Haunting Death

Haunting Death is a lethal poison distilled from the venom of the Umbralith Death Adder, augmented with a blend of rare and potent ingredients. This deadly concoction is known for its delayed yet inevitable lethality. Upon administering the poison, the victim shows no immediate symptoms, leading them to believe they have escaped harm. However, exactly 24 hours after exposure, the victim succumbs to the poison, dropping dead with no warning. Haunting Death is a favored tool among assassins and spies, prized for its subtlety and effectiveness. The process of creating Haunting Death requires immense skill and precision, involving the careful extraction and combination of Dragon's Blood Resin, Etherium Dust, Mandrake Root, Nightshade Essence, Widow's Tear Flowers, and the venom of the Umbralith Death Adder. This poison is exceedingly rare and commands a high price in the black market, making it accessible only to those with significant resources and expertise.   To successfully create Haunting Death using the provided ingredients, a character would need to make a series of skill checks. These checks will test the character's knowledge, dexterity, and ability to handle dangerous and rare components. Here's a breakdown of the necessary checks:  

Skill Checks

Arcana (Intelligence) Check:

Purpose: To understand the magical properties of the ingredients and how they interact.   Difficulty Class (DC): 18   Reason: Mixing magical components like Dragon's Blood Resin, Shadow Lotus Petals, and Etherium Dust requires a deep understanding of arcane principles.  

Nature (Intelligence) Check:

Purpose: To identify and properly prepare natural ingredients such as Mandrake Root, Nightshade Essence, Blackthorn Bark, and Frostcap Mushroom Spores.   DC: 16   Reason: Properly harvesting and processing these natural ingredients is critical to avoid losing potency or causing unintended effects.  

Herbalism Kit (Wisdom) Check:

  Purpose: To use the Herbalism Kit effectively in extracting and preparing the ingredients.   DC: 14   Reason: The Herbalism Kit is essential for properly handling and processing the delicate components like Widow's Tear Flowers and Elven Moonleaf Extract.  

Poisoner's Kit (Dexterity) Check:

Purpose: To safely distill the venom from the Umbralith Death Adder and combine it with the other ingredients without causing accidental harm or reducing the poison's effectiveness.   DC: 20   Reason: The process of distillation and combination is highly dangerous and requires precision.  

Alchemist's Supplies (Intelligence) Check:

Purpose: To perform the alchemical procedures necessary to blend the ingredients into a stable, effective poison.   DC: 18   Reason: Alchemy is required to ensure the poison's properties are correctly balanced and the delayed effect is maintained.  

Additional Considerations

Tool Proficiency: Proficiency in Herbalism Kit, Poisoner's Kit, and Alchemist's Supplies would add the character’s proficiency bonus to the corresponding checks.   Assistance: Having an assistant proficient in these tools can provide advantage on one or more of the checks.   Resource Availability: Access to a well-stocked alchemical lab or a place of power, like an Alchemist's workshop, could lower the DC of all checks by 2.  

Example Process

  • Arcana Check to understand the interaction between magical ingredients.
  • Nature Check to identify and prepare natural components.
  • Herbalism Kit Check to extract and prepare plant-based ingredients.
  • Poisoner’s Kit Check to safely distill the venom and combine it with other ingredients.
  • Alchemist’s Supplies Check to perform the final alchemical procedures and ensure stability and potency.

Failure Consequences:

Minor Failure (by 1-4): Reduced potency, lowering the DC of the poison by 2.   Moderate Failure (by 5-9): The poison loses its delayed effect and causes immediate symptoms.   Major Failure (by 10+): The mixture becomes unstable, potentially causing an explosion or releasing toxic fumes, resulting in damage or poisoning to the creator.   Creating Haunting Death is a complex and dangerous task requiring a high level of skill and precision, reflecting its deadly nature and the difficulty in harnessing the venom of the Umbralith Death Adder.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Haunting Death Effects



  Poison Level: 10   Potency: Extremely lethal  

Immediate Effects:

  Neurotoxic Impact: The poison causes intense pain and muscle spasms immediately upon injection. The target must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1d4 rounds.   Hemotoxic Effects: The poison causes severe swelling and bruising around the bite area. The target takes 3d6 poison damage upon injection.  

Short-Term Effects:

  Severe Pain and Swelling: The bite area becomes extremely painful and swollen, with significant bruising and discoloration. The target has disadvantage on all Strength and Dexterity-based ability checks for 1d4 hours.   Systemic Toxicity: The poison induces severe nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and profuse sweating. The target must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1d4 hours. While poisoned in this way, the target has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks.  

Long-Term Effects:

  Delayed Mortality: The poison is exceptionally lethal, with a delayed effect. The target must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw 24 hours after the initial bite. On a failed save, the target drops to 0 hit points and is dying. On a successful save, the target takes 6d6 poison damage but remains conscious.   Tissue Necrosis: Extensive tissue damage and necrosis occur around the bite site. The target takes 2d6 necrotic damage each hour for 1d4 hours after the bite.   Permanent Damage: The poison may cause permanent damage, including persistent muscle weakness, numbness, tremors, and coordination issues. These effects require a Greater Restoration spell or similar magic to cure.  

Antidote and Treatment:

  Antidote: Immediate administration of a specific antidote within the first hour can neutralize the poison's effects. The antidote requires a successful DC 15 Medicine check to administer.   Supportive Care: Comprehensive supportive care, including pain management and respiratory support, is necessary. A successful DC 15 Medicine check can ease symptoms and grant advantage on saving throws to resist further effects.   Wound Care: Proper cleaning and dressing of the bite site are essential to prevent secondary infections. Healing magic, such as Lesser Restoration or Cure Wounds, can help mitigate the damage.  


  Timely Treatment: With prompt medical intervention, the prognosis for surviving a Haunting Death bite is good, but long-term care is often necessary to address the lingering effects.   Delayed Treatment: Without immediate treatment, the poison is almost invariably fatal. Survivors may suffer permanent physical and neurological damage.

Manufacturing process


  The venom is carefully extracted from the fangs of a captured Umbralith Death Adder using enchanted syringes designed to prevent accidental envenomation.


  The raw venom is then taken to an alchemist who uses a combination of magical and traditional alchemical processes to distill the venom into its purest, most potent form. This involves heating the venom to specific temperatures to remove impurities while maintaining its lethality.


  The distilled venom is then carefully measured and poured into reinforced glass vials using precision tools. The vials are sealed with cork stoppers and wax to ensure the poison is secure.


  Each batch of Haunting Death is tested for potency and purity. This involves using small amounts on controlled subjects to ensure the venom retains its delayed lethality.

Labeling and Storage:

  The vials are labeled with warnings and details about the venom. They are then stored in secure, climate-controlled environments to prevent degradation.
Item type
Extremely rare. The Umbralith Death Adder is elusive, and extracting venom without being bitten is a perilous task.
Each vial of Haunting Death contains approximately 10 milliliters of the distilled poison.
The vials are typically 3 inches in height and 1 inch in diameter, made of reinforced glass to ensure the containment of the venom's potency.
Base Price
1,000-5,000 gold pieces
Raw materials & Components
Umbralith Death Adder Venom: The primary and most critical ingredient, extracted directly from the fangs of the Umbralith Death Adder.   Mandrake Root Extract: Enhances the venom's absorption into the bloodstream, ensuring its lethality.   Nightshade Essence: Adds to the poison's potency and ensures the delayed effect, contributing to the 24-hour death period.   Dragon's Blood Resin: A rare alchemical stabilizer that helps preserve the venom's potency over time.   Shadow Lotus Petals: A mystical component that infuses the poison with arcane energy, enhancing its lethality.   Blackthorn Bark: Provides a binding agent that helps blend the various ingredients seamlessly.   Frostcap Mushroom Spores: Used in the distillation process to purify the venom and remove impurities without reducing its potency.   Etherium Dust: A magical catalyst that activates the venom's delayed lethality, ensuring the victim feels no immediate effects.   Crushed Widow's Tear Flowers: An ingredient that masks any initial symptoms of the poison, preventing early detection.   Elven Moonleaf Extract: Enhances the poison's ability to bypass the body's natural defenses, ensuring it reaches vital organs.
Specialized tools are required to safely extract, distill, and bottle the venom. These include enchanted gloves, precision syringes, alchemical distillation apparatus, and secure containment units for handling the venom.


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