The Court of Blackheart

The Court of Blackheart is a notorious guild of pirates, known throughout the Azure Isles for their adherence to a strict code of piracy. Their fearsome reputation is only rivaled by their unwavering commitment to their own unique set of principles and values.


Pirate Lords: At the helm of the organization are the Pirate Lords, the highest authority within the guild. The 5 Pirate Lords are the ultimate decision-makers and often the most cunning and respected pirates in the guild. They are responsible for setting the overall direction and goals of the Court.   Captain's Council: Directly beneath the Pirate Lord is the Captain's Council, composed of a select group of the most experienced and influential pirate captains within the guild. This council assists the Pirate Lord in making critical decisions, planning major raids, and upholding the guild's code of conduct.   Crews: Individual pirate crews form the backbone of the Court of Blackheart. Each crew is typically led by a captain, who is responsible for the crew's actions and shares the spoils of their exploits according to the guild's code. Crews vary in size and are often known by distinctive names, flags, or symbols.   Individual Pirates: Pirates who are not part of a specific crew but operate as freebooters or independently also have a place within the guild. They may have distinct roles based on their skills, such as navigators, gunners, or quartermasters. These pirates are expected to abide by the Court's code when raiding, sharing their plunder, and dealing with fellow members.


The guild has a culture defined by honor among thieves. Members are bound by a strict code of conduct that includes respect for fellow pirates, equitable sharing of plunder, and maintaining loyalty to the Court. There is a strong sense of camaraderie, and a member's word is their bond. Disloyalty is met with swift and severe consequences.

Public Agenda

The Court of Blackheart primarily pursues a life of piracy. Their agenda is to amass wealth through raiding merchant ships, buried treasure, and coastal settlements. However, their strict code differentiates them from common cutthroat pirates. They operate with a sense of honor, avoiding unnecessary cruelty, and sometimes even assisting those in need.


The guild's assets include a fleet of well-armed ships, hidden bases on remote islands, and vast caches of stolen treasure. They also have access to a network of informants, aiding them in locating valuable targets and avoiding law enforcement.

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Illicit, Pirate Crew
Alternative Names
The Blackheart Brethren
Leader Title
Related Ranks & Titles
Organization Vehicles