market where traders from across Idorin and beyond come to sell their wares. Temple of the Sea: A grand temple dedicated to the sea god, a place of worship and a significant cultural landmark.


Tourism in Exilica is growing, attracting visitors with its vibrant culture and scenic location:   Historic Tours: Visitors can explore the city's rich history, including the Governor's Palace and other historic sites. Market Experience: The Great Bazaar offers a lively and colorful experience for tourists seeking unique goods and local crafts. Coastal Beauty: The city's coastal location provides opportunities for beach outings, boat tours, and water sports.


The architecture of Exilica reflects a blend of colonial and local styles:   Stone Buildings: Most structures are built from local stone, featuring ornate facades and sturdy construction. Colonial Influence: The architecture includes elements such as arches, courtyards, and tiled roofs, reflecting the influence of the Eastern Aridorian Empire. Public Squares: Open squares and plazas are common, serving as communal spaces for gatherings and markets.


Exilica is situated on the southwestern coast of Faerun, with a natural harbor that supports its maritime activities. The surrounding landscape includes fertile plains and coastal cliffs, providing scenic views and rich agricultural land.


The climate of Exilica is temperate and maritime:   Mild Winters: Winters are mild, with occasional rain and cool temperatures. Warm Summers: Summers are warm and sunny, ideal for outdoor activities and tourism. Sea Breezes: Constant sea breezes help moderate the temperature and keep the air fresh.

Natural Resources

Exilica benefits from abundant natural resources:   Fertile Soil: The surrounding plains are fertile, supporting agriculture and providing ample food supplies. Fishing Waters: The coastal waters are rich in fish and other seafood. Timber and Stone: Nearby forests and quarries supply timber and stone for construction and craftsmanship.
Large city
Location under


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