James Moriarty

Manager James William Moriarty (a.k.a. Julian Doyle)

James Moriarty, known by many as Julian Doyle, is a cunning and enigmatic figure who operates from the shadows of Idorin. As the manager of the Sovereign Hotel in Serinon, a sanctuary for the criminal elite, he wields immense power and influence, orchestrating intricate webs of crime across the land. Standing at 5'10" with a slender yet athletic build, his sharp features and piercing gray eyes reflect the cold, calculating mind behind them. Moriarty is a master manipulator, skilled in the art of disguise, and revered as one of the nine regents of the Church of the Eye, a secret society. His speech is precise and controlled, his mannerisms deliberate, and his presence unsettlingly authoritative. With a background shrouded in mystery and a past tied to the highest echelons of academia and crime, Moriarty thrives on intellectual challenges, always several steps ahead of his adversaries. Though his wealth and status are vast, they serve merely as tools in his quest for ultimate control. To the few who know his true nature, he is both feared and respected—a brilliant strategist whose legacy is one of manipulation, power, and the relentless pursuit of dominance in a world that barely knows he exists.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Moriarty maintains a fit and healthy physique, though not overtly muscular. His lifestyle requires him to be agile and capable, yet his appearance leans more towards a refined and slightly understated build, allowing him to blend into both high society and the criminal underworld. He avoids physical confrontations whenever possible, relying on his intellect and planning.

Body Features

Build: He has a slender yet athletic build, indicative of someone who takes care of himself without the appearance of a warrior or laborer. His frame is built more for agility and stealth than brute strength.   Height: He stands at an average height, around 5'10" (178 cm), making him neither too imposing nor easily overlooked.   Skin Tone: His skin is a fair, pale complexion, which contrasts with his often dark and formal attire.   Posture: Moriarty carries himself with an air of confidence and authority, his posture always straight and deliberate, projecting both calmness and control.

Facial Features

Face Shape: His face is sharp and angular, with high cheekbones and a narrow chin that gives him a somewhat aristocratic appearance.   Eyes: His eyes are a piercing gray, almost devoid of warmth, reflecting his calculating nature. They are slightly sunken, giving him a more intense, almost predatory gaze.   Hair: His hair is dark brown, almost black, and is always meticulously styled. He keeps it short and slicked back, a style that reflects his meticulous and controlled personality.   Facial Hair: Moriarty is clean-shaven, further emphasizing the sharpness of his facial features. In his alias as Julian Doyle, he may occasionally grow a neatly trimmed goatee or mustache to further differentiate his identities.

Identifying Characteristics

Scars: Moriarty has a few small, almost invisible scars, likely from his youth or during his time in the criminal underworld. These are hidden under his clothing and not easily noticed.   Eyes: His gray eyes are his most identifying feature, often described as cold and calculating, capable of unnerving those who meet his gaze.   Hands: He has long, slender fingers, often indicative of a scholar or someone who works with delicate instruments. His hands are well-maintained, suggesting his attention to detail.

Physical quirks

Unblinking Stare: Moriarty often maintains direct eye contact for longer than is socially comfortable, a tactic he uses to unsettle and intimidate others.   Stillness: Unlike many who fidget or move restlessly, Moriarty can remain unnervingly still for long periods, adding to his aura of control and focus.

Special abilities

Master of Disguise: Moriarty is highly skilled in altering his appearance and mannerisms to adopt various identities. This skill, combined with his intellect, allows him to infiltrate various circles undetected.   Strategic Genius: His mind works several steps ahead of others, allowing him to plan complex operations with multiple contingencies. His ability to predict and manipulate outcomes is almost supernatural in its effectiveness.   Manipulation: Moriarty has an innate ability to read people and situations, allowing him to exploit weaknesses, fears, and desires to bend others to his will. This psychological acumen makes him incredibly dangerous in any social or political situation.   Languages: Moriarty is fluent in several languages, including Common, Elvish, and other regional tongues of Idorin, which aids in his ability to operate across different cultures and territories.

Apparel & Accessories

Clothing: Moriarty favors dark, tailored suits that are both practical and stylish. His attire is always immaculate, with each piece chosen for both aesthetic appeal and functionality. He often wears a high-collared coat and a well-pressed shirt, with subtle but luxurious fabrics.   Accessories: He wears a simple but expensive wristwatch, and on occasion, a signet ring bearing a symbol tied to his hidden identity. He might also carry a cane, which serves as both a fashion accessory and a potential weapon if needed.   Disguises: As Julian Doyle, Moriarty might alter his appearance slightly with different hairstyles, facial hair, or glasses, using subtle changes to maintain his cover.

Specialized Equipment

Hidden Weapons: Moriarty carries small, easily concealable weapons, such as a stiletto dagger or a small firearm. These are often disguised as mundane objects or integrated into his accessories.   Poisons: He is known to carry various poisons or drugs, often hidden in hollowed-out objects like rings or canes, reflecting his preference for indirect confrontation.   Documents: Moriarty often has forged documents or papers on his person, allowing him to assume different identities or manipulate situations to his advantage.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Birth and Early Life: James Moriarty was born into a poor family in Idorin, though his true origins remain shrouded in mystery. From a young age, he displayed an extraordinary intellect and a fascination with the darker aspects of human nature. His early years were spent honing his mind in secret, away from prying eyes.   Alias: Julian Doyle is the identity he adopted after fleeing from his early life, where he was known for his sharp wit and ruthless nature. He became known as the right hand to Cassius Grant, the feared manager of the Sovereign Hotel. After Cassius' death, James took over as the manager, cementing his power in the criminal underworld of Serinon.

Gender Identity

James Moriarty identifies as male and presents himself as such in all of his dealings.


James Moriarty is asexual, seeing relationships as mere tools or distractions from his ultimate goals. He rarely, if ever, engages in romantic or sexual relationships, preferring to manipulate others through power and intellect.


Moriarty is highly educated, with a profound knowledge of mathematics, philosophy, law, and various sciences. He attended the most prestigious institutions in Idorin under different aliases, further concealing his true identity. His academic brilliance earned him respect and fear among intellectual circles, though he always remained in the shadows.


Current Positions: Moriarty currently serves as the manager of the Sovereign Hotel in Serinon, a position that allows him to orchestrate crime across Idorin. He is also one of the Regent of Crime in the Church of the Eye.   Previous Employment: Prior to taking over the Sovereign Hotel, he served as the right hand to Cassius Grant. In this role, he learned the intricacies of the criminal world and began weaving his own web of influence.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Orchestrating Crime: Moriarty has successfully built an intricate network of criminal operations across Idorin, manipulating events from the shadows. His influence is far-reaching, and he is known for being the mastermind behind numerous high-profile crimes.   The Church of the Eye: Moriarty is one of the nine regents of the Church of the Eye, a secret society similar to the Illuminati. Within this shadowy organization, he plays a pivotal role in guiding the fate of Idorin, using his cunning and intellect to steer events in his favor.

Failures & Embarrassments

Cassius' Death: While Moriarty ultimately benefited from Cassius' death by taking over the Sovereign Hotel, he sees the event as a failure in his plans. The death of Cassius left a void that Moriarty had to fill, forcing him to reveal more of himself than he intended.

Mental Trauma

Moriarty's brilliance and manipulative nature have left him isolated, with few, if any, genuine connections to others. This isolation has deepened his cynicism and paranoia, contributing to his ruthless behavior.

Intellectual Characteristics

Genius-Level Intellect: Moriarty is a mastermind, with an IQ far beyond that of the average person. His ability to foresee and manipulate events is unparalleled, making him a formidable adversary.   Strategist: He excels at long-term planning, often setting events in motion years in advance. His mind is a labyrinth of plots, and only he knows the true extent of his schemes.

Morality & Philosophy

Moral Flexibility: Moriarty operates on a level beyond conventional morality. He believes in the pursuit of power and control above all else, and sees human life as a means to an end. His philosophy is rooted in the idea that the strong should rule the weak, and that manipulation and deceit are tools to be used without hesitation.   Pragmatism: His actions are driven by a cold, calculating pragmatism. He has no qualms about sacrificing others for his goals and believes that the ends always justify the means.


Revealing his true identity is the ultimate taboo for Moriarty. He goes to great lengths to ensure that no one truly knows who he is, maintaining his various aliases and false identities with meticulous care.

Personality Characteristics


Moriarty’s primary motivation is control—over people, events, and the world at large. He seeks to dominate and manipulate, enjoying the challenge of bending others to his will and orchestrating large-scale criminal enterprises. His desire for power goes beyond material wealth; it’s about the intellectual satisfaction of outmaneuvering everyone else. He is also driven by a need for intellectual stimulation. He finds pleasure in complex problems and challenges, particularly those that involve human psychology and societal structures. This drive often pushes him to create elaborate schemes, simply to test his abilities against others.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  Psychological Manipulation: Moriarty is exceptionally skilled at reading and manipulating people. He understands what drives others and can exploit their weaknesses to his advantage.   Strategic Planning: His ability to see several moves ahead makes him a master strategist, whether in the criminal underworld or in broader societal manipulations.   Disguise and Infiltration: Moriarty is adept at adopting different personas, allowing him to move through various social circles unnoticed and gather intelligence or manipulate events.   Multilingualism: His knowledge of multiple languages enhances his ability to operate across Idorin, understanding and influencing various cultures and factions.  
  Genuine Empathy: Moriarty struggles with genuine empathy, viewing most people as pieces in his larger game rather than as individuals with inherent value. This lack of empathy often alienates those who might otherwise be allies.   Physical Combat: While not incapable, Moriarty prefers to avoid physical confrontations, relying on others to handle violence. His strength lies in his mind, not in brute force.   Emotional Vulnerability: His inability to form genuine emotional connections leaves him vulnerable to feelings of isolation and, on rare occasions, makes him underestimate those driven by genuine emotion.

Likes & Dislikes

  Intellectual Puzzles: Moriarty enjoys challenges that require deep thought and strategic planning, especially those that involve outwitting others.   Classical Music: He has a refined taste for classical music, finding that it stimulates his mind and aids his thinking processes.   Fine Art and Literature: His appreciation for the finer things extends to art and literature, particularly works that explore themes of power, control, and human nature.   Solitude: Moriarty values solitude, as it allows him to think clearly and plot his next moves without distraction.  
  Inefficiency: Moriarty despises inefficiency and incompetence, especially in those who work for him. He has little patience for mistakes or delays.   Mediocrity: He has a deep disdain for mediocrity, whether in people or in art. Anything that doesn’t meet his high standards is dismissed outright.   Sentimentality: Moriarty sees sentimentality as a weakness, something that clouds judgment and impedes rational decision-making.

Virtues & Personality perks

  Intellectual Brilliance: Moriarty’s greatest virtue is his mind. His intelligence, strategic thinking, and ability to manipulate make him nearly unbeatable in mental combat.   Calm Under Pressure: He remains calm and collected, even in the most dangerous or high-stakes situations. This composure allows him to make calculated decisions when others might panic.   Determination: Once he sets his sights on a goal, Moriarty is relentless in its pursuit. His determination ensures that he sees his plans through to the end, regardless of obstacles.  
  Network of Influence: Moriarty has a vast network of contacts and informants across Idorin, allowing him to pull strings from the shadows. His reach extends into politics, crime, and society at large.   Master of Disguise: His ability to adopt different identities and blend into various environments makes him an elusive figure, difficult to track or pin down.

Vices & Personality flaws

  Arrogance: Moriarty’s confidence in his abilities often borders on arrogance. He believes himself to be superior to almost everyone, which can lead to underestimating certain opponents.   Manipulation: His reliance on manipulation and deceit has made him paranoid and distrustful, seeing potential betrayal in everyone around him.   Detachment: His emotional detachment can be a double-edged sword. While it allows him to make cold, calculated decisions, it also isolates him, leaving him vulnerable to loneliness and ennui.  
  Overconfidence: His belief in his own infallibility sometimes leads him to take risks that could be avoided. This overconfidence has occasionally backfired, putting his plans in jeopardy.   Isolation: His need for control and his manipulative nature have left him with few, if any, genuine relationships. This isolation can lead to moments of doubt and despair, though he would never show it outwardly.

Personality Quirks

  Finger Tapping: When deep in thought or irritated, Moriarty has a habit of tapping his fingers rhythmically on surfaces. This is a subtle sign of his mind working through a problem.   Unblinking Stare: Moriarty often maintains direct eye contact for longer than is socially comfortable, using this tactic to unsettle those around him.  
  Chess: Moriarty enjoys playing chess, often against himself, as a way to sharpen his mind and explore different strategies.   Meticulous Order: He has a need for order and control in his environment. His workspace is always impeccably organized, with everything in its place.


Moriarty is meticulous about his personal hygiene. His appearance is always polished and refined, from his neatly combed hair to his perfectly tailored suits. He believes that a well-maintained exterior reflects a well-maintained mind.

Representation & Legacy

  Public Persona: As Julian Doyle, Moriarty presents himself as a competent and somewhat enigmatic manager of the Sovereign Hotel. He is known for his professionalism and efficiency, with few suspecting the dark machinations beneath the surface.   True Identity: As James Moriarty, he is a shadowy figure, known only to a select few as the mastermind behind some of Idorin’s most intricate criminal enterprises. His name is spoken in whispers, with many unsure if he is a real person or a myth.  
  Criminal Empire: Moriarty’s influence on the criminal underworld is vast. His legacy is one of control and manipulation, with many of Idorin’s most notorious crimes traced back to his orchestration.   Intellectual Impact: In academic and intellectual circles, Moriarty is both feared and respected. His work in mathematics and strategy is unparalleled, leaving a lasting impact on those who study such fields, even if they are unaware of his true identity.   Myth and Legend: Over time, Moriarty’s name has become almost mythical in certain circles. His ability to operate undetected and his sheer intellectual prowess have led to his portrayal as a near-omniscient figure, a legend in the shadows of Idorin.



Criminal Empire: Moriarty’s reign extends across the criminal underworld of Idorin, with his influence reaching into various criminal organizations, political spheres, and even some legitimate businesses. His control is subtle but absolute, maintained through fear, respect, and a network of loyal operatives.   The Sovereign Hotel: Since taking over as the manager of the Sovereign Hotel, Moriarty has transformed it into an untouchable sanctuary for the criminal elite, further solidifying his power base.

Contacts & Relations

Criminal Underworld: Moriarty’s network includes some of the most dangerous and influential criminals in Idorin. These contacts serve as his eyes and ears, carrying out his orders and providing him with vital information.   Political Allies: Through manipulation and blackmail, Moriarty has secured the loyalty of several key political figures, allowing him to influence decisions at the highest levels of government without ever being seen.   Academic Circles: Despite his secretive nature, Moriarty maintains connections in intellectual and academic circles, using his knowledge and reputation to manipulate scholars and acquire rare information.   Church of the Eye: As a regent of the Church of the Eye, Moriarty is deeply involved in the organization’s activities, using it as a platform to further his own ambitions and control over Idorin.   The Sovereign Hotel: His role as the manager of the Sovereign Hotel ties him to a wide array of criminal organizations and individuals, making it a hub of illicit activity that he can control and manipulate.   The Underworld Network: Moriarty’s influence extends through various criminal syndicates, mercenary groups, and black markets. These affiliations provide him with resources and manpower whenever needed.

Family Ties

Little is known about Moriarty’s family. He is believed to have cut ties with his family early on to pursue his own path, viewing them as unnecessary distractions from his goals.

Religious Views

Pragmatic Atheism: Moriarty is in a sense an atheist, viewing religion as a tool for control and manipulation rather than a source of truth or guidance. His involvement in the Church of the Eye is purely strategic, using it as a means to exert influence and power, he knows the gods are real, yet don't believe in worshipping them.   The Church of the Eye: Despite his atheism, Moriarty respects the power that belief and fear can hold over people. His role in the Church of the Eye is driven by a desire to harness this power for his own ends.

Social Aptitude

Charismatic Manipulator: Moriarty is a master of social interaction, able to charm, intimidate, or manipulate others as needed. He is highly adaptable, shifting his demeanor to fit the situation and the people he is dealing with.   Cold and Calculated: While he can be charming when necessary, Moriarty often comes across as cold and distant, especially when dealing with those he sees as tools or obstacles.   Secrecy: Moriarty’s social interactions are always guarded, revealing only what he wants others to know. He is a master of deception, able to maintain multiple facades without ever revealing his true intentions.


Calculated Movements: Every gesture and movement Moriarty makes is deliberate, with no wasted motion. This calculated demeanor adds to his air of control and precision.   Intense Eye Contact: Moriarty often holds eye contact longer than is socially comfortable, using it as a way to dominate conversations and unsettle those he interacts with.   Subtle Smirk: He is known for a subtle, almost imperceptible smirk that appears when he is particularly pleased with his manipulation or when someone falls into one of his traps.

Hobbies & Pets

No Known Pets: Moriarty does not keep pets, viewing them as unnecessary distractions. His life is too controlled and precise to allow for the unpredictability of animals.   Chess: Moriarty enjoys playing chess, both as a mental exercise and as a metaphor for his life. He often plays against himself, using the game to think through strategies and potential outcomes in his plans.   Classical Music: Moriarty has a deep appreciation for classical music, finding that it helps him focus and relax. He often listens to music while plotting his next move, the complexity of the compositions reflecting the intricacy of his own plans.


Precise and Controlled: Moriarty’s speech is always measured and deliberate. He chooses his words carefully, using language as another tool of manipulation and control.   Cold and Calculating: His tone is often cold, devoid of unnecessary emotion. Even when he is being charming, there is an underlying edge to his speech, a sense that he is always calculating and assessing.   Authoritative: Moriarty speaks with authority, expecting others to listen and obey. His voice carries a weight that demands attention, and he rarely raises it, relying on the power of his words rather than volume.   Sharp Wit: Moriarty’s intelligence is reflected in his speech, often laced with sharp wit and subtle barbs. He enjoys outmaneuvering others in conversation, using language as a weapon.

Wealth & Financial state

Vast Fortune: Moriarty’s wealth is substantial, amassed through years of orchestrating criminal activities, manipulating markets, and accumulating assets. His financial resources allow him to fund his operations, bribe officials, and maintain his luxurious lifestyle.   Hidden Assets: Much of Moriarty’s wealth is hidden in offshore accounts, secret vaults, and investments in various legitimate businesses across Idorin. His financial acumen ensures that his wealth continues to grow while remaining untouchable by authorities.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Regent of Crime: As one of the nine regents of the Church of the Eye, Moriarty holds a secret title that reflects his influence in this shadowy organization.   The Manager of the Sovereign Hotel Serinon: Publicly, Julian Doyle is known as the efficient and enigmatic manager of the Sovereign Hotel in Serinon, a position that grants him access to the most dangerous and influential criminals in Idorin.   The Mastermind: Among those in the criminal underworld who have heard rumors of his existence, Moriarty is often referred to as “The Mastermind” for his unparalleled ability to plan and execute complex operations.
Currently Held Titles
Sleek brown short hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
158 lb
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • "In the end, everyone dances to my tune, whether they realize it or not."
  • "The mind is the deadliest weapon, and I wield mine with precision."
  • "Control the chaos, and you control the world."
  • "Every move is calculated; every outcome, inevitable."
  • "People have died.’ ‘That’s what people DO!"
  • "Falling is just like flying except there’s a more permanent destination."
  • "Stayin' alive. It's so boring, isn't it? It's just...staying."
  • "Every fairytale needs a good old fashioned villain."
  • "In a world of locked rooms, the man with the key is king. And honey, you should see me in a crown."
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Moriarty is fluent in multiple languages, including King's Tongue, as well as several obscure and ancient languages. His mastery of language allows him to communicate and manipulate across different cultures and societies.


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