
Sultaniyah, also known as Qasr al-Sahra, is a captivating twin city located on the northeastern coast of East Aridora, connected by a grand bridge spanning the Gulf of Il-Miraj. The city is divided into two distinct halves: the wealthy, opulent eastern side and the impoverished western side. Governed as an absolute monarchy under the rule of the Sultan, Sultaniyah is renowned for its Middle Eastern-inspired architecture, featuring rounded rooftops and intricately designed sandstone buildings. The vibrant Market District buzzes with the trade of luxury goods, rare spices, and unique materials, reflecting the city's position as a vital hub of commerce. However, the stark contrast between the affluent eastern district and the struggling western district highlights significant social disparities. Despite its challenges, Sultaniyah remains a city of cultural richness and architectural beauty, drawing visitors to its bustling markets, historic landmarks, and the majestic bridge that symbolizes its unity amidst diversity.


Sultaniyah, also known as Qasr al-Sahra, is a city of contrasts, with a diverse population split by wealth and status. The eastern half of the city is home to the immensely wealthy, including merchants, nobles, and influential families. The western side, across the bridge, houses the majority of the population, living in poverty. This side includes laborers, artisans, and lower-income families. The city’s residents include humans, elves, dwarves, tieflings, and various other races, contributing to a rich cultural tapestry.


Sultaniyah is an absolute monarchy ruled by the Sultan, who holds ultimate authority over both halves of the city and the entirety of Eastern Aridora. The Sultan governs from his opulent palace in the eastern district and is advised by a council of wealthy nobles and merchants. Despite the absolute nature of the Sultan’s rule, local leaders in the western district advocate for their community’s needs and manage day-to-day affairs within the constraints set by the Sultan’s regime.


City Walls: Tall, strong walls protect the eastern half, with heavily guarded gates. Bridge Fortifications: The bridge connecting the two halves is fortified and patrolled. City Guard: A well-equipped guard force maintains order, with a stronger presence in the eastern half. Naval Fleet: The coastal position is guarded by a fleet that protects against maritime threats.

Industry & Trade

Trade Hub: A central point for trade in luxury goods, spices, and rare artifacts. Artisan Production: The western district is known for its skilled artisans producing textiles, ceramics, and metalwork. Markets: The bridge market is a bustling center where traders from both sides converge.


Sultaniyah’s infrastructure is divided between the affluent eastern side and the impoverished western side:   Eastern Infrastructure: Features well-maintained roads, elaborate gardens, palatial homes, and public amenities such as baths and fountains. Modern aqueducts ensure a plentiful water supply. Western Infrastructure: Consists of narrow, crowded streets, basic housing, and limited public services. Community wells and rudimentary sanitation systems serve the population.


Eastern District (Wealthy): Palatial Quarters: Luxurious homes and estates. Commercial District: High-end markets and trading houses. Cultural District: Theaters, libraries, and gardens. Western District (Impoverished): Residential Area: Dense housing for the lower-income populace. Artisan Quarter: Workshops and small businesses. Market Square: A bustling, affordable market area.


Strategic Location: Positioned on the northeastern coast of East Aridora, it serves as a major trade hub. Wealth Disparity: The immense wealth of the eastern side funds large projects and investments. Skilled Labor: The western side is rich in skilled labor and craftsmanship.

Points of interest

The Grand Bazaar: A sprawling market in the eastern half. The Bridge Market: A vibrant market on the bridge connecting the two halves. The Sultan’s Palace: A magnificent structure symbolizing the city’s wealth. The Artisan’s Alley: Known for unique crafts and handmade goods in the western half.


Luxury Tourism: Attracts visitors to its palaces, gardens, and luxurious markets. Cultural Tourism: Visitors explore the vibrant life of the western side and the bustling bridge market. Architectural Tours: Tours highlight the city's Middle Eastern-inspired architecture with rounded rooftops and sandstone buildings.


Rounded Rooftops: Domes and rounded rooftops dominate the skyline. Sandstone Buildings: Buildings are made from local sandstone, providing a cohesive and warm appearance. Intricate Carvings and Mosaics: Adornments on buildings reflect the city’s cultural heritage.


Situated on the northeastern coast of East Aridora, Sultaniyah spans both sides of the Gulf of Il-Miraj. Its strategic coastal location facilitates maritime trade and provides access to both land and sea routes.


Hot Summers: Temperatures soar during the summer months. Mild Winters: Winters are mild, offering relief from the summer heat. Infrequent Rainfall: Rain is rare but intense when it occurs, providing essential water for the city’s needs.

Natural Resources

Sandstone: Abundant sandstone is used in construction. Spices and Herbs: The region is known for its rich variety of spices and medicinal herbs. Marine Resources: Access to the gulf provides fish and seafood for local consumption and trade.
Alternative Name(s)
Qasr al-Sahra
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank


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