The High Sunrider

The High Sunrider, Lord King of Thesaris, stands as a beacon of honor, courage, and radiant leadership. His embodiment of the Riders of Solaris' values resonates throughout the kingdom, inspiring its inhabitants to embrace unity, uphold tradition, and bask in the luminous legacy that his rule represents. Beyond his leadership of the Riders of Solaris, the High Sunrider is a vigilant protector of Thesaris and its surrounding lands. He takes to heart the responsibility of safeguarding the kingdom's natural beauty and harmonious existence, embodying the order's commitment to stewardship.


Must have the royal blood of Galen Sunspur.


Must partake in the Stampede of the Soladren: The future king must venture out into the wilderness of the plains outside of Thesaris and mount and return with a steed using nothing but himself.


The king of Thesaris is responsible for upholding the realm's honor, safeguarding its prosperity, maintaining diplomatic relations, and embodying the chivalric values of the Riders of Solaris.


The king of Thesaris is tasked with protecting the kingdom's integrity, fostering unity among its people, guiding diplomatic efforts, upholding chivalrous values, and serving as the embodiment of the Riders of Solaris' principles.


The Radiant Keep Wealth of Thesaris

Accoutrements & Equipment

Crown of Soladerhon Sunspur Saddle Dawnbreaker Sword

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Death is the only way to remove the king
Nobility, Honorific / Ceremonial
Form of Address
Lord King
Alternative Naming
King of Thesaris
Equates to
King President
Source of Authority
The people of Thesarin and the Soladerhon Providence
Length of Term
First Holder
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