Khamir Wolfsbane

Lord Khamir Wolfsbane

Khamir Wolfsbane is a fearsome and enigmatic figure, known throughout Idorin as the Regent of Beasts within the Church of the Eye. A master of the monstrous creatures that roam the land, Khamir has spent his life honing the ability to tame, control, and even weaponize these powerful beings. His deep connection to the primal forces of nature has earned him both respect and fear, as he walks the fine line between man and beast. As the secret leader of the Felbane Syndicate and overseer of ICARUS, Khamir wields immense influence, orchestrating the containment, research, and eradication of dangerous specimens from the shadows. Driven by a desire to maintain order through strength and control, Khamir is relentless in his pursuit of power, yet he remains deeply respectful of the natural world and the balance it represents. Despite his intimidating presence, he carries the weight of isolation and a fear of losing control, which fuels his unwavering discipline and strategic mind. In a world where only the strong survive, Khamir Wolfsbane is both a guardian and a force of nature, ensuring that the chaos of the wild is kept in check.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Khamir Wolfsbane is in peak physical condition. His life’s work requires him to be both physically strong and mentally sharp, as he often deals directly with dangerous and unpredictable beasts. His body is honed through rigorous training, both in combat and in the physical tasks associated with controlling and managing monstrous creatures.

Body Features

Build: Khamir has a powerful, muscular build, with broad shoulders and a strong core. His physique reflects years of handling and battling with some of the most dangerous creatures in Idorin. Despite his bulk, he is surprisingly agile and quick, able to move with the speed and precision necessary to outmaneuver beasts.   Height: He stands tall, around 6’4” (193 cm), adding to his imposing presence.   Skin Tone: Khamir has a deep, earthy brown skin tone, weathered by years spent in harsh environments. His skin bears the marks of his battles, with numerous scars that tell the story of his encounters with beasts.

Facial Features

Face Shape: Khamir has a rugged, chiseled face with strong features. His jawline is square and pronounced, giving him a stern and commanding appearance.   Eyes: His eyes are a piercing amber, reminiscent of the wild beasts he controls. They are sharp and focused, with an intensity that can be both intimidating and mesmerizing. His gaze reflects his deep connection with the primal forces of nature.   Hair: Khamir’s hair is thick and black, worn in long, matted dreadlocks that reach his shoulders. The dreadlocks are adorned with small bones, beads, and other trophies from his encounters with beasts, each one symbolizing a significant event in his life.   Facial Hair: He sports a thick, well-kept beard that frames his face, further enhancing his rugged and formidable appearance.

Identifying Characteristics

Scars: Khamir’s body is covered in scars, the most prominent of which is a deep, claw-like scar running diagonally across his chest. This scar is a reminder of a near-fatal encounter with a legendary beast in his early years. Another notable scar runs from his left eyebrow down to his cheek, just missing his eye.   Tattoos: Khamir has several tattoos across his body, each one representing a significant achievement or milestone in his life. These tattoos are done in a traditional, tribal style, using inks made from natural substances.   Beast Trophies: Khamir often wears small trophies from the beasts he has conquered, such as teeth, claws, or scales, woven into his hair, hanging from his belt, or embedded in his armor. These trophies serve as both a warning to others and as a testament to his prowess.

Physical quirks

Beast-Like Movements: Khamir has a way of moving that is almost beast-like, with fluid, deliberate motions. He often tilts his head slightly when listening intently, much like a predator sizing up its prey. His movements are always purposeful, reflecting his deep connection with the creatures he controls.   Low Growl: When angered or deep in thought, Khamir sometimes emits a low, guttural growl, a habit he picked up from years of working with beasts. This growl is often subconscious and can be unsettling to those around him.

Apparel & Accessories

Clothing: Khamir’s clothing is practical and durable, designed for both combat and handling dangerous creatures. He typically wears dark, reinforced leather armor that provides protection without sacrificing mobility. His armor is adorned with the hides and scales of beasts he has tamed or defeated, adding to his intimidating appearance.   Cloak: He often wears a heavy, hooded cloak made from the fur of a massive beast he conquered. The cloak is both a symbol of his authority and a practical piece of attire, providing warmth and concealment in the wild.   Bone Jewelry: Khamir wears jewelry made from the bones of beasts, including a necklace of fangs and a bracelet of carved bone beads. These pieces serve as both protective charms and reminders of his victories.

Specialized Equipment

Beastmaster’s Whip: Khamir wields a long, barbed whip made from the sinews and hide of a giant beast. The whip is both a weapon and a tool for controlling and directing the creatures under his command. It is enchanted to resist wear and tear, making it almost indestructible.   Beastcall Horn: Khamir carries a large horn carved from the tusk of a massive beast. The horn is used to summon or command the creatures he controls, with each blast producing a different sound that conveys specific instructions to the beasts.   Potion Belt: Around his waist, Khamir wears a belt with various vials of potions and elixirs. These concoctions are made from the blood, venom, or other substances of beasts, and they grant him temporary enhancements such as increased strength, speed, or resistance to damage.   Runed Gauntlets: Khamir’s gauntlets are engraved with ancient runes that allow him to channel his will into the beasts he controls. The gauntlets enhance his ability to communicate with and control even the most resistant creatures, making them an essential part of his equipment.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Birth and Early Life: Khamir Wolfsbane was born in a remote, rugged region of Faerun, known for its dangerous wildlife and harsh environment. From an early age, he was exposed to the dangers of the wild, learning to respect and understand the monstrous beasts that roamed the land. His childhood was one of survival, where he quickly learned that strength and cunning were necessary to thrive. His natural affinity for animals, particularly the more dangerous and untamable ones, set him apart from others in his community.   Rise to Power: Khamir’s talents did not go unnoticed by the Church of the Eye, a secret society that sought to control all aspects of power in Idorin. Recognizing his unique abilities, the Church recruited him to become the Regent of Beasts, putting him in charge of all matters related to the monstrous creatures of the world. Over time, Khamir expanded his influence, becoming the hidden force behind both the Felbane Syndicate, the hunters’ guild, and ICARUS, the Idorin Containment and Research of Unidentified Specimens.

Gender Identity

Khamir Wolfsbane identifies as male. He presents himself as a physically imposing and authoritative figure, embodying the rugged and primal aspects of his domain over beasts.


Khamir is heterosexual, though he views relationships as secondary to his work and responsibilities. His connections are often pragmatic, built on mutual respect and shared goals rather than deep emotional bonds.


Practical Learning: Khamir’s education was unconventional, shaped by his experiences in the wild rather than formal schooling. He learned from seasoned hunters, shamans, and beastmasters, gaining knowledge through direct interaction with the monstrous creatures of Idorin. His understanding of beasts is both instinctual and intellectual, a combination that has made him a master in his field.   Research and Strategy: Over time, Khamir has supplemented his practical knowledge with research, delving into ancient texts, bestiaries, and scientific studies to deepen his understanding of the creatures he controls. His strategic mind allows him to apply this knowledge in ways that others might not foresee, making him a formidable figure in the Church of the Eye.


Regent of Beasts: As the Regent of Beasts within the Church of the Eye, Khamir is responsible for all things related to the monstrous creatures of Idorin. His role includes training, researching, weaponizing, and, when necessary, killing these beasts. He holds the position with a deep sense of purpose, knowing that his control over these creatures gives him immense power.   Overseer of The Felbane Syndicate and ICARUS: Khamir secretly pulls the strings behind the Felbane Syndicate, the hunters' guild, and ICARUS. Through these organizations, he manages the containment, research, and eradication of dangerous specimens, ensuring that the balance of power remains firmly in his and the Church’s hands.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Taming of Legendary Beasts: Khamir has successfully tamed and killed some of the most dangerous and legendary beasts in Idorin. His ability to control these creatures has become legendary, earning him respect and fear from those who know of his exploits.   Creation of ICARUS: Under his guidance, ICARUS was established as the premier organization for the containment and study of unidentified specimens in Idorin. This organization serves as a front for the Church of the Eye, allowing Khamir to experiment with and weaponize these creatures for the Church’s purposes.   Expansion of the Felbane Syndicate: Khamir has expanded the reach and influence of the Felbane Syndicate, transforming it into a powerful force that operates both in the open as a guild of hunters and in the shadows as an extension of his will.

Failures & Embarrassments

Beast Rebellion: Early in his career, Khamir faced a near-catastrophic rebellion of the beasts he sought to control. A powerful creature, thought to be tamed, broke free and caused significant destruction. While Khamir eventually subdued the creature, the incident left him with a deep-seated fear of losing control and a renewed focus on perfecting his methods.   Strained Alliances: Khamir’s uncompromising nature and obsession with control have occasionally strained his relationships with other members of the Church of the Eye and leaders within the Felbane Syndicate. While his results are undeniable, his methods have sometimes led to friction and distrust among his allies.

Mental Trauma

Fear of Loss of Control: The incident with the rebellious beast left Khamir with a lingering fear of losing control over the creatures he commands. This trauma drives him to constantly refine his methods and maintain a tight grip on the beasts under his care, fearing that any lapse could lead to disaster.   Isolation: Khamir’s unique position and the nature of his work have left him isolated, both physically and emotionally. His connection to the monstrous beasts of Idorin has made him somewhat detached from human concerns, leading to a sense of alienation and loneliness.

Intellectual Characteristics

Strategic Mind: Khamir possesses a sharp, strategic mind that allows him to see the broader implications of his work. He is always thinking several steps ahead, anticipating potential threats and planning contingencies for every scenario.   Primal Instincts: Despite his intellectual capabilities, Khamir is deeply in tune with his primal instincts. He understands the raw power of the beasts he controls and respects their natural tendencies, using this knowledge to his advantage.   Innovative Researcher: Khamir is a skilled researcher, constantly seeking new ways to enhance his control over beasts. His innovations in training, weaponization, and containment have pushed the boundaries of what is possible in his field.

Morality & Philosophy

Survival of the Fittest: Khamir’s philosophy is rooted in the idea that strength and cunning are the ultimate measures of worth. He believes that only the strong should survive and that it is his role to ensure that the balance of power remains in favor of those who can control it.   Control as a Virtue: To Khamir, control is the highest virtue. Whether it’s control over beasts, people, or situations, he believes that those who can maintain control deserve to wield power. His actions are driven by a desire to impose order on chaos, even if it means using ruthless methods.   Respect for Nature: Despite his ruthless nature, Khamir has a deep respect for the natural world. He sees the monstrous beasts as embodiments of nature’s raw power and believes that they deserve to be respected and understood, even as they are controlled.


Loss of Control: For Khamir, losing control over a beast or situation is the ultimate failure. He views any loss of control as a personal and professional disgrace, and he will go to great lengths to prevent it from happening.   Unnecessary Cruelty: While Khamir is no stranger to violence, he abhors unnecessary cruelty. He believes that the beasts he controls should be treated with respect, even as they are weaponized. Any act of cruelty that serves no purpose is abhorrent to him.

Personality Characteristics


Control Over Beasts: Khamir’s primary motivation is to maintain control over the monstrous beasts of Idorin. He believes that these creatures are powerful forces of nature that, if not controlled, could bring chaos to the world. His drive to understand, tame, and, if necessary, weaponize these beasts stems from a desire to harness their power for the benefit of the Church of the Eye and to ensure that they do not fall into the wrong hands.   Survival and Dominance: Having grown up in a harsh environment where only the strong survive, Khamir is motivated by the need to prove his strength and maintain his dominance. He sees the world in terms of predators and prey, and he is determined to remain at the top of the food chain.   Loyalty to the Church of the Eye: Khamir is deeply loyal to the Church of the Eye, believing in its mission to control the hidden forces of Idorin. His work with beasts is his contribution to the Church’s overarching goal of maintaining order and power in the world.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  Beast Mastery: Khamir is unparalleled in his ability to tame, train, and command monstrous beasts. His knowledge of their behavior, instincts, and needs allows him to exert control over creatures that others would find uncontrollable.   Combat Skills: Khamir is a formidable combatant, with a mastery of various weapons and fighting techniques that complement his physical strength. His experience in battling both men and beasts has made him a lethal opponent in any confrontation.   Survival Skills: Growing up in a harsh environment and spending much of his life in the wild, Khamir has developed exceptional survival skills. He can track, hunt, and navigate through dangerous terrains with ease, and his instincts are finely tuned to detect danger.   Leadership: As the Regent of Beasts and the hidden leader of both the Felbane Syndicate and ICARUS, Khamir has honed his leadership skills. He commands respect and loyalty from those under his influence, leading with a mix of fear, respect, and inspiration.  
  Diplomacy: Khamir is not known for his diplomatic skills. His direct, no-nonsense approach can be off-putting to those who prefer subtlety and negotiation. He tends to see situations in black and white, which can lead to conflicts when a more nuanced approach is needed.   Social Graces: Having spent much of his life in the wild and among beasts, Khamir lacks the social graces that are common in more civilized society. He is often blunt, and his lack of concern for etiquette can make him seem rough and unrefined.   Emotional Connection: Khamir struggles with forming deep emotional connections with others. His focus on control and dominance leaves little room for vulnerability or emotional intimacy, which can make him seem distant and unapproachable.

Likes & Dislikes

  The Wild and Untamed: Khamir feels most at home in the wild, surrounded by the raw power of nature and its creatures. He enjoys the solitude and challenge that the wilderness offers, finding peace in the chaos of the natural world.   Physical Challenges: Whether it’s combat, training, or a test of survival, Khamir thrives on physical challenges. He enjoys pushing his body to its limits and proving his strength and endurance.   Beast Companions: Khamir has a deep affection for the beasts he tames, seeing them as kindred spirits. He respects their power and independence and enjoys the bond that forms between a master and his beast.   Practical Knowledge: Khamir values practical, hands-on knowledge over theoretical or abstract learning. He prefers to learn through experience and observation, and he has little patience for those who rely solely on books or theory.  
  Weakness: Khamir has little tolerance for weakness, whether in others or himself. He believes that only the strong deserve to survive and thrive, and he has a deep disdain for those who are unwilling to fight for their place in the world.   Political Intrigue: Khamir has little patience for the politics and machinations of the civilized world. He prefers straightforward, direct action and finds the deceit and manipulation of politics distasteful and distracting.   Urban Life: Khamir dislikes the confinement and artificiality of cities. He feels out of place in urban environments and prefers the freedom and challenge of the wilderness.

Virtues & Personality perks

  Loyalty: Khamir is fiercely loyal to those he respects, particularly the Church of the Eye. Once he has given his loyalty, he will go to great lengths to protect and support those he serves.   Courage: Khamir is unflinchingly brave, facing danger with a calm and resolute demeanor. He is willing to risk his life to achieve his goals, and his courage inspires those around him.   Respect for Nature: Despite his role in controlling and weaponizing beasts, Khamir has a deep respect for the natural world. He believes in the balance of nature and sees himself as a guardian of that balance, even as he harnesses its power.   Discipline: Khamir is highly disciplined, both physically and mentally. He maintains strict control over his emotions and actions, allowing him to remain focused and effective in even the most challenging situations.  
  Beast Affinity: Khamir’s deep connection with beasts gives him an unparalleled ability to communicate with and understand them. This affinity allows him to tame even the most fearsome creatures and bend them to his will.   Primal Strength: Khamir’s physical strength is extraordinary, enhanced by his connection to the primal forces of nature. This strength allows him to perform feats of power and endurance that few others can match.   Intimidating Presence: Khamir’s imposing physical presence and reputation as a master of beasts make him a figure of fear and respect. His mere presence can command attention and obedience, both from men and monsters.   Master Tactician: Khamir’s experience and strategic mind make him a master tactician, capable of planning and executing complex operations with precision. His ability to anticipate and counter his enemies’ moves gives him a significant advantage in any conflict.

Vices & Personality flaws

  Obsessive Control: Khamir’s need for control can become obsessive, leading him to micromanage situations and overextend himself. His fear of losing control can cause him to push others away or take extreme measures to maintain his grip on power.   Isolation: Khamir’s solitary nature and focus on his work often lead to isolation. He struggles to form meaningful relationships, and his preference for solitude can make him seem distant and unapproachable.   Harsh Judgment: Khamir’s disdain for weakness and failure makes him a harsh judge of others. He has little patience for those who do not meet his high standards, and his critical nature can alienate potential allies.  
  Emotional Detachment: Khamir’s focus on control and strength has left him emotionally detached. He finds it difficult to express or understand emotions, which can lead to misunderstandings and strained relationships.   Stubbornness: Once Khamir has made a decision, he is often unwilling to change his mind. His stubbornness can make him inflexible and resistant to new ideas, even when change is necessary.   Distrust: Khamir’s experiences have made him wary of others’ intentions. He tends to be distrustful, often assuming that others have hidden agendas or are out to undermine him. This distrust can lead to unnecessary conflicts and missed opportunities for collaboration.

Personality Quirks

  Finger Drumming: When deep in thought or considering a difficult decision, Khamir has a habit of drumming his fingers on a nearby surface. This rhythmic motion helps him focus and think through complex problems.   Low Growl: Khamir often emits a low growl when annoyed or deep in thought, a habit picked up from his years of working with beasts. The growl is almost subconscious and reflects his primal connection to the creatures he controls.  
  Beast-Like Movements: Khamir’s movements are often fluid and deliberate, resembling the motions of a predator. He has a habit of tilting his head slightly when observing someone or something, much like a beast sizing up its prey.   Trophy Collection: Khamir has a habit of collecting small trophies from the beasts he tames or defeats. These trophies, such as teeth, claws, or scales, are often incorporated into his clothing or worn as jewelry, serving as both mementos and symbols of his achievements.


Khamir maintains a practical approach to hygiene. While he spends much of his time in the wild, he takes care to keep himself clean and groomed, understanding the importance of maintaining his health and appearance. His clothing and gear are always well-maintained, reflecting his disciplined and organized nature.

Representation & Legacy

  The Beastmaster: Khamir is known as the ultimate Beastmaster, a figure who commands respect and fear in equal measure. His control over the monstrous creatures of Idorin and his role within the Church of the Eye have made him a legendary figure in both the human and beastly realms.   The Regent of Beasts: As the Regent of Beasts, Khamir represents the primal, untamed forces of nature. He is seen as a guardian of the balance between man and beast, a figure who walks the line between civilization and the wild.  
  Mastery Over Beasts: Khamir’s legacy will be one of unparalleled mastery over the creatures of Idorin. His innovations in training, research, and weaponization have set new standards in the field, and his influence will be felt for generations to come.   Balance of Power: Through his work with the Church of the Eye, the Felbane Syndicate, and ICARUS, Khamir has played a key role in maintaining the balance of power in Idorin. His efforts to control and harness the power of beasts have ensured that these creatures remain tools of order rather than agents of chaos.   A Figure of Fear and Respect: Khamir’s name will be remembered with a mixture of fear and respect. Those who knew him will speak of his strength, his discipline, and his unwavering commitment to his cause. His legend will endure as a symbol of the primal forces that shape the world.



Control Over Beasts: Khamir’s reign extends over the domain of monstrous beasts in Idorin. His influence is felt in every corner of the world where these creatures are found, whether in the wild, in containment, or on the battlefield.   Influence in the Church of the Eye: As the Regent of Beasts, Khamir holds significant power within the Church of the Eye. His role is critical to the Church’s ability to maintain control over the hidden forces of the world, making him one of the most influential figures within the organization.   Shadow Leader: While his role as leader of the Felbane Syndicate and ICARUS is kept secret, Khamir’s decisions and directives shape the actions of these organizations, making him a central figure in the world of monster hunting and containment.

Contacts & Relations

Church of the Eye: Khamir has strong ties within the Church of the Eye, where his role as Regent of Beasts makes him a key figure in the organization’s hierarchy. He has the respect and support of other high-ranking members, although his methods sometimes create tension.   Felbane Syndicate: As the hidden leader of the Felbane Syndicate, Khamir has a network of hunters, scouts, and operatives at his disposal. These contacts provide him with information, manpower, and the means to carry out his directives across Idorin.   ICARUS: Through ICARUS, Khamir maintains contact with scientists, researchers, and containment specialists. This network allows him to stay informed about the latest discoveries and developments related to unidentified and dangerous creatures.   Beastmasters and Shamans: Khamir’s reputation as a master of beasts has earned him the respect and loyalty of other beastmasters, shamans, and those who work with or study monstrous creatures. These individuals often seek his guidance or offer their support in his endeavors.

Family Ties

Estranged Family: Khamir’s early life in a harsh environment led to estrangement from his family. His pursuit of power and control over beasts has taken him far from his roots, and he has little contact with any remaining family members. His work has become his life, leaving little room for personal connections.   Surrogate Family: Over time, Khamir has formed bonds with the beasts he controls, seeing them as a surrogate family. These creatures, despite their wild nature, are the closest thing he has to companions, and he values his connection with them deeply.

Religious Views

Believer of the Hunt: Khamir is a believer in the power and purpose of Khan, the god of the hunt. Though his faith is pragmatic rather than spiritual.   Respect for Nature: Khamir’s religious views are intertwined with his respect for the natural world. He sees the primal forces of nature as something to be revered and understood, even as they are controlled and harnessed for the greater good.

Social Aptitude

Intimidating Presence: Khamir’s social aptitude is marked by his intimidating presence. He is not one for idle conversation or social niceties, preferring to communicate through action and authority. His reputation often precedes him, and most who encounter him are aware of his power and influence.   Blunt and Direct: Khamir is straightforward in his communication, often speaking bluntly and without pretense. He values honesty and efficiency and has little patience for deceit or manipulation in his personal interactions.   Respect for Strength: While Khamir is not particularly social, he respects those who demonstrate strength, intelligence, and a deep understanding of the natural world. He is more likely to form alliances with those who share his values and approach to life.


Controlled Movements: Khamir’s mannerisms reflect his disciplined nature. His movements are deliberate and controlled, with an economy of motion that mirrors the beasts he commands. He rarely makes unnecessary gestures and is always mindful of his surroundings.   Intense Gaze: Khamir’s gaze is intense and focused, often making others uncomfortable. He tends to stare directly at those he is speaking to, as if sizing them up or evaluating their worth.   Predatory Stillness: When observing or thinking deeply, Khamir becomes unnaturally still, a trait that mirrors the behavior of a predator waiting to strike. This stillness is often unsettling to those around him, as it contrasts with the energy and movement they expect from someone of his stature.

Hobbies & Pets

Beast Companions: While Khamir does not keep traditional pets, he has several beast companions that accompany him on his travels. These creatures are more than mere animals; they are his allies, trained to assist him in both combat and his work with the Church of the Eye.   Hunting and Tracking: Khamir’s primary hobby is hunting and tracking beasts, a skill he has perfected over years of practice. He enjoys the challenge of the hunt and the satisfaction of capturing or taming a particularly elusive creature.   Study of Beasts: Khamir spends much of his free time studying the behavior, biology, and lore of the beasts of Idorin. This research is both a passion and a necessity for his work, allowing him to continually expand his knowledge and understanding of the creatures he controls.


Low and Gravelly: Khamir’s voice is low and gravelly, with a tone that carries the weight of his experiences. His speech is often measured and deliberate, reflecting his thoughtful nature and the care he takes in choosing his words.   Direct and Commanding: Khamir speaks with authority, his words often carrying the force of command. He is not one for flowery language or unnecessary conversation; when he speaks, it is to convey orders, share knowledge, or make his intentions clear.   Limited Speech: Khamir is not particularly talkative and tends to speak only when necessary. He prefers actions over words and believes that his deeds speak louder than anything he could say.

Wealth & Financial state

Substantial Wealth: Khamir’s various roles have granted him substantial wealth. His control over the Felbane Syndicate and ICARUS ensures a steady flow of resources, which he uses to fund his operations, acquire rare materials, and maintain his lifestyle.   Resource Acquisition: Much of Khamir’s wealth comes from the rare and valuable materials he harvests from the beasts he controls. These materials are highly sought after, both for their practical uses and for their rarity, providing Khamir with a significant source of income.   Well-Managed Finances: Despite his wealth, Khamir lives a relatively modest lifestyle, investing his resources back into his work and ensuring that his operations are well-funded and secure.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Regent of Beasts: Khamir Wolfsbane holds the title of Regent of Beasts within the Church of the Eye. This title reflects his responsibility for all matters related to the monstrous creatures of Idorin, from their training and research to their weaponization and control.   Master of the Felbane Syndicate: Although he operates from the shadows, Khamir is the true leader of the Felbane Syndicate, the hunter's guild responsible for tracking, capturing, and sometimes exterminating dangerous beasts.   Overseer of ICARUS: Khamir also secretly oversees ICARUS, the Idorin Containment and Research of Unidentified Specimens. Through ICARUS, he directs the study and containment of unidentified and dangerous creatures.
Long dreaded hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Orangish Brown
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • "The wild is not to be feared, but to be mastered."
  • "Only the strong can command the beasts; only the wise can understand them."
  • "In every creature, there is a force of nature waiting to be unleashed. I am the key to that power."
  • "To control a beast, you must first understand its nature. To control the world, you must understand its beasts."
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
King's Tongue: Khamir is fluent in the common language of Idorin, allowing him to communicate effectively with members of the Church of the Eye, the Felbane Syndicate, and ICARUS.   Ancient Dialects: As part of his research, Khamir has learned several ancient dialects, which are useful in deciphering old texts and bestiaries that provide insight into the nature and behavior of the monstrous beasts he controls.   Beast-Speech: Through his deep connection with the creatures of Idorin, Khamir has developed a unique ability to communicate with certain beasts. This is not a language in the traditional sense but rather a combination of sounds, gestures, and instincts that allow him to convey commands and understand the intentions of the creatures under his care.

This article has no secrets.


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