Knights of Nidses

The Knights of Nidses stand as a formidable and honorable order of elite fighters, dedicated to the sacred duty of safeguarding the lives and well-being of significant political and social figures within the realm of Idorin. Bound by an unbreakable oath of dedication and celibacy, they are devout worshipers of Nidses, the Goddess of War, Defense, Violence, and Soldiers. These knights personify valor, self-sacrifice, and unwavering loyalty, embodying the ideals of their goddess and order. Here is a depiction of the Knights of Nidses:   Solemn Protectors: The Knights of Nidses are entrusted with the solemn responsibility of protecting key figures who shape the destiny of Idorin. Their unwavering commitment to this duty is absolute, as they serve as vigilant shields against any threats that may endanger their charges.   Divine Devotion: Worship of Nidses infuses every facet of the knights' lives. They consider themselves instruments of their goddess, embodying her qualities and principles. Their faith is tangible in their actions, as they draw strength from Nidses' divine presence and guidance, channeling her warrior spirit in their every endeavor.   Oath of Celibacy and Dedication: The knights make a profound and binding oath to uphold celibacy as a mark of their devotion to both Nidses and their order. This vow signifies their singular dedication to their goddess and the purity of their mission, unburdened by personal attachments.   Elite Combat Prowess: The Knights of Nidses are masters of combat, skilled in a wide array of martial disciplines. Their training is relentless and rigorous, honing their abilities to unparalleled heights. They are adept in various forms of warfare, from swordsmanship to tactics, ensuring they are prepared to face any challenge that may arise.   Champions of Honor: Honor is the cornerstone of the knights' identity. They hold themselves to the highest moral standards, epitomizing chivalry, integrity, and nobility. Their unwavering commitment to honor is a reflection of their devotion to both their goddess and the ideals of their order.   Spiritual Connection: The knights forge a deep spiritual connection with Nidses, seeking her guidance through meditation, prayer, and rituals. This connection enhances their intuition, allowing them to anticipate and counter threats with remarkable precision.   Brotherhood and Unity: Within the order, a profound sense of brotherhood and unity flourishes. The knights support and rely on each other, sharing a bond forged through shared faith, experiences, and the sacrifices they make to uphold their oath.   Legacy of Guardianship: The Knights of Nidses leave an indelible mark on the annals of Idorin's history as legendary protectors. Their acts of valor and selflessness become part of the realm's tapestry, inspiring generations to uphold the ideals of dedication, sacrifice, and the unwavering defense of the realm's most cherished figures.   In the realm of Idorin, the Knights of Nidses epitomize the sacred union of martial prowess, spiritual devotion, and self-discipline. With their celibacy oath serving as a testament to their unparalleled dedication, they stand as living embodiments of Nidses' divine presence and the unwavering guardians of those they have sworn to protect.


The hierarchy of the Knights of Nidses is structured to ensure effective leadership, coordination, and the fulfillment of their sacred duty to protect important political and social figures. Here is a potential hierarchy for the Knights of Nidses:  
High Sentinel:
At the apex of the hierarchy is the High Sentinel, the revered leader of the order. The High Sentinel embodies the virtues of Nidses and oversees the overall direction and operations of the knights. They make critical decisions, set strategic objectives, and ensure the order's alignment with their goddess's will.  
Sentinels of the Shield:
Directly under the High Sentinel are the Sentinels of the Shield. Each Sentinel commands a division of knights and is responsible for specific areas of operation or specific groups of protected individuals. They oversee training, assign missions, and ensure the highest standards of protection are upheld.  
The Guardians form the backbone of the order's combat strength. They are experienced knights who lead squads of warriors in fulfilling protection assignments. Guardians are responsible for the day-to-day execution of the order's duties, ensuring the safety and security of the figures under their charge.  
Defenders are skilled knights who serve under the command of Guardians. They are entrusted with safeguarding individuals under the protection of the order, carrying out assignments with vigilance and dedication. Defenders are well-trained in combat and defensive strategies.  
Initiates are new recruits who have been accepted into the order and are undergoing rigorous training to become full-fledged knights. They are taught the principles, skills, and values of the order, preparing them for the challenges that lie ahead.  
Squires are apprentices who assist more experienced knights in their duties. They learn through hands-on experience and mentorship, gradually developing the skills and knowledge required to become Defenders and eventually Guardians.  
Chaplain of Nidses:
The Chaplain of Nidses is a spiritual leader within the order. They guide the knights in matters of faith, conduct rituals and ceremonies, and provide counsel on matters related to Nidses' teachings and the order's spiritual foundation.  
Support Personnel:
Beyond the combat ranks, the order may also include support personnel such as healers, strategists, and logistics experts. These individuals contribute to the smooth operation of the order and the well-being of its members.   It's important to note that this hierarchy provides a general framework for the Knights of Nidses, and leadership roles may evolve based on the specific needs of the order, the experience of its members, and the dynamic nature of their protection assignments.


Devotion to Nidses:
The cornerstone of their culture is their profound devotion to Nidses. The knights view their service as a divine calling and consider themselves instruments of their goddess's will. They seek to emulate her qualities in their actions, embodying courage, strength, and unwavering determination.  
Honor and Chivalry:
Honor is of paramount importance to the knights. They adhere to a strict code of chivalry, upholding virtues such as integrity, honesty, and respect. Their conduct reflects their commitment to acting with nobility and maintaining their reputation as defenders of the realm.  
Martial Excellence:
The knights are known for their exceptional combat skills and martial prowess. They constantly strive for excellence in both individual combat and strategic warfare. Rigorous training, practice, and discipline are integral to their way of life.  
Sacrifice and Duty:
The knights willingly make personal sacrifices for the greater good. They take an oath of celibacy and dedicate themselves entirely to their mission of protection. The fulfillment of their duty is a source of fulfillment and purpose.  
Unity and Brotherhood:
A strong sense of camaraderie and brotherhood binds the knights together. They support and rely on one another, forging unbreakable bonds through shared experiences and mutual reliance in the heat of battle.  
Spiritual Connection:
Rituals, prayers, and ceremonies form a vital part of their culture. The knights regularly gather to honor Nidses, seek her guidance, and strengthen their spiritual connection to their goddess.  
Protectors of Order:
The knights take their role as protectors seriously, whether guarding a political figure, a cultural icon, or a historical site. They view themselves as a bulwark against chaos, ensuring stability and safeguarding the realm's key figures.  
Leadership and Mentorship:
Experienced knights mentor younger initiates and squires, passing down their knowledge, values, and combat skills. Leadership is earned through both experience and adherence to the order's principles.  
Ceremonial Traditions:
The order observes various ceremonies and rituals to mark significant events, such as initiations, promotions, and commemorations of fallen comrades. These traditions strengthen their sense of identity and purpose.  
Inspirational Legacy:
The knights draw inspiration from the legendary deeds of their predecessors and the stories of their founders. These tales remind them of the honor and responsibility associated with their role.   The culture of the Knights of Nidses reflects a harmonious blend of spirituality, martial discipline, and unwavering dedication. Their way of life embodies the virtues and qualities they admire in their goddess, as they stand as the living embodiment of Nidses' divine protection and valorous spirit.

Public Agenda

The Knights of Nidses project a public agenda focused on safeguarding important figures, upholding valor, and inspiring chivalry, while also subtly promoting a sense of spiritual devotion and preserving cultural traditions.


The history of the Knights of Nidses is a tale of transformation, divergence, and unwavering devotion. Emerging from the ashes of the sinking city of Olinth in 141 PD, a group of warriors within the Red Hand felt a profound calling to reshape their purpose and embrace a higher path. This marked the beginning of their journey as the Knights of Nidses, a beacon of honor, chivalry, and spiritual dedication.  
Divergence from the Red Hand (141 PD):
In the wake of the tragic sinking of Olinth, a group of individuals within the Red Hand experienced a deep introspection. Disenchanted with the path of profit and pragmatism, they sought to infuse their lives with a greater sense of meaning. Fueled by a desire to embody virtues of honor, courage, and devotion, they made the pivotal decision to separate from the Red Hand.  
Founding of the Knights of Nidses (154 PD):
In the year 154 PD, within the city of Minas Arthin, the Knights of Nidses were officially founded. Their inception was marked by a solemn ceremony where they pledged their lives to the worship of Nidses, the Goddess of War and Defense. This marked the birth of an order that would forever prioritize honor, chivalry, and unwavering service.  
A Code of Honor and Devotion (154-160 PD):
The Knights of Nidses wholeheartedly embraced a code of honor that transcended mere material gain. Their combat skills, once a means to an end, transformed into a form of virtuous protection. The knights pledged celibacy as an expression of devotion to Nidses and their mission, solidifying their commitment to a higher purpose.  
Guardians of Important Figures (160-177 PD):
The knights swiftly established themselves as guardians of the realm's significant political and social figures. Their duty transcended the physical; it became a spiritual calling. They viewed themselves as instruments of Nidses, charged with upholding her values and ensuring the safety of those who shaped the realm's destiny.  
Champions of Virtue (177-190 PD):
Over time, the Knights of Nidses became champions of virtue, inspiring others to embrace principles of chivalry, integrity, and selflessness. Their unwavering commitment to their goddess and their sacred duty made them symbols of honor in the eyes of the people.  
Legacy and Reverence(190-Present PD):
The Knights of Nidses left an indelible mark on Idorin's history. Their legacy inspired generations to rise above personal interests and to dedicate themselves to a greater cause. Their devotion to Nidses and their unshakable commitment to honor continue to shape the order's identity, echoing through the annals of time as a testament to the power of unwavering faith and the pursuit of a noble path.

Through Devotion, Valor, and Sacrifice, We Shield and Serve.

Founding Date
154 PD
Military, Knightly Order
Alternative Names
Disciples of Nidses
Predecessor Organization
Leader Title


The Knights of Nidses and the Iron Brotherhood have long worked together. The Knights of Nidses guard the Temple of Buaos and in return the Iron Brotherhood forges the best weapons and armors for the Knights of Nidses, straight from the fires of the mythic Temple Forge.


The Knights of Nidses were born from the Red Hand. While their views on war are tremendously different, there is still an inate respect both organizations have for eachother and their shared dedication to the blade.