Mirebane Toxin

Mirebane Toxin is a highly potent poison derived from the venom of the Arthinian Swamp Adder, combined with a meticulous blend of nightshade essence, bogwater extract, crushed mire fern, shadowroot, alchemical salts, and preservative oils. This lethal concoction is known for its dark, viscous appearance and a faint, earthy scent that belies its deadly nature. The toxin works swiftly, causing excruciating pain, muscle paralysis, and ultimately, death within hours if left untreated. Used by skilled assassins and feared by many, Mirebane Toxin is often stored in crystal vials, carefully sealed to maintain its potency. Its creation requires expert knowledge in alchemy and herbalism, making it a prized and rare commodity in the world of Idorin.  

Creating Mirebane Toxin:

1. Venom Extraction:
  Skill Check: Nature or Survival   Difficulty Class (DC): 15   Description: Carefully milk the venom from an Arthinian Swamp Adder using specialized tools. A successful check ensures maximum yield and safety.  
2. Plant Preparation:
  Skill Check: Nature or Herbalism Kit   DC: 12   Description: Harvest and prepare Nightshade, Mire Fern, and Shadowroot. Clean and dry these plants, then grind them into a fine powder or extract their essences.  
3. Bogwater Collection:
  Skill Check: Survival or Nature   DC: 10   Description: Collect bogwater from a specific swamp area known for its high mineral content. Filter the water to remove impurities.  
4. Mixing:
  Skill Check: Alchemist's Supplies   DC: 14   Description: Combine the venom with the plant extracts in a precise ratio. Add the bogwater extract and crushed Mire Fern to the mixture. Heat and distill the mixture until it reaches the desired potency.  
5. Stabilization:
  Skill Check: Alchemist's Supplies   DC: 13   Description: Introduce alchemical salts and preservative oils to the mixture to stabilize the toxins and extend the shelf life of the poison.  
6. Bottling:
  Skill Check: Poisoner's Kit   DC: 12   Description: Carefully pour the stabilized toxin into crystal or reinforced glass vials. Seal each vial with a waxed cork stopper to prevent leakage and ensure the poison's potency remains intact.  
7. Quality Control:
  Skill Check: Arcana or Alchemist's Supplies   DC: 15   Description: Test a small sample of the poison to ensure it meets the desired potency and stability standards. Adjust the formula as needed to achieve consistency across all vials.  

Overall Process:

Total Time: 1d4 + 1 days   Materials Cost: 75 gold pieces worth of ingredients   Tools Required: Herbalism Kit, Poisoner's Kit, Alchemist's Supplies, Protective Gear

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Immediate Effects:


Neurotoxic Impact:

Mild Paralysis: The target must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or have their movement speed reduced by half for 1d4 hours. Pain: The target takes 1d8 poison damage upon injection.  

Hemotoxic Effects:

Swelling and Bruising: The target has disadvantage on Dexterity-based ability checks for the duration of the toxin's effect.  

Short-Term Effects:


Systemic Toxicity:

Nausea and Dizziness: The target must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or suffer from nausea and dizziness, causing them to make attacks with disadvantage for 1d4 rounds. Mild Fatigue: The target feels lethargic and tired, suffering a -1 penalty to Strength and Dexterity ability checks and saving throws for the duration of the toxin's effect.  

Long-Term Effects:


Residual Effects:

Minor Tissue Damage: Survivors may experience minor scarring at the injection site, which can be healed by a Lesser Restoration spell or similar magic. Temporary Weakness: Long-term effects include temporary muscle weakness and coordination issues, imposing a -1 penalty on all Dexterity-based ability checks for 1d4 days.  

Antidote and Treatment:



Specific Antidote: An antidote for Mirebane Toxin can be administered within 30 minutes of exposure. The antidote neutralizes the toxin's effects and requires a successful DC 12 Medicine check to administer.  

Supportive Care:

Basic Care: Providing rest and hydration can help the target recover. A successful DC 12 Medicine check can ease symptoms and grant advantage on saving throws to resist further effects. Wound Care: Proper cleaning and care of the injection site can prevent secondary infections, promoting faster healing.  



Timely Treatment:

Good Prognosis: With prompt administration of the antidote and supportive care, the target is expected to recover fully within 1 to 2 days.  

Delayed Treatment:

Fair Prognosis: Without immediate treatment, the effects of Mirebane Toxin are uncomfortable but not typically life-threatening. The target will likely recover within a few days but may experience lingering weakness and discomfort.

Manufacturing process

Venom Extraction: Carefully milk the venom from an Arthinian Swamp Adder using specialized tools to ensure maximum yield and safety. Store the venom in a sealed, dark container to prevent degradation.   Plant Preparation: Harvest Nightshade, Mire Fern, and Shadowroot from the swamp. Clean and dry these plants, then grind them into a fine powder or extract their essences using an herbalism kit.   Bogwater Collection: Collect bogwater from the swamps of Margolin known for its high mineral content. Filter the water to remove impurities.   Mixing: Combine the venom with the plant extracts in a precise ratio. Add the bogwater extract and crushed Mire Fern to the mixture. Use alchemist’s supplies to heat and distill the mixture until it reaches the desired potency.   Stabilization: Introduce alchemical salts and preservative oils to the mixture to stabilize the toxins and extend the shelf life of the poison.   Bottling: Carefully pour the stabilized toxin into crystal or reinforced glass vials. Seal each vial with a waxed cork stopper to prevent leakage and ensure the poison's potency remains intact.   Quality Control: Test a small sample of the poison to ensure it meets the desired potency and stability standards. Adjust the formula as needed to achieve consistency across all vials.
Item type
0.2 pounds per vial
Vial Size: 4 inches tall, 1 inch in diameter
Base Price
150 gold
Raw materials & Components
Primary Ingredient: Venom from the Arthinian Swamp Adder   Secondary Ingredients: Essence of Nightshade, Bogwater Extract, Crushed Mire Fern, and Shadowroot   Stabilizers: Alchemical Salts and Preservative Oils   Container: Crystal or reinforced glass vial, sealed with a waxed cork stopper
Herbalism Kit: For the extraction and preparation of plant-based components.   Poisoner’s Kit: For the safe extraction of venom and combination of toxic ingredients.   Alchemist’s Supplies: For the distillation, mixing, and stabilization of the poison.   Protective Gear: Gloves, goggles, and protective clothing to prevent accidental exposure.


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