
Minauros, the seventh layer of the Nine Hells, is a swampy and fetid realm characterized by vast, stagnant marshes and treacherous terrain. Poisonous waters, thick mud, and rotting vegetation dominate the landscape, creating a hazardous environment filled with demonic reptiles, amphibians, and insects. The climate is perpetually humid and oppressively warm, with frequent rains that only add to the decay and corruption of the land. Localized phenomena such as toxic mists, sinking quagmires, and rotting rainstorms contribute to the layer's dangers. Minauros is rich in infernal resources like combustible peat and toxic flora, though its inhospitable nature makes it a place few would willingly visit. The opulent yet decaying Palace of Mammon and the soul markets where infernal bargains are struck are key points of interest in this realm of unending decay and malevolence.


Minauros, the seventh layer of the Nine Hells, is a swampy and filthy realm dominated by vast, stagnant marshes. The landscape is treacherous and difficult to traverse, filled with poisonous waters, thick mud, and rotting vegetation. The layer is characterized by vast expanses of swampy terrain, interspersed with lakes of stagnant, foul-smelling water.


The ecosystem of Minauros is one of decay and corruption. The flora and fauna are adapted to the harsh, toxic environment. The swamp is home to various infernal creatures, such as demonic reptiles, amphibians, and insects that thrive in the poisonous waters and rotting vegetation.

Ecosystem Cycles

The cycles in Minauros are governed by the processes of decay and renewal inherent to swamp ecosystems, albeit in a more twisted and infernal manner. The decomposition of plant and animal matter fuels the growth of new, often corrupted life forms. This cycle is accelerated and perpetuated by the dark magic that infuses the land.

Localized Phenomena

Poisonous Mists: Toxic mists rise from the swamps, obscuring vision and posing a danger to any who breathe them in. These mists can cause hallucinations and respiratory distress.   Sinking Quagmires: Areas of the swamp that appear solid but can suddenly give way, trapping and potentially drowning unwary travelers.   Rotting Rain: Periodic rainstorms that bring downpours of foul-smelling, acidic rain, further contributing to the decay and corruption of the environment.


The climate of Minauros is perpetually humid and fetid, with temperatures that fluctuate between oppressively hot and uncomfortably warm. The air is thick with the stench of decay and the buzzing of infernal insects. Rainfall is frequent, but instead of cleansing the land, it contributes to the overall miasma of rot and stagnation.

Natural Resources

Infernal Peat: A type of highly combustible material found in the swamps, used as a fuel source for infernal forges and rituals.   Toxic Flora: Plants that produce potent toxins and hallucinogens, utilized in the creation of poisons and dark potions.   Demon Ichor: A viscous substance extracted from certain demonic creatures, used in dark alchemical practices.


Tourism in Minauros is practically non-existent due to the extreme dangers and inhospitable environment. Only those with a specific purpose, such as dark sorcerers seeking rare ingredients or souls condemned to this layer, would venture here.
Alternative Name(s)
Fields of Wrath
Magical Realm
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners


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