Church of the Eye

The Church of the Eye is a clandestine and enigmatic secret religious sect that operates with an aura of mystery and intrigue. This elusive organization is dedicated to the worship of Idozar, the god of wisdom and foresight, and it wields significant influence behind the scenes of Idorin's political landscape. Veiled in shadows and secrecy, the Church of the Eye holds the keys to power, knowledge, and manipulation, acting as a deep state entity that quietly shapes the course of the nation.  
A Nexus of Knowledge and Power:
The Church of the Eye is revered as a repository of ancient wisdom, esoteric knowledge, and prophetic insights. Its members are scholars, statesmen, and influential figures who believe in Idozar's divinely bestowed wisdom and seek to guide the destiny of Idorin. They hold that understanding the currents of the past and the undercurrents of the future empowers them to shape the present to their vision.  
Hidden Sanctuaries and Esoteric Rituals:
The Church's sanctuaries are concealed in plain sight, often disguised as mundane buildings, libraries, or historical sites. Deep within these enigmatic enclaves, members gather for secretive rituals, ceremonies, and discussions. These gatherings are steeped in symbolism, astrology, and arcane practices believed to harness Idozar's divine guidance.  
Masters of Manipulation:
Behind the scenes, the Church of the Eye exercises its influence with finesse and precision. Its members infiltrate political circles, bureaucracies, and various institutions to subtly guide decisions and policies. They utilize their knowledge of historical patterns and future trends to sway the course of events in accordance with their vision for Idorin.  
Veil of Secrecy:
The Church shrouds itself in layers of secrecy and misinformation, making it nearly impossible for outsiders to discern its true activities. Rumors and conspiracy theories abound, adding to the mystique surrounding the organization. The Church's true motives and methods remain hidden, revealing themselves only to those initiated into its inner circle.  
Elite Membership and Ascension:
Becoming a member of the Church of the Eye is a highly selective process. Prospective members must demonstrate exceptional intellect, strategic thinking, and a willingness to embrace the Church's ideals. Initiates undergo a rigorous journey of spiritual and intellectual growth, guided by the teachings of Idozar, before ascending to higher echelons of influence and authority.  
Foresight and Strategy:
The Church's devotion to Idozar is deeply intertwined with its belief in the god's capacity to impart foresight and strategic insight. Members are skilled in divination, prophecy interpretation, and long-term planning, allowing them to anticipate challenges and seize opportunities long before they materialize.  
A Nexus of Networks:
The Church of the Eye maintains a complex web of connections with other secretive organizations, power brokers, and influencers both within and beyond Idorin's borders. These networks facilitate the dissemination of knowledge, the sharing of resources, and the pursuit of shared goals on a global scale.  
Legacy and Enigma:
The Church of the Eye's legacy is one of intrigue and enigma. Its influence persists across generations, shaping the destiny of Idorin while remaining a tantalizing mystery to the masses. As an intricate tapestry of wisdom, manipulation, and hidden agendas, the Church of the Eye stands as a shadowy embodiment of the pursuit of knowledge, power, and control.


The hierarchy of the Church of the Eye is structured to maintain secrecy, wield influence, and preserve the organization's esoteric knowledge. It consists of various ranks, each representing different levels of authority, responsibility, and access to the Church's inner workings. Here is the hierarchy for the Church of the Eye:  
Divinus Ocularius (Divine Seer):
At the pinnacle of the hierarchy is the Divinus Ocularius, the highest spiritual and temporal leader of the Church. This individual is believed to possess unparalleled foresight and wisdom granted by Idozar. They guide the Church's overarching direction, rituals, and major decisions.  
Lumen Ecclesiastici (Luminaries):
Lumen Ecclesiastici are senior members who hold significant authority within the Church. They serve as advisors to the Divinus Ocularius and oversee various aspects of the organization's operations, including recruitment, rituals, and strategic planning.  
Vates Astrorum (Star Seers):
The Vates Astrorum are gifted practitioners of divination and prophecy interpretation. They are responsible for providing insights into the future and advising the Church's leadership on potential courses of action. Their role is crucial in shaping the Church's long-term strategies.  
Arcani Custodes (Hidden Guardians):
The Arcani Custodes are tasked with safeguarding the Church's secrets, archives, and sanctuaries. They ensure that the organization's knowledge remains protected and that unauthorized access is prevented.  
Sagae Prudentiae (Sages of Wisdom):
The Sagae Prudentiae are scholars and researchers who delve into the depths of ancient texts, historical records, and esoteric knowledge. They contribute to the Church's understanding of Idozar's teachings and the application of wisdom in practical matters.  
Oraculi Minister (Ministers of Oracle):
Oraculi Minister are responsible for conducting rituals, ceremonies, and gatherings within the Church. They channel Idozar's guidance and facilitate spiritual experiences for the congregation.  
Mystagogi (Mystagogues):
Mystagogi guide newly initiated members through their spiritual journeys within the Church. They provide mentorship, share knowledge, and help individuals deepen their connection to Idozar's wisdom.  
Discipuli (Disciples):
Discipuli are entry-level members who are introduced to the Church's teachings and practices. They undergo a period of study and reflection before potentially advancing to higher ranks.  
Acolyti (Acolytes):
Acolytes are novices who assist in various tasks within the Church. They gain practical experience while honing their skills and knowledge.  
Initiati (Initiates):
Initiati have demonstrated dedication and commitment to the Church's ideals. They have undergone a formal initiation ceremony and are considered full-fledged members.   The Church of the Eye's hierarchy reflects its reverence for wisdom, foresight, and spiritual guidance. This structured framework ensures that its members work cohesively to fulfill the organization's mission of wielding influence and shaping the world from behind the scenes.


Secrecy and Esotericism:
The Church thrives on secrecy, with its inner workings and teachings shrouded in mystery. Members value their exclusive knowledge and insights, guarding them closely and only revealing them to those deemed worthy. Esoteric rituals, ancient texts, and cryptic symbols are integral to the Church's culture.  
Intellectual Excellence:
Members of the Church are revered for their intellectual prowess and dedication to acquiring wisdom. Scholarly pursuits, divination, and prophetic interpretation are highly esteemed, reflecting the Church's core belief that knowledge is power.  
Foresight and Prophecy:
Central to the Church's identity is its belief in the power of foresight. Members study celestial patterns, historical trends, and divine omens to predict future events. Prophecies are shared discreetly and interpreted to guide the Church's actions.  
Hierarchy and Discipline:
The Church maintains a structured hierarchy, with positions of authority earned through years of study, dedication, and achievement. Members adhere to strict discipline, following rituals and guidelines to maintain the sanctity of the organization.  
Influence and Manipulation:
While operating from the shadows, the Church wields significant influence over Idorin's political and social landscape. Members employ subtle manipulation, strategic alliances, and calculated interventions to shape events in line with the Church's vision.  
Enigmatic Gatherings:
The Church gathers for secretive ceremonies and gatherings that blend spirituality, symbolism, and intellectual discourse. These events foster a sense of community among members and provide opportunities to share insights and plan for the future.  
Artistry and Symbolism:
Art and symbolism play a significant role in the Church's culture. Elaborate artwork, intricate tapestries, and carefully crafted symbols are used to convey deeper meanings and reflect the Church's connection to divine wisdom.  
Devotion and Reverence:
Members exhibit deep reverence for Idozar, viewing their pursuit of knowledge as a sacred duty. Rituals and prayers are conducted to honor the god and seek his guidance in matters of foresight and influence.  
Guardians of Tradition:
The Church of the Eye sees itself as a guardian of tradition, preserving ancient knowledge and upholding the teachings of Idozar. Members work to ensure that their actions align with the god's principles and contribute to the greater good of Idorin.   The culture of the Church of the Eye is a complex blend of wisdom-seeking, mysticism, and strategic influence, reflecting its unique role in Idorin's landscape as a hidden force shaping the course of events.

Public Agenda

The public agenda of the Church of the Eye remains deliberately concealed, as most of the public remains unaware of its existence. Behind the scenes, the Church subtly influences intellectual pursuits, historical preservation, cultural initiatives, and select political decisions to align with its core values of wisdom, foresight, and knowledge.


Founding and Arvandus Cognitarius (11 PD - 23 PD):
The Church of the Eye was founded by the enigmatic seer Arvandus Cognitarius, a visionary known for his uncanny ability to predict future events. Arvandus gathered a small group of like-minded individuals who shared his devotion to Idozar, the god of wisdom and foresight. Together, they established the foundations of the Church, its teachings, and rituals.  
Early Years and Expansion (24 PD - 50 PD):
The Church gradually expanded its influence, attracting scholars, intellectuals, and those drawn to the allure of hidden knowledge. Its members worked discreetly to shape events from behind the scenes, subtly guiding political decisions and supporting intellectual endeavors that aligned with their principles.  
Golden Age of Prophecy (51 PD - 79 PD):
During this period, the Church gained prominence as its prophecies and insights proved increasingly accurate. It amassed a following of loyal adherents who revered the Church's wisdom. The Sanctum Oculus, the Church's central sanctuary, was constructed as a testament to its growing influence.  
Internal Strife and Consolidation (80 PD - 95 PD):
The Church faced internal divisions and power struggles as different factions vied for influence. A period of consolidation followed, during which the Church reaffirmed its core values and reestablished a unified leadership under the guidance of the Divinus Ocularius.  
Modern Era and Secrecy (96 PD - Present):
Recognizing the need for greater secrecy, the Church withdrew further into the shadows. It perfected its methods of manipulation, influence, and secrecy, adapting to changes in Idorin's political and social landscape. The Church of the Eye continued to wield its hidden influence, guiding the nation's development while remaining largely unknown to the general public.   Throughout its history, the Church of the Eye has remained steadfast in its commitment to Idozar's teachings, leveraging its unique insights and knowledge to shape the course of events in Idorin. Its enigmatic presence persists as a symbol of wisdom, foresight, and hidden power, casting a watchful eye over the nation's destiny from behind the veil of secrecy.

Noscere Praesagire Dominari

Founding Date
11 PD
Secret, Religious sect
Alternative Names
Oculus Divinatus
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories


With the Eye's ability to control society, they are in positions of power and wealth, being able to offer high bounties for the Angels of Death. In essence, the alliance between the Church of the Eye and the Angels of Death is a carefully orchestrated partnership built on leverage, trust, and shared interests. It allows both organizations to amplify their influence and achieve their respective goals while operating in the shadows, hidden from the prying eyes of the world they seek to control.