Herbalism Kit

An Herbalism Kit is an essential tool for those skilled in the art of plant-based remedies and alchemy. Comprising a variety of components such as clippers, a mortar and pestle, glass jars, and pouches, this kit enables adventurers to harvest, prepare, and preserve plant materials. Accessible in most towns and cities, and often found in the possession of apothecaries and herbalists, the kit's utility spans a wide range of applications. From creating healing potions and antitoxins to brewing potent poisons and soothing salves, the herbalism kit proves invaluable. Its usage requires proficiency and knowledge of botany, making it moderately complex to wield effectively. The manufacturing process involves meticulous preparation and sometimes lengthy crafting times, depending on the item being produced. Socially, herbalists are respected for their ability to provide non-magical healing and remedies, although their capacity to concoct deadly poisons can also engender fear and suspicion in certain communities.


An herbalism kit is incredibly versatile, allowing characters to create a range of useful items. These include:  
  • Healing Potions: Restores hit points to injured allies.
  • Antitoxins: Provides resistance or immunity to certain poisons.
  • Poultices and Salves: Helps treat wounds and conditions like burns or frostbite.
  • Poisons: Can be used offensively against enemies.
  • Herbal Remedies: Treats various ailments or grants temporary benefits, such as increased endurance or resistance to environmental hazards.


Manufacturing items with an herbalism kit involves collecting ingredients, preparing them correctly, and sometimes combining them in precise ways. This process often requires a combination of foraging for rare plants and having a suitable space to work, such as a laboratory or a safe campsite. The time and effort involved depend on the complexity of the item being crafted. Basic remedies might be quick to prepare, while more powerful potions or poisons could take hours or even days.

Social Impact

Herbalism kits have a significant social impact, especially in communities where access to magical healing is limited. Skilled herbalists are highly valued for their ability to provide medical care and treat ailments using natural resources. In some societies, herbalism is a respected and ancient tradition, often intertwined with local customs and rituals. However, the ability to create poisons can also lead to distrust or fear, especially in regions where such practices are outlawed or viewed with suspicion.
Access & Availability
Herbalism kits are relatively common and can be found in most towns and cities. They are often sold by apothecaries, herbalists, and general stores. Adventurers might also find them in the wild, particularly in areas with a rich variety of plant life. They can be crafted by skilled herbalists who have access to the necessary materials.
Using an herbalism kit requires a moderate level of skill and knowledge about plants and their properties. Proficiency with an herbalism kit allows a character to add their proficiency bonus to checks related to identifying plants, harvesting usable parts, and preparing concoctions. While basic use might be straightforward, creating more potent or specialized remedies and poisons requires more advanced knowledge and skill.
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