
Helmheart is a brutal and formidable city, nestled within the rugged Razor-Rock Ridge of Soladerhon, and serves as the stronghold for the notorious Red Hand Mercenary group. Governed by the autocratic rule of the Bloodlord, the city thrives on martial prowess and mercenary contracts. Its population is a diverse mix of humans, orcs, half-orcs, dwarves, goblins, and tieflings, all united by their pursuit of combat excellence. The city's architecture is heavily fortified, with fortress-like buildings and narrow, defensible streets. Helmheart's infrastructure supports its military focus, with districts dedicated to training, trade in weapons, and mercenary operations. The city's economy revolves around its mercenary services and the trade of military goods. Key points of interest include the Bloodlord's Citadel, the Arena for gladiatorial combat, and the Hall of Heroes. Despite its harsh climate and rugged terrain, Helmheart's strategic location and the indomitable spirit of its inhabitants make it a beacon of mercenary might and a magnet for adventurers and warriors seeking glory and wealth.


Population: Predominantly composed of humans, orcs, and half-orcs, with a mix of other races, including dwarves, goblins, and tieflings. The population is heavily male-dominated due to the mercenary nature of the city. Culture: A culture of martial prowess, pragmatism, and honor in combat prevails. The people are rough, battle-hardened, and respect strength and skill above all.


Type: Autocratic rule under the Bloodlord, the leader of the Red Hand Mercenary group. Leadership: The Bloodlord is supported by Warlords, Champions, and Veterans who ensure loyalty and maintain order through fear and respect.


Walls and Fortifications: Multiple layers of defenses, including high walls, watchtowers, and reinforced gates. Trained Warriors: The Red Hand, an elite force of highly trained mercenaries, ensures the city's defense. Strategic Location: Positioned within the Razor-Rock Ridge, making it naturally defensible and difficult to assault.

Industry & Trade

Main Industries: Mercenary services, weapon and armor crafting, and military training. Trade: The city trades primarily in military goods and services. It also acts as a broker for mercenary contracts across Idorin.


Buildings: Primarily built for defense and function. The architecture is a blend of fortress-like structures and functional buildings designed to support the mercenary lifestyle. Roads: Narrow, fortified streets designed to be defensible. Pathways lead directly to key military and mercantile points. Utilities: Basic utilities focused on supporting large numbers of soldiers and the war effort. Limited amenities for non-combatants.


Military Quarter: Central district housing the Red Hand headquarters, training grounds, armories, and barracks. Market District: A bustling area where weapons, armor, and other combat supplies are traded. It also hosts blacksmiths, fletchers, and alchemists. Residential District: Housing for the families of mercenaries, support personnel, and retired soldiers. Outer Fortifications: A series of walls, towers, and defensive structures surrounding the city to protect against external threats.


Military Assets: Extensive armories, training facilities, and a well-equipped standing army. The Red Hand's reputation is their most valuable asset. Economic Assets: Wealth accumulated from numerous mercenary contracts. The market district generates significant revenue through trade in weapons and armor. Natural Resources: Limited within the city itself, relying on trade and plunder for most resources.

Points of interest

The Bloodlord's Citadel: The central stronghold of the Red Hand, where the Bloodlord resides. The Arena: A place for gladiatorial combat and training exercises, drawing spectators and potential recruits. Hall of Heroes: A memorial to the greatest warriors of the Red Hand, showcasing their deeds and trophies.


Attraction: The city's brutal reputation and martial culture attract adventurers, warriors seeking employment, and those interested in the dark history of the Red Hand. Events: Gladiatorial games, combat tournaments, and weapon exhibitions are major draws for visitors.


Style: Functional and militaristic, with fortress-like buildings constructed from stone and iron. The architecture is designed to be imposing and defensible. Notable Structures: The Bloodlord's Citadel, the Arena, and the Hall of Heroes stand out as iconic structures.


Location: Situated within the Razor-Rock Ridge, providing natural defenses and strategic advantage. Landscape: Rugged, mountainous terrain with limited arable land. The city is carved into the cliffs and mountainsides.


Weather: Harsh and cold, with frequent storms and snowfall. The climate adds to the city's natural defenses and challenges. Seasons: Short summers and long, brutal winters dominate the region.

Natural Resources

Minerals: Rich in minerals such as iron and silver, which are vital for weapon crafting. Water: Freshwater springs and snowmelt provide necessary water sources for the city's inhabitants.
Large city
Location under


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