
Igva, the goddess of undeath and necromancy, is a mysterious and enigmatic deity in the pantheon of Idorin. Her dominion over death and the dark arts of necromancy makes her both revered and feared.

Divine Domains

Undeath Necromancy Bones


Soulforged Armor of the Ephemeral Guardian: This ancient suit of armor is imbued with the essence of the afterlife. It is as light as a whisper but provides formidable protection against both physical and magical attacks. The Soulforged Armor enhances the wearer's connection to the souls of the departed, granting them the ability to commune with spirits and resist necrotic forces.   Scythe of the Eternal Reaper: A sinister, crescent-bladed scythe that embodies the essence of death itself. It is a formidable weapon capable of reaping the souls of the living and channeling their life force. The Scythe of the Eternal Reaper is often wielded by Igva's chosen champions and is a symbol of her dominion over mortality.   Codex of the Necromancer's Lament: This dark and ancient grimoire is filled with forbidden necromantic knowledge, including spells, incantations, and rituals. The Codex holds the secrets of controlling the undead, communing with spirits, and manipulating the boundaries of life and death. It is a source of immense power and peril, sought after by those who seek mastery over the dark arts.

Holy Books & Codes

Tome of Bones

Divine Symbols & Sigils

a skeletal hand holding a wilting flower an open book bound in human skin

Tenets of Faith

Embrace the Cycle: Followers of Igva believe in the natural cycle of life and death. They understand that death is not the end but a transition to another realm. Embracing this cycle is central to their faith.   Honor the Departed: Igva's followers honor the deceased and treat their remains with respect and reverence. They perform rituals to ensure the proper passage of souls to the afterlife and maintain the sanctity of burial grounds.   Study the Necromantic Arts: Devotees of Igva are dedicated scholars of necromancy, seeking to understand the secrets of death and the manipulation of life force. They believe that by mastering these arts, they can serve as intermediaries between the living and the dead.   Respect the Veil: Igva's faithful recognize the boundaries between the realms of life and death. They believe in respecting the veil that separates the two, avoiding reckless attempts to disrupt the natural order.   Prepare for the Afterlife: Followers of Igva prepare for their own eventual transition to the afterlife. They believe that by leading a life of honor and service to the deceased, they will find their own place in the realm beyond mortality.
Divine Classification
Ruled Locations


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