
Vihbus, the god of pestilence and disease, is a malevolent and sinister deity often feared and reviled by mortals. In the pantheon of malevolent gods, Vihbus holds a prominent place, as his dominion over pestilence and disease brings suffering and affliction to the world.

Divine Domains

Pestilence and Disease


Pestilent Staff: This staff, crowned with a grotesque skull, can summon swarms of disease-carrying insects and vermin. It is a tool of infestation, spreading sickness wherever it is wielded. Plagueheart Amulet: This amulet is said to hold the essence of Vihbus himself. When worn, it grants the wearer immunity to diseases and the ability to infect others with deadly plagues simply by touch. Virulent Chalice: This cursed chalice is said to be capable of brewing the most deadly and contagious poisons and diseases. It can transform ordinary substances into toxic concoctions that can decimate entire populations.

Holy Books & Codes

The Tome of Pestilence

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Pestilence Sigil: A twisted, sinuous symbol resembling a sickly vine or serpentine form. It represents the insidious spread of diseases and plagues, with each curve and twist signifying the relentless march of affliction.   The Blighted Skull: A skull motif, often depicted with gaping, rotting eye sockets and decayed features. It symbolizes the ultimate fate of mortals and their vulnerability to the ravages of disease.   The Sickly Crescent: A crescent moon with a jagged, uneven edge, evoking the phases of illness and recovery. It represents the cyclical nature of pestilence and serves as a reminder that diseases can wax and wane.   The Cursed Droplet: A single, ominous droplet that appears both as a tear and a drop of poison. It symbolizes the transmission of diseases through contact and the harm they can cause.   The Bubonic Crown: A circular emblem adorned with grotesque buboes, open sores, and weeping wounds. It signifies the suffering inflicted by pestilence and the crown of agony that diseases bestow upon their victims.   The Locust Swarm: A swarm of locusts forming a spiraling pattern. It represents the idea that diseases can descend upon populations like a devouring plague, consuming all in their path.   The Pestilent Handprint: An eerie handprint smeared with dark stains, as if dipped in a noxious substance. It embodies the idea of touch as a vector for disease transmission.   The Rotting Heart: A corrupted heart symbol, oozing with dark ichor. It symbolizes the corruption of the life force and the suffering of those afflicted by illness.   The Plague Rat: A rat with festering sores and a skeletal appearance. It signifies the role of rodents in disease transmission and the association between vermin and pestilence.
Divine Classification
Glazed white eyes
tattered and thin black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
gaunt decaying skin
Ruled Locations


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