Riders of Solaris

The Riders of Solaris, a resplendent knight order of skilled cavalry, stand as the radiant guardians of the boundless plains of Thesaris. Embracing the unwavering warmth of Solaris, the God of the Sun, Horses, and the Day, these noble men and women have pledged their allegiance to a divine purpose, a sacred duty to safeguard the land under the endless sky.  
Equestrian Prowess:
Mounted atop powerful steeds, the Riders of Solaris are a breathtaking spectacle in motion. Their mastery of horsemanship is unmatched, a symphony of synchronized movement between horse and rider that strikes awe into the hearts of those who witness their charge. Their deep connection with their equine companions reflects the reverence they hold for Solaris, the deity who blessed them with both light and noble steeds.  
Radiant Armor and Regalia:
Clad in glistening armor that mirrors the brilliance of the sun's rays, the Riders of Solaris are a sight to behold. Embellished with symbols of their god's domain—golden motifs of sun discs and galloping horses—their regalia embodies both strength and devotion. Gleaming banners and pennants flutter in the wind, catching the sun's luminous embrace and carrying their deity's blessing across the plains.  
Guardians of Thesaris:
These knights are the vigilant and unwavering sentinels of the plains, a steadfast presence that ensures the safety and tranquility of Thesaris. Their unbreakable oath binds them to the sacred duty of protecting the land from threats that may cast shadows upon its beauty. As the sole protectors of Thesaris, they stand resolute against any who would dare disrupt its harmonious expanse.  
Solaris' Divine Light:
The Riders of Solaris draw strength from the radiant aura of their god. In the heat of battle or the quiet moments of contemplation, they find solace in Solaris' life-giving warmth. They invoke their deity's blessings before embarking on missions, seeking his divine guidance to illuminate their path and empower their noble charge.  
Emissaries of Dawn:
As worshipers of the God of the Sun, the Riders of Solaris view each new dawn as a symbol of hope and renewal. They carry Solaris' message of light and resilience wherever they ride, spreading optimism and inspiring others to face the challenges of each day with unwavering courage.  
Loyal to the King:
The Riders of Solaris answer to the command of the King of Thesaris, who entrusts them with the monumental responsibility of protecting the realm's heartland. Their allegiance to the king is a testament to their dedication to both their divine patron and the sovereign who rules over the land they hold dear.  
Unity in Purpose:
Bound by a common purpose and unwavering faith, the Riders of Solaris form a tight-knit brotherhood and sisterhood. They draw strength from one another and from the bond they share with Solaris, riding forth with determination to fulfill their divine mandate and ensure that the plains of Thesaris bask eternally in the light of the sun.   The Riders of Solaris, an order whose every gallop echoes with the blessings of Solaris, serve as a living embodiment of their god's radiant spirit. Through their valor, unity, and unyielding dedication, they illuminate the plains and inspire all who behold their noble charge.


High Sunrider:
At the pinnacle of the hierarchy stands the High Sunrider, the title held by the King of Thesaris. Trained from birth, building exceptional leadership qualities, combat prowess, and unwavering devotion to Solaris. The High Sunrider serves as the ultimate authority, overseeing all aspects of the order's operations, strategy, and decision-making.  
Directly under the High Sunrider are the Sunriders, each responsible for a specific division or unit within the order. Sunriders command groups of riders and play a crucial role in training, mission assignments, and coordination. They report directly to the High Sunrider.  
Dawnwardens are seasoned knights who lead squads of riders into battle and oversee specific areas of responsibility on the plains of Thesaris. They ensure that the order's protective presence is maintained, assigning patrols and addressing threats to the land.  
Solar Sentinels:
Solar Sentinels are skilled riders who protect specific regions or important sites within Thesaris. They maintain a constant vigilance, patrolling their designated areas and responding swiftly to any signs of danger.  
Radiant Knights:
Radiant Knights are the core members of the order, skilled in both combat and horsemanship. They execute missions, engage in battles, and uphold the order's values and traditions.  
Dawnriders are the initiates and trainees of the order, learning the ways of the Riders of Solaris under the guidance of more experienced knights. They undergo rigorous training to become Radiant Knights and uphold the order's standards.  
The Stallionguard is responsible for the care, training, and well-being of the order's horses. These individuals ensure that the steeds are well-prepared and ready for battle, forming an essential part of the Riders' strength.  
Champion of the King:
This honorary position is bestowed upon a knight of exceptional merit, chosen to represent the order in the royal court and act as a liaison between the Riders of Solaris and the King of Thesaris.   The hierarchy ensures a clear chain of command, a smooth flow of communication, and a structured framework for training, leadership, and the fulfillment of the order's divine mission. Each member of the hierarchy plays a vital role in upholding the values, traditions, and honor of the Riders of Solaris.


Sacred Bond with Steeds: The Riders of Solaris share a deep and sacred bond with their steeds, embodying the unity between rider and horse. The selection, training, and care of their horses are carried out with meticulous devotion, fostering a partnership built on trust, agility, and synchronicity. This bond serves as a reflection of their commitment to harmony and their shared purpose as protectors of Thesaris.  
Chivalry and Valor:
Chivalry is the cornerstone of the Riders' culture. They uphold the values of honor, courage, and selflessness in all aspects of their lives. Their every action is a testament to these ideals, whether in the heat of battle, during diplomatic endeavors, or in their interactions within the kingdom. This commitment to chivalry fuels their dedication to safeguarding Thesaris and upholding the honor of their order.  
Brewing Tradition:
Beyond their duties as protectors, the Riders of Solaris embrace the art of brewing with passion and enthusiasm. Gathered around a firelit hearth, they share stories, wisdom, and camaraderie as they craft unique brews using locally sourced ingredients. These brewing sessions serve as a communal ritual, forging bonds between Riders and strengthening their sense of unity.  
Cultural Festivities:
Throughout the year, the Riders of Solaris celebrate a variety of cultural festivals and events that honor their heritage and the spirit of Thesaris. These gatherings emphasize the importance of community, tradition, and the interconnectedness of all inhabitants within the kingdom.  
Nature and Conservation:
The Riders hold a profound respect for the natural world and are actively engaged in conservation efforts. Their deep connection to Thesaris extends to its flora and fauna, and they undertake initiatives to ensure the preservation of the land's beauty for generations to come.  
Continuous Self-Improvement:
Dedicated to personal growth, the Riders of Solaris embrace a philosophy of continuous self-improvement. They engage in rigorous training, refine their combat skills, and expand their knowledge to better serve Thesaris. This commitment to self-betterment reflects their unwavering determination to fulfill their sacred duty.  
Silent Devotion:
While their faith in Solaris is an integral part of their culture, the Riders of Solaris often practice their religious devotion in quiet moments of reflection. These private interactions with their beliefs reinforce their connection to the divine and inspire their actions as guardians of Thesaris.   The culture of the Riders of Solaris is a harmonious symphony of honor, camaraderie, and a profound reverence for nature and tradition. Their bond with their steeds, love of brewing, and shared commitment to chivalry create a unique identity that resonates with the sunlit plains they hold dear.

Public Agenda

The public agenda of the Riders of Solaris revolves around their unwavering dedication to the protection, prosperity, and honor of the grand kingdom of Thesaris. While much of their work is conducted discreetly, their overarching goals and principles are evident to those who observe their actions:  
Guardians of Thesaris:
The Riders of Solaris are steadfast in their commitment to safeguarding the natural beauty and tranquility of the plains of Thesaris. Their presence serves as a visible symbol of protection, reassuring the public that the kingdom's heartland is under the watchful eye of dedicated defenders.  
Champions of Honor and Chivalry:
Publicly, the Riders of Solaris are known as exemplars of honor, chivalry, and unwavering loyalty. Their noble actions and valorous deeds inspire respect and admiration, setting an example for the citizens of Thesaris to uphold these virtues in their own lives.  
Unity and Community:
The Riders of Solaris actively foster a sense of unity and community within Thesaris. They engage with local festivities, events, and celebrations, encouraging a collective spirit that unites the kingdom's diverse inhabitants under the banner of shared values.  
Upholding Justice and Peace:
While discreet in their interventions, the Riders of Solaris ensure that justice prevails within Thesaris. Their discreet actions often involve addressing threats that may disrupt the kingdom's harmony, thereby contributing to the preservation of peace and stability.  
Custodians of Heritage:
The Riders of Solaris take pride in their role as custodians of Thesaris' cultural and natural heritage. They actively engage in conservation efforts, preserving the kingdom's flora, fauna, and historical sites for future generations to enjoy.  
Educational Initiatives:
Publicly, the Riders of Solaris engage in educational initiatives, sharing stories of honor, bravery, and the kingdom's history. Through these efforts, they inspire a sense of pride and identity among the people of Thesaris, encouraging them to contribute positively to the kingdom's legacy.  
Promotion of Solaris' Blessings:
While discreet about their religious devotion, the Riders subtly promote Solaris' blessings through their deeds. Their presence and actions inspire a connection to the sun god, encouraging the populace to embrace the light, warmth, and positivity symbolized by Solaris.   In their public agenda, the Riders of Solaris portray themselves as devoted protectors of Thesaris, champions of honor, and symbols of unity. Their actions resonate with these principles, fostering a sense of safety, pride, and shared purpose among the kingdom's inhabitants.


The history and origin of the Riders of Solaris is a saga that illuminates the transition from mercenary ambitions to a profound devotion to honor and protection. Founded in 156 PD as an offshoot of the Red Hand, the Riders of Solaris emerged as an embodiment of courage and divine service within the future grand kingdom of Thesaris.  
The Departure from the Red Hand (155 PD):
Amidst the migration from Olinth to Helm's Heart in 155 PD, a pivotal moment arose when Sir Galen Sunspur and his dedicated followers chose to diverge from the Red Hand. Galen's heart burned with a fervent calling—a divine revelation granted by Solaris, the God of the Sun, Horses, and the Day. Recognizing a higher purpose beyond mere mercenary pursuits, Galen and his loyal comrades decided to stay behind, their souls ignited by a newfound devotion.  
A Sacred Covenant Forged:
Guided by the radiant presence of Solaris, Galen and his companions forged a sacred covenant. They pledged themselves to the protection of what would evolve into the grand kingdom of Thesaris—the vast and unspoiled plains that stretched beneath the sunlit sky. Their oaths resonated with honor, and their charge was defined by an unwavering commitment to safeguarding the land's natural beauty.  
Birth of the Riders of Solaris (156 PD):
In 156 PD, Galen Sunspur formalized this noble endeavor, establishing the Riders of Solaris as an independent order. Their foundation marked a turning point, transitioning from warriors-for-hire to guardians of a divine purpose. The order embraced Solaris as their guiding light and the source of their strength, seeking to embody the virtues of chivalry, valor, and loyalty.  
Guardians of Thesaris:
As the years passed, the Riders of Solaris evolved into a beacon of unwavering courage and dedication. Galen's leadership and the order's steadfast commitment solidified them as the protectors of the plains that would become the grand kingdom of Thesaris. The Riders patrolled the sun-soaked expanse, ensuring its beauty remained untouched by chaos.  
Galen Sunspur's Coronation (158 PD):
Galen's unwavering leadership and the tireless efforts of the Riders culminated in the emergence of the grand kingdom of Thesaris. In 158 PD, the realm was unveiled to the world, a testament to honor, chivalry, and the divine bond between the land and its devoted protectors. Galen, the founder of the Riders of Solaris, ascended the throne as its inaugural king, a ruler whose heart beat in harmony with the sun's brilliance.  
Eternal Legacy:
The Riders of Solaris, born from a splinter of the Red Hand, left an indelible legacy in the annals of Thesaris' history. Their journey from mercenaries to radiant defenders exemplified the transformative power of faith and devotion. Galen Sunspur's vision, catalyzed by Solaris' divine touch, ensured that Thesaris would forever bask in the light of honor, guided by the unwavering valor of the Riders of Solaris.

Ride undaunted! For sunlit plains, our valor implanted! Charge, charge, with hearts ignited! Riders of Solaris, forever guided!

Founding Date
Military, Knightly Order
Alternative Names
Riders of Thesaris
Predecessor Organization
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Related Ranks & Titles