Morgan Drakely

Captain Morgan Drakely (a.k.a. Red Soul)

Morgan 'Red Soul' Drakely, the Lord of Blood, is a towering figure in the world of piracy, known for his ruthless ambition and strategic brilliance. Standing at 6'3" with a muscular, scar-laden physique, his intense green eyes and long, dark hair streaked with silver exude a fearsome presence. Drakely's moniker, 'Red Soul,' stems from the blood-stained soles of his boots, a testament to the countless battles he has fought and won. Commanding the second largest and most violent pirate armada, he challenges even the might of the Arthinian Navy. His wealth, amassed through daring raids and conquests, fuels his luxurious lifestyle and equips his formidable fleet. Charismatic and cunning, Drakely inspires loyalty and fear, using his deep, authoritative voice to manipulate and intimidate. Despite his brutal reputation, he maintains a meticulous appearance and enjoys pursuits like swordsmanship, navigation, and collecting rare artifacts. Drakely's legacy as a master tactician and unyielding pirate lord ensures his name will be remembered with both reverence and terror across the seven seas.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Morgan Drakely is in peak physical condition, maintained through rigorous combat training and an active lifestyle. His body is muscular and resilient, a testament to the numerous battles he has fought and survived. Despite his age, he remains as formidable as ever, his endurance and strength unmatched among his peers.

Body Features

Height: Approximately 6'3" (190 cm)   Build: Tall and muscular, with broad shoulders and a powerful frame.   Skin Tone: Weathered and tanned from years at sea, marked with numerous scars from battle.   Tattoos: Intricate tattoos covering his arms and chest, each symbolizing significant victories and personal milestones.

Facial Features

Eyes: Intense, piercing red eyes that seem to see through anyone's facade.   Hair: Long, dark hair, often knotted, streaked with silver from age.   Facial Hair: A thick, well-kept beard, giving him a rugged, authoritative appearance.   Expression: Often wears a stern, calculating expression, with a hint of a smirk that reveals his confidence and cunning

Identifying Characteristics

Scars: Numerous scars crisscross his body, the most notable being a deep, jagged scar across his right cheek.   Tattoos: Intricate tattoos depicting maritime symbols and battle scenes, each with its own story.   Red-Stained Soles: The soles of his boots are perpetually stained red with the blood of his enemies, earning him the moniker 'Red Soul.'

Physical quirks

Finger Tapping: Frequently taps his fingers when deep in thought or planning his next move.   Unwavering Gaze: Known for his intense, unwavering gaze that can unnerve even the bravest of men.   Confident Stance: Always stands with a straight back and squared shoulders, exuding authority and confidence.

Special abilities

Conquerer's Observation

Apparel & Accessories

Wears a mix of rugged, practical clothing and opulent garments befitting his status. Typically seen in a dark, weathered leather coat adorned with gold trim, sturdy boots, and a wide-brimmed hat. A gold earring in his left ear, a trophy from a significant victory. A crimson silk sash around his waist, symbolizing his title as the Lord of Blood. A collection of rings on his fingers, each representing a defeated enemy or captured prize.

Specialized Equipment

Navigational Instruments: An expertly crafted compass and sextant, essential for his voyages and raids.   Enchanted Map: A map with magical properties, capable of revealing hidden treasures and secret routes.   Battle Armor: A set of lightweight, reinforced armor designed to provide protection without hindering his agility.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Morgan Drakely, known as 'Red Soul,' is one of the most feared and respected pirate lords of the seven seas. Born into a life of poverty, Drakely fought his way up from the slums of a coastal town, driven by an unyielding ambition and thirst for power. His ruthlessness and strategic mind quickly set him apart in the world of piracy, leading to the formation of the second largest and most violent pirate armada. Drakely earned his nickname 'Red Soul' from the soles of his shoes, perpetually stained red with the blood of his enemies. Over time, the name evolved through a mistranslation to 'Red Soul,' symbolizing his fearsome reputation.


Drakely's education was far from formal; he learned the harsh realities of life through experience and necessity. Growing up on the streets and later aboard pirate ships, he picked up skills in navigation, combat, and strategy. His real education came from the battles he fought and the alliances he formed, turning him into a master tactician and a formidable leader.


Drakely is the appointed Lord of Blood, a title that reflects both his dominance over his pirate armada and his brutal approach to warfare. He commands a fleet capable of challenging the Arthinian Navy itself, enforcing his will through fear and strength. His leadership has brought him immense wealth and power, securing his position as one of the seven pirate lords.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Formation of the Armada: Drakely built the second largest and most feared pirate armada, a testament to his leadership and strategic prowess.   Infamous Raids: Known for orchestrating some of the most daring and successful raids against heavily fortified targets, including naval convoys and coastal fortresses.   Tactical Genius: Recognized for his ability to outmaneuver and outthink his opponents, often turning seemingly hopeless situations to his advantage.   Feared Reputation: His name alone inspires fear, ensuring loyalty and compliance from both his crew and his enemies.

Failures & Embarrassments

Betrayal by Allies: Drakely has faced betrayal from supposed allies, leading to significant losses and near-fatal ambushes.   Failed Mutiny: A mutiny within his ranks once threatened his leadership, forcing him to brutally reassert his authority at great cost.   Losses in Battle: Despite his many victories, Drakely has suffered significant defeats, including a failed assault on a heavily defended naval base that resulted in heavy casualties.

Mental Trauma

The constant violence and betrayal in Drakely's life have left deep psychological scars. He struggles with paranoia and trust issues, often seeing threats where there are none. The bloodshed he has caused and witnessed haunts him, leading to occasional bouts of insomnia and flashbacks.

Intellectual Characteristics

Strategic Mind: Drakely is a master strategist, able to plan and execute complex maneuvers with precision.   Cunning and Resourceful: Highly intelligent and adaptable, able to turn even dire situations to his advantage.   Charismatic Leader: Possesses a natural charisma that inspires loyalty and fear in equal measure.

Morality & Philosophy

Drakely's morality is shaped by his brutal upbringing and the lawless world of piracy. He believes in the survival of the fittest, viewing power and strength as the ultimate virtues. Mercy and compassion are weaknesses in his eyes, and he values loyalty and fear above all else. His philosophy is one of ruthless pragmatism, where the ends always justify the means.


Betrayal: Drakely has zero tolerance for betrayal and deals with traitors harshly and publicly.   Cowardice: He despises cowardice, believing that facing one's enemies head-on is the only honorable path.   Disloyalty: Disloyalty is unforgivable, and those who question his authority face severe punishment.

Personality Characteristics


Morgan Drakely is driven by an insatiable thirst for power, control, and respect. His primary motivation is to expand his pirate armada and solidify his dominance over the seas, challenging even the Arthinian Navy. Drakely's ambition is fueled by a desire to leave a legacy of fear and respect, ensuring that his name is remembered for generations.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Master strategist with an unparalleled understanding of naval warfare.
  • Charismatic leader capable of inspiring loyalty and fear in equal measure.
  • Skilled negotiator and manipulator, adept at forging alliances and deceiving enemies.
  • Expert swordsman and marksman, proficient in various forms of combat.
  • Struggles with genuine empathy and forming deep personal relationships.
  • Overly reliant on fear and intimidation, which can breed resentment and rebellion.
  • Tends to underestimate the resolve and cunning of his enemies.
  • Poor in tasks requiring patience and subtlety, often favoring direct confrontation.

Likes & Dislikes

  • The thrill of battle and the rush of victory.
  • Fine alcohol and elaborate feasts, indulging in the spoils of his conquests.
  • Wealth and treasure, particularly rare and valuable artifacts.
  • The open sea and the freedom it represents.
  • Cowardice and betrayal, viewing them as the greatest sins.
  • Stagnation and complacency, believing in constant progress and expansion.
  • Weakness in any form, whether physical, mental, or moral.
  • Authority figures and institutions that challenge his independence

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Courageous and unyielding in the face of danger.
  • Highly intelligent and strategic, capable of turning the tide of any battle.
  • Loyal to those who prove their worth and dedication.
  • Charismatic and inspiring, able to rally his men and strike fear into his enemies.
  • Commands one of the largest and most powerful pirate armadas.
  • Access to immense wealth and resources, including advanced weaponry and ships.
  • Fearsome reputation that deters potential adversaries and ensures compliance.
  • Deep understanding of naval tactics and guerrilla warfare.

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Insatiable lust for power and control, often leading to reckless decisions.
  • Cruelty and sadism, taking pleasure in the suffering of his enemies.
  • Paranoia and distrust, always wary of potential threats and betrayals.
  • Overconfidence in his abilities, sometimes underestimating his adversaries.
  • Struggles with genuine emotions and vulnerability, often masking them with aggression.
  • Tendency to push his crew and allies to their limits, causing dissent and unrest.


Drakely maintains a surprisingly meticulous hygiene for a pirate, believing that a commanding appearance is essential to maintaining respect and authority. He ensures that his clothes and weapons are always in top condition, and he takes pride in his well-kept beard and hair.

Representation & Legacy

Morgan 'Red Soul' Drakely represents the epitome of ruthless ambition and strategic brilliance in the world of piracy. His legacy is one of fear, respect, and unyielding power. Drakely's name is synonymous with bloodshed and dominance, inspiring both admiration and terror across the seven seas. His formidable presence and strategic mind have left an indelible mark on the history of piracy, ensuring that his legend endures for generations to come.



Drakely has ruled as the Lord of Blood for several decades, amassing a fearsome pirate armada that rivals even the largest naval forces. His reign is marked by ruthless expansion, strategic brilliance, and an unyielding grip on his domain. Through numerous battles and conquests, he has solidified his position as one of the most powerful and feared pirate lords in history.

Contacts & Relations

Allies: Drakely has forged alliances with other powerful pirate lords and influential figures, creating a network of support that bolsters his position.   Rivals: His aggressive expansion has earned him numerous enemies, including rival pirate lords and naval commanders.   Informants: Maintains a network of spies and informants within various ports and cities, keeping him informed of potential threats and opportunities.

Religious Views

Drakely is a follower of the god of war Eren, offering half of the plunder he aquires as an offering to Eren, in hopes of glorious and victorious battles to come.

Social Aptitude

Drakely is highly charismatic and adept at navigating social interactions. His commanding presence and natural leadership abilities inspire both loyalty and fear. He excels in negotiations, able to charm and manipulate others to achieve his goals. Despite his ruthless nature, he can be surprisingly persuasive and diplomatic when necessary.


Intense Gaze: Often maintains a piercing, unwavering gaze that can intimidate and unnerve those he speaks to.   Confident Stance: Always stands with a straight back and squared shoulders, exuding authority and confidence.   Finger Tapping: Frequently taps his fingers when deep in thought or planning his next move.   Controlled Movements: Every gesture and motion is deliberate and controlled, reflecting his strategic mind.

Hobbies & Pets

Pet: Keeps a fierce and loyal snake named Narila, known for its striking red plumage and aggressive nature.  
  Swordsmanship: Regularly practices sword fighting, honing his skills to maintain his combat prowess.   Navigation: Takes pleasure in charting new courses and discovering uncharted territories.   Collecting Artifacts: Has a passion for collecting rare and valuable artifacts, which he displays in his private quarters.   Music: Enjoys listening to sea shanties and occasionally playing the violin, finding solace in music amidst the chaos of his life.


Morgan Drakely's speech is authoritative, commanding, and often laced with a subtle menace. He speaks with confidence and clarity, his words carefully chosen to convey his power and intentions. Drakely's voice is deep and resonant, capable of both inspiring loyalty and instilling fear. He often uses his words to manipulate and intimidate, ensuring that those who hear him understand the weight of his authority.

Wealth & Financial state

Morgan Drakely's wealth is immense, accumulated through countless raids, plunders, and conquests. His treasure hoard includes gold, jewels, rare artifacts, and valuable goods from across the seas. His wealth allows him to maintain and equip his formidable armada, ensuring its dominance and his own luxurious lifestyle.
Chaotic Sadistic
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Captain of the Pirates of Wrath Lord of Blood Warlord of the Crimson Seas
One burning red eye
long knotted black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"The seas belong to those with the strength to take them." "Respect is earned through blood and fire." "No man can stand against the tide of destiny." "A ship without fear is a ship without a captain." "Power is a currency best spent wisely and often."
Aligned Organization


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