Monastery of Tahi'ona

Tahi'Ona Temple is a secluded and highly exclusive monastery perched atop the tallest mountain of Tahi'Ona. Known for its rigorous training in the arts of invisibility and combat, the temple is accessible only by a week-long, treacherous hike. Governed by a council of elder monks, the temple is a self-sufficient sanctuary with a rich tradition and profound spiritual significance. Its remote location, natural defenses, and skilled inhabitants make it a place of both mystery and reverence.

Purpose / Function

The primary purpose of Tahi'Ona Temple is to serve as a secluded sanctuary for the study and mastery of stealth and martial arts. The monastery focuses on teaching its members the arts of becoming invisible and fighting with great skill. It is a place of spiritual growth, physical training, and mental discipline. The temple also serves as a retreat for those seeking enlightenment and a deeper understanding of their abilities and purpose.


Over the years, Tahi'Ona Temple has undergone several alterations to enhance its functionality and defense:   Training Facilities: Expanded and improved training halls and outdoor areas to accommodate more intensive martial arts and stealth training. Living Quarters: Upgraded to provide better living conditions for monks and students while maintaining the minimalist aesthetic. Secret Passages: Added hidden tunnels and passages within the temple complex to facilitate stealth training and provide escape routes in case of an attack. Enhanced Defenses: Strengthened the natural and constructed defenses around the temple to ensure its security and seclusion.


The architecture of Tahi'Ona Temple reflects its purpose and philosophy:   Natural Materials: Buildings are constructed from stone and timber sourced from the surrounding mountain, blending seamlessly with the environment. Minimalist Design: Structures are simple, functional, and unobtrusive, emphasizing the monastic lifestyle and the principles of humility and focus. Camouflage: The design incorporates elements that blend with the natural surroundings, making the temple difficult to spot from a distance. Spiritual Symbols: The temple is adorned with subtle spiritual symbols and carvings that reflect the teachings and heritage of the monastery.


The defenses of Tahi'Ona Temple are both natural and constructed, ensuring its security and isolation:   Natural Barriers: The rugged terrain and treacherous paths leading to the temple serve as formidable natural defenses. Skilled Monks: The residents of the temple are highly trained in combat and stealth, making them capable defenders. Hidden Traps: The temple grounds are equipped with concealed traps and alarms to deter and detect intruders. Isolation: The temple's remote location and the week-long hike required to reach it provide a significant deterrent to potential threats.


Tourism at Tahi'Ona Temple is extremely limited and highly controlled:   Pilgrimages: Occasionally, devout individuals are allowed to visit for spiritual reasons, but these visits are rare and strictly regulated. Academic Visits: Scholars with special permissions may visit to study the temple’s texts and practices, though these visits are infrequent and monitored.
Temple / Religious complex
Parent Location


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