
The Peregrif is a magnificent and elusive creature, renowned as the fastest animal in Idorin. With the body of a cheetah and wings reminiscent of a peregrine falcon, the Peregrif is a master of both land and sky. These apex predators are solitary hunters, known for their exceptional speed and agility. They possess keen eyesight and sharp talons, making them formidable in pursuit of prey such as antelope and gazelles. Peregrifs are primarily found in grasslands, savannas, and open plains, where their abilities are most advantageous. Despite their impressive capabilities, they are near-threatened due to habitat loss and climate change. Highly revered and protected, their feathers are sometimes used for ceremonial purposes by indigenous cultures, highlighting their symbolic significance in Idorin.

Basic Information


Peregrifs boast the lithe body of a cheetah, adorned with the distinctive markings and muscular build that facilitate explosive bursts of speed. Their wings, reminiscent of a falcon's, allow for swift aerial maneuvers and precise hunting strategies. With keen eyesight and sharp talons, Peregrifs are formidable predators capable of dominating both land and sky.

Biological Traits

Peregrifs possess a combination of traits from cheetahs and peregrine falcons. They have the powerful legs and sleek bodies of cheetahs, which provide bursts of speed, and the wings and keen eyesight of falcons, allowing for precise aerial maneuvers. This unique blend makes them unparalleled hunters.

Genetics and Reproduction

Peregrifs reproduce through mating rituals similar to those of cheetahs, forming temporary pairs during the breeding season. Females give birth to litters of cubs, which are raised in secluded dens until they are old enough to join their parents on hunting expeditions.

Growth Rate & Stages

Peregrif cubs grow rapidly, reaching maturity within a few years. They undergo stages of development similar to cheetahs, transitioning from playful cubs reliant on maternal care to skilled hunters capable of surviving in the wild.

Ecology and Habitats

Peregrifs inhabit a range of environments, including grasslands, savannas, and open plains, where their speed and agility are unmatched. They coexist with cheetahs, sharing territories and hunting grounds in pursuit of prey such as antelope, gazelles, and smaller mammals.

Dietary Needs and Habits

As apex predators, Peregrifs prey primarily on fast-moving animals like antelope and gazelles, using their incredible speed and aerial prowess to outmaneuver and capture their quarry. They are opportunistic hunters, adapting their hunting strategies to target the most vulnerable members of herds or exploiting the element of surprise to ambush their prey.

Biological Cycle

Peregrifs follow a biological cycle that includes mating during the breeding season, rearing cubs in secluded dens, and transitioning to independence as skilled hunters. Their life cycle closely mirrors that of cheetahs, with added complexities due to their dual capabilities in both land and aerial environments.


Peregrifs exhibit behaviors adapted to their role as apex predators and masters of speed. They are solitary hunters, stalking their prey with stealth and precision before unleashing bursts of speed to close the distance and deliver a decisive strike. Peregrifs are territorial creatures, fiercely defending their hunting grounds from rival predators and intruders while maintaining a delicate balance within their ecosystem.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Peregrifs are primarily solitary animals, coming together only during the breeding season. They maintain large territories to ensure sufficient prey availability and avoid competition.


Due to their wild nature and exceptional speed, Peregrifs have never been successfully domesticated. Their cautious behavior and need for vast territories make them unsuitable for captivity.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Peregrifs are highly revered in Idorin, and their feathers are occasionally collected for ceremonial purposes by indigenous cultures and their hides are often used as trophies.

Facial characteristics

Peregrifs have sharp, keen eyes with a striking intensity, capable of spotting prey from great distances. Their facial structure is a blend of feline and avian features, giving them a predatory and vigilant appearance.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Peregrifs are found primarily in the grasslands, savannas, and open plains of Idorin. They tend to avoid dense forests and mountainous regions, where their speed is less advantageous.

Average Intelligence

Peregrifs are highly intelligent predators. Their hunting strategies demonstrate complex problem-solving abilities, particularly in coordinating land and aerial attacks.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Peregrifs possess exceptional sensory capabilities, honed for rapid movement and acute awareness of their surroundings. Their keen eyesight enables them to spot prey from great distances, while their hearing is finely tuned to detect the faintest sounds of movement. Some myths suggest Peregrifs possess extrasensory abilities, enhancing their hunting prowess and survival instincts.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Felanus Celeritatis
12 to 15 years
Conservation Status
Average Height
On average, Peregrifs stand about 2.5 to 3 feet tall at the shoulder, similar to cheetahs.
Average Weight
Peregrifs typically weigh between 90 to 140 pounds, balancing the need for lightweight speed with the muscle required for powerful bursts of energy.
Average Length
From nose to tail, Peregrifs measure around 4.5 to 5 feet, with their tail providing additional balance during high-speed chases.
Average Physique
With a muscular and sleek physique, Peregrifs are built for speed and agility. Their bodies are streamlined, reducing air resistance during high-speed pursuits.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their bodies are adorned with the distinctive spots of a cheetah, which provide camouflage in their natural habitats. Their wings are typically a darker shade, often matching the coloring of peregrine falcons, aiding in stealth during aerial maneuvers.

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
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