Ossa Requiem


The Requiem Matron (Supreme Necromancer):   The highest authority within the Ossa Requiem, chosen by Igva or through necromantic rites of succession. Possesses unparalleled mastery over necromancy, commanding the spirits of the dead and orchestrating rituals to commune with Igva. Directs the activities of the Ossa Requiem, guiding its members in their pursuit of eternal undeath and the expansion of necromantic influence. Council of Lamentations:   Assembly of distinguished necromancers and scholars appointed by the Requiem Matron to advise on matters of necromantic lore, strategy, and governance. Each member specializes in a particular aspect of necromancy, such as soul manipulation, corpse reanimation, or necrotic magic. Collaborate to interpret Igva's will, devise necromantic rituals, and safeguard the Ossa Requiem's secrets from outside threats. Masters of the Ebon Veil (High Liches/Lich Queens):   Elite practitioners of necromancy entrusted with conducting rites, ceremonies, and invocations dedicated to Igva. Harness the power of death magic to raise armies of undead, commune with restless spirits, and wield necrotic energies against their enemies. Serve as mentors and instructors to lower-ranking members, imparting their knowledge and honing their skills in the dark arts of necromancy. Harbingers of the Shrouded Abyss:   Agents of the Ossa Requiem tasked with spreading the influence of Igva and recruiting new followers to the cause of undeath. Operate clandestinely, infiltrating mortuary societies, occult circles, and funerary rites to sow despair and corruption. Utilize dark charisma, necromantic illusions, and promises of eternal undeath to seduce mortals into embracing the necromantic mysteries. Eulogists of the Twilight Path:   Orators and scribes devoted to preserving the lore and rituals of the Ossa Requiem, chronicling the exploits of necromancers and their undead legions. Record prophecies, rituals, and necromantic formulas passed down through generations, ensuring the continuity of Igva's teachings. Serve as historians and librarians, safeguarding forbidden tomes of necromantic knowledge and disseminating them to worthy acolytes. Sentinels of the Stygian Gates:   Guardians and protectors of the Ossa Requiem's sanctuaries, mausoleums, and necropolis strongholds. Skilled in both martial combat and necromantic defenses, they repel intruders and safeguard the secrets of Igva from desecration. Tasked with patrolling the boundaries between life and death, they ensure that the sanctity of necromantic rites is preserved and respected. Shadesworn Acolytes:   Novices and apprentices who aspire to wield the powers of undeath and necromancy within the ranks of the Ossa Requiem. Undergo rigorous training in necromantic lore, death magic, and rituals of communion with the goddess Igva under the tutelage of more experienced members. Prove their dedication and loyalty through acts of service and initiation rites designed to test their resolve and commitment to the path of undeath. Whispers of the Eclipsed Veil:   Informants and spies embedded within rival factions, religious orders, and arcane societies to gather intelligence and undermine adversaries. Operate covertly, exchanging secrets and information with fellow members of the Ossa Requiem to maintain its advantage in the realms of undeath and necromancy. Employ stealth, subterfuge, and necromantic illusions to conceal their identities and manipulate events to further the interests of Igva. Echoes of the Eternal Night (Death Cultists):   Rank-and-file members who venerate Igva and participate in the rituals, ceremonies, and rites of necromancy within the Ossa Requiem. Embrace the inevitability of death and the promise of eternal undeath, seeking communion with the goddess Igva and the power of necromantic energies. Support the objectives of the Ossa Requiem through acts of devotion, obedience, and service, believing in the ultimate triumph of undeath over mortality.