Order of Affliction


The High Afflictor:   The highest authority within the Order, directly appointed by Vihbus or chosen through rigorous selection processes. Responsible for interpreting Vihbus's will, guiding the Order's activities, and ensuring adherence to its principles. Commands absolute obedience and loyalty from all members of the Order.   Council of Affliction:   Comprised of influential members chosen by the High Afflictor. Advises the High Afflictor on matters of doctrine, strategy, and organizational governance. Each member oversees a specific aspect of the Order's operations, such as recruitment, rituals, or external relations.   Afflicted Elders:   Experienced and respected members who have demonstrated unwavering dedication to Vihbus and the Order. Serve as mentors and advisors to lower-ranking members, guiding them in their spiritual and practical pursuits. Assist in the enforcement of Order's rules and traditions.   Harbingers of Affliction:   Priests and priestesses entrusted with conducting rituals, ceremonies, and sacrifices dedicated to Vihbus. Serve as intermediaries between the members of the Order and their malevolent deity, channeling divine power and guidance. Possess deep knowledge of dark arts, curses, and ritualistic practices.   Scourges of Vihbus:   Highly trained and fanatically loyal warriors who execute the will of the Order with ruthless efficiency. Tasked with enforcing discipline, eliminating threats to the Order, and spreading chaos and suffering in Vihbus's name. Often deployed in covert operations, assassination missions, or acts of terror to further the Order's goals.   Afflicted Scholars:   Intellectuals and researchers dedicated to studying diseases, plagues, and other afflictions associated with Vihbus. Seek to expand knowledge of pestilence and its effects, uncovering new methods of spreading illness and weakening adversaries. Provide guidance on biological warfare, alchemical concoctions, and necromantic rituals to enhance the Order's capabilities.   Afflicted Prophets:   Individuals gifted with visions and prophecies believed to be bestowed by Vihbus. Interpret omens and signs to predict future events, guiding the Order's actions and strategies. Serve as inspirational figures, rallying members with promises of divine favor and impending doom for their enemies.   Afflicted Initiates:   Novices who have pledged themselves to Vihbus and seek to prove their devotion to the Order. Undergo rigorous training, indoctrination, and trials to demonstrate their commitment to the cause. Gradually ascend through the ranks as they prove their worthiness and loyalty to the Order's principles.   Afflicted Followers:   Rank-and-file members who support the Order's activities through various means, such as recruitment, fundraising, or espionage. Embrace Vihbus's teachings and participate in rituals and ceremonies to gain his favor and protection. Carry out assigned tasks and missions to further the Order's agenda of spreading pestilence and chaos throughout the world.