
(Greed)Mammon, the Archduke of Minauros, is the embodiment of greed and avarice in the Nine Hells. Towering and imposing, his form is covered in a dark, metallic gold sheen, reflecting his insatiable lust for wealth. With glowing golden eyes, large curved horns, and a muscular build, he exudes both power and menace. Mammon's reign over the third layer of the Nine Hells is characterized by his cunning manipulation and accumulation of vast riches. He rules from his iron fortress, surrounded by treasuries filled with untold wealth. His persuasive and smooth speech makes him a master manipulator, always striking infernal deals to expand his influence. Despite his charisma, Mammon's paranoia and distrust isolate him from true allies, and his obsession with wealth blinds him to other aspects of power. His realm, Minauros, is a swampy, treacherous landscape, mirroring the corrupt and decaying nature of his soul.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mammon is in excellent physical condition, embodying the strength and vitality typical of an archdevil. His form is imposing and powerful, reflecting his status and the infernal power he wields.

Body Features

Height: Mammon stands at an imposing height, towering over most beings, including other devils.   Build: He has a muscular and well-defined build, exuding strength and intimidation. His body is covered in a thick, scaly hide that provides natural armor.   Skin: His skin is a dark, metallic gold, symbolizing his obsession with wealth and riches.

Facial Features

Eyes: Mammon's eyes glow with an intense golden light, capable of piercing through the souls of those who gaze into them.   Expression: His expression is often one of condescending arrogance and cold calculation, reflecting his manipulative nature.   Mouth: His mouth is filled with sharp, predatory teeth, always ready to bite and tear.

Identifying Characteristics

Horns: Mammon has large, curved horns that jut out from his forehead, adding to his menacing appearance.   Tail: He possesses a long, whip-like tail that ends in a barbed tip, which he can use as a weapon.   Wings: He has large, leathery wings that allow him to fly, making him even more formidable in battle.

Physical quirks

Gold Sheen: His skin has a constant golden sheen, making him shimmer in the light and emphasizing his connection to wealth.   Greed Aura: Mammon exudes an aura of greed that can influence those around him, driving them to avarice and betrayal.

Special abilities

Aura of Avarice: Mammon can project an aura that instills intense greed in those around him, making them more susceptible to his influence and more likely to betray others for wealth.   Wealth Manipulation: He can magically manipulate wealth, summoning gold, gems, and other valuables to him or turning them into deadly weapons.   Soul Corruption: Mammon has the ability to corrupt the souls of mortals, turning their desires and ambitions against them until they are bound to his will.   Regeneration: Like many archdevils, Mammon can rapidly heal from injuries, making him difficult to defeat in combat.   Infernal Power: He can cast powerful spells related to fire, darkness, and domination, using his vast magical knowledge to subdue his enemies.

Apparel & Accessories

Crown: He wears a golden crown encrusted with precious gems, symbolizing his rulership and obsession with wealth.   Robes: Mammon is often seen in luxurious robes made from the finest materials, adorned with intricate designs and more gemstones.   Jewelry: He is adorned with numerous rings, necklaces, and bracelets, each piece worth a king's ransom.

Specialized Equipment

Golden Scepter: Mammon wields a golden scepter that serves as both a symbol of his authority and a powerful magical weapon. The scepter can cast spells related to wealth, domination, and control.   Infernal Contracts: He carries infernal contracts that bind mortals and devils alike to his will, offering wealth and power in exchange for their souls.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Mammon is one of the most infamous archdevils in the Nine Hells, ruling the seventh layer, Minauros. He is known for his insatiable greed and love for wealth and violence. Mammon was once an angelic being but fell from grace due to his overwhelming avarice and desire for material riches. His fall from the celestial realm marked the beginning of his reign in the infernal planes, where he became a symbol of greed and corruption.


As a former celestial being, Mammon possesses vast knowledge of divine and infernal lore. His understanding of celestial hierarchies and divine magic is extensive, which he now uses to manipulate and control the flow of wealth and power within the Nine Hells. His education is not formal but rather accumulated through centuries of experience and interactions with both celestial and infernal entities.


Mammon's primary role is as the ruler of Minauros, the seventh layer of the Nine Hells. He oversees the swamps and marshes of Minauros, where he hoards his vast wealth and commands legions of devils and other infernal creatures. Mammon is also known for making deals and pacts with mortals, offering wealth and power in exchange for their souls and eternal servitude.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Ruler of Minauros: Mammon has successfully maintained his position as the archduke of Minauros for millennia, securing his power and influence in the Nine Hells.   Wealth Accumulation: He is known for amassing an unparalleled hoard of wealth, including gold, precious gems, and magical artifacts.   Infernal Contracts: Mammon is a master of infernal contracts and deals, often tricking mortals into surrendering their souls in exchange for temporary earthly riches.

Failures & Embarrassments

Betrayals: Mammon has faced numerous betrayals and uprisings within his realm, as his subordinates often seek to overthrow him and claim his wealth for themselves.   Divine Rejection: His initial fall from grace and rejection by the celestial realms is a source of eternal shame and a constant reminder of his insatiable greed.

Mental Trauma

Mammon's obsession with wealth and power has left him paranoid and distrustful. He is constantly worried about losing his riches and being betrayed by those closest to him. This paranoia drives him to extreme measures to protect his hoard, including ruthless actions against perceived threats.

Intellectual Characteristics

Cunning and Deceitful: Mammon is highly intelligent, using his cunning and deceit to manipulate others and secure his wealth.   Strategic Mind: He is a master strategist, often planning complex schemes to expand his influence and hoard.   Knowledgeable: Mammon possesses vast knowledge of both divine and infernal lore, as well as mortal economies and politics.

Morality & Philosophy

Mammon embodies the sin of greed and is driven by an insatiable desire for wealth and power. He believes that wealth is the ultimate measure of success and will go to any lengths to acquire and protect it. His philosophy is that everyone has a price, and he uses this belief to manipulate and control others.


Sharing Wealth: Mammon abhors the idea of sharing his wealth and views it as a sign of weakness.   Acts of Charity: Any act of charity or selflessness is seen as a betrayal of his core principles and is strictly forbidden in his realm.   Trusting Others: Due to his paranoia, Mammon finds it taboo to trust anyone fully, always assuming that others are out to steal his wealth or undermine his power.

Personality Characteristics


Mammon's primary motivation is the accumulation of wealth and power. His insatiable greed drives him to constantly seek out more riches and expand his influence within the Nine Hells and beyond. He is obsessed with securing his position and hoarding as much treasure as possible, believing that wealth is the ultimate measure of success and power.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Savvies: Mammon is exceptionally skilled in manipulation, negotiation, and financial dealings. His strategic mind allows him to outmaneuver rivals and secure lucrative deals.   Ineptitudes: His overwhelming greed often blinds him to the long-term consequences of his actions, and his distrustful nature can lead to isolation and missed alliances.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Wealth, luxury, precious gems, fine craftsmanship, infernal contracts, and power.   Dislikes: Charity, selflessness, poverty, weakness, and trust.

Virtues & Personality perks

Virtues: Mammon's cunning and intelligence make him a formidable strategist. His knowledge of infernal and divine lore is vast, and he is capable of charming and manipulating others with ease.   Perks: His ability to accumulate and manage vast amounts of wealth gives him significant influence over both mortals and infernal beings.

Vices & Personality flaws

Vices: Greed, paranoia, and ruthlessness. Mammon's desire for wealth leads him to make cruel and selfish decisions, often at the expense of others.   Flaws: His distrustful nature and paranoia can isolate him from potential allies, and his obsession with wealth can blind him to other important aspects of power and rulership.

Personality Quirks

Tics: Mammon often counts or handles coins and precious gems, even when unnecessary, as a comforting habit.   Quirks: He has a habit of offering infernal contracts at any opportunity, believing that everyone can be tempted by wealth.


Mammon maintains impeccable hygiene, as his obsession with wealth and luxury extends to his personal appearance. He is always well-groomed and adorned in the finest clothing and jewelry.

Representation & Legacy

Mammon represents the embodiment of greed and materialism in the Nine Hells. His legacy is one of immense wealth and ruthless ambition. He is both feared and envied by other devils and mortals alike, known for his cunning deals and vast hoards of treasure. Mammon's influence extends beyond Minauros, impacting the broader infernal hierarchy and mortal realms through his infernal contracts and manipulative schemes. His name is synonymous with avarice, and his presence is a constant reminder of the corrupting power of unchecked greed.



Mammon has ruled Minauros for millennia, maintaining his power through manipulation, wealth, and strategic alliances. His reign is characterized by his unrelenting pursuit of riches and the strict control he exerts over his domain.

Contacts & Relations

Infernal Hierarchy: Mammon has numerous contacts within the infernal hierarchy, including other archdevils and influential devils. His relationships are often based on mutual benefit and strategic alliances.   Mortal Followers: He has many mortal followers, including warlocks and cultists, who seek wealth and power through pacts with him.   Rivals: Mammon has many rivals both within the Nine Hells and among other planes, as his greed and manipulation often lead to conflicts and betrayals.

Social Aptitude

Mammon is highly charismatic and persuasive, able to charm and manipulate others with ease. His social skills are finely honed, allowing him to navigate complex political landscapes and secure advantageous deals. However, his paranoia and distrust can sometimes hinder his ability to form lasting alliances.


Calculating Gaze: Mammon often assesses those around him with a calculating gaze, always considering how they can be of use to him.   Touching Wealth: He frequently touches or handles coins, gems, or other valuables, a habit that reflects his obsession with wealth.   Smooth Talker: His speech is smooth and persuasive, often laced with promises of wealth and power.

Hobbies & Pets

  Hellhounds: Mammon keeps a pack of hellhounds as both pets and guards for his treasuries.   Morvom The Rapacious: Mammon's great wealth is protected by his pet great wrym Morvom, an infernal dragon that loves gold so much its skin is coated in gold and riches that has been melted down and cooled on his skin.  
  Hoarding: His primary hobby is the accumulation and organization of his wealth. He takes great pleasure in cataloging his riches and acquiring new treasures.   Infernal Contracts: Mammon enjoys crafting intricate infernal contracts to trap mortals and other beings into servitude.


Mammon's speech is articulate and persuasive, often dripping with promises of wealth and power. He uses his words to manipulate and control, always aiming to strike deals that benefit him. His voice carries a smooth, almost hypnotic quality, making it difficult for others to resist his influence.

Wealth & Financial state

Mammon's wealth is vast and unparalleled, comprising immense hoards of gold, precious gems, and magical artifacts. He possesses numerous treasuries hidden throughout Minauros, filled with untold riches. His wealth is both a symbol of his power and a tool he uses to manipulate and control others.
Divine Classification
Arch Devil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Archduke of Minauros
  • Lord of Greed
  • The Golden Devil
  • Keeper of Contracts
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • "Everyone has a price."
  • "Gold is the key to all hearts."
  • "In the end, all that matters is what you possess."
Ruled Locations


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