
(Wrath) Zariel, the Archduke of Avernus, is a fallen angel who once served as the noble son of Idozar, the god of wisdom. His insatiable thirst for forbidden knowledge led him to commit unspeakable acts on the mortal plane, culminating in his banishment by his father to the Nine Hells. Now a fearsome devil, Zariel rules Avernus with a blend of celestial grace and infernal power, his body a fusion of angelic beauty and demonic might. His piercing crimson eyes, dark, tattered wings, and infernal tattoos symbolize his transformation. Commanding legions of infernal warriors, Zariel is driven by a relentless ambition to expand his dominion and exact vengeance. His speech is both authoritative and manipulative, inspiring fear and loyalty in equal measure. Known for his strategic brilliance and ruthless nature, Zariel's legacy is one of domination, fear, and the tragic fall from grace.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Zariel is in peak physical condition, combining the ethereal grace of an Aasimar with the raw, infernal power of a devil. His body reflects his celestial origins and his transformation into a demonic ruler, exuding both divine majesty and hellish strength.

Body Features

Zariel's body is a fusion of angelic beauty and demonic ferocity. He has a muscular, imposing build that speaks to his combat prowess. His skin has an ashen, almost metallic sheen, marked by scars and glowing infernal runes. His wings are a striking feature—once pure and angelic, they are now dark and destroyed feathers, with tattered edges and a hellish aura.

Facial Features

Zariel's face is a haunting blend of celestial and infernal. He has sharp, angular features with high cheekbones and a strong jawline. His eyes burn with a fiery intensity, shifting from a heavenly blue to a demonic red. His expression is a perpetual mix of wrath and sorrow, a reflection of his fallen status.

Identifying Characteristics

Horns: Small, curved horns emerge from his forehead, adding to his demonic visage.   Wings: His large, dark wings are a testament to his fallen status, once angelic but now corrupted.   Runic Tattoos: His body is adorned with glowing runes that enhance his dark magic and signify his infernal allegiance.   Scars: Numerous scars from battles and tortures mark his body, each telling a story of his fall and rise in the Nine Hells.

Physical quirks

Fiery Aura: Zariel emanates a fiery aura that intensifies with his emotions, especially when he is angered or using his powers.   Ethereal Glow: Despite his infernal transformation, a faint, ethereal glow still lingers around him, a remnant of his celestial origin.

Special abilities

Master of Hellfire: Zariel can summon and control hellfire, using it to incinerate his foes or create barriers of flame.   Dark Magic: He possesses a vast array of infernal spells, including summoning lesser demons, casting curses, and manipulating the minds of others.   Flight: His powerful wings allow him to soar through the air, giving him an advantage in both combat and reconnaissance.   Regeneration: Zariel can rapidly heal from most injuries, making him incredibly difficult to defeat in battle.   Aura of Fear: His presence alone can instill terror in those who face him, weakening their resolve and making them easier to dominate.

Apparel & Accessories

Zariel's attire is a blend of celestial and infernal styles. He wears dark, infernal armor that offers both protection and a fearsome appearance. His armor is adorned with spikes, chains, and glowing runes. His accessories often include:   Crown of Avernus: A dark, twisted crown symbolizing his dominion over Avernus.   Infernal Jewelry: Rings and amulets imbued with dark magic, enhancing his formidable powers.

Specialized Equipment

Hellfire Blade: Zariel wields a massive, enchanted sword forged from hellfire and dark steel. This weapon can cleave through nearly anything and burns with an unquenchable flame.   Infernal Chains: He carries chains that can bind even the most powerful of demons and mortals, used to capture and torture his enemies.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Zariel, once the noble son of Idozar, the god of wisdom, was known for his insatiable curiosity and desire for knowledge. However, his quest for understanding led him down a dark path. Consumed by the desire for power and forbidden knowledge, Zariel committed heinous acts on the mortal plane, including mass murder, betrayal, and dark rituals that unleashed unspeakable horrors. His actions led to his banishment by Idozar, who condemned him to the Nine Hells. In Hell, Zariel's nature twisted further, and he eventually ascended to the position of archduke of Avernus, ruling over the fiery realm with an iron fist.


Zariel's early education under his father, Idozar, was comprehensive, covering various aspects of wisdom, philosophy, and magic. However, his thirst for forbidden knowledge led him to study dark arts and infernal magic, which ultimately corrupted his mind and soul. His education in Hell was brutal and ruthless, teaching him the ways of domination, torture, and infernal politics.


As the archduke of Avernus, Zariel oversees the torture of souls, the management of infernal legions, and the constant warfare against other layers of Hell and the mortal plane. He is responsible for maintaining order in his fiery domain, enforcing infernal laws, and orchestrating military campaigns to expand his influence.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Ascension to Archduke: Zariel's rise to power in Avernus is a testament to his cunning and ruthlessness.   Mastery of Infernal Magic: He has achieved unparalleled mastery of dark and infernal magic, making him one of the most powerful beings in Hell.   Strategic Genius: Zariel has orchestrated numerous successful campaigns and alliances, solidifying his power and expanding his domain.

Failures & Embarrassments

Banishment: His banishment from the mortal plane by his father, Idozar, remains a significant mark of shame and failure.   Failed Coup: Zariel's attempt to overthrow a rival archduke ended in a disastrous defeat, leading to temporary loss of power and influence.

Mental Trauma

Zariel's fall from grace and subsequent transformation into a devil have left deep scars on his psyche. He struggles with intense guilt and shame over his actions, which he masks with cruelty and ruthlessness. His banishment by his own father has instilled a profound sense of betrayal and abandonment.

Intellectual Characteristics

Highly Intelligent: Zariel possesses a sharp mind, capable of intricate planning and strategic thinking.   Obsessive: His quest for knowledge and power often leads him to obsessive behaviors.   Cunning: He excels in manipulation and deceit, always planning several steps ahead.

Morality & Philosophy

Zariel's morality is deeply corrupted, driven by a desire for power and control. He believes that might makes right and that knowledge should be pursued at any cost. His philosophy is one of domination and exploitation, seeing others as mere tools to achieve his goals.


Mention of Idozar: Any mention of his father or his banishment is strictly forbidden and met with severe punishment.   Acts of Kindness: Zariel views kindness and mercy as weaknesses and despises any form of compassion.

Personality Characteristics


Zariel's primary motivation is to amass power and prove himself as a ruler of Avernus, overcoming the shame of his banishment by his father, Idozar. He seeks to expand his influence within the Nine Hells and beyond, driven by a desire for dominance and revenge against those who wronged him.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Master strategist and tactician.
  • Expert in infernal and dark magic.
  • Skilled in combat and warfare.
  • Struggles with trust and alliances.
  • Overconfident, often underestimating his enemies.
  • Difficulty managing empathy or compassion.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Accumulating power and wealth.
  • Dominating and controlling others.
  • The suffering and torment of his enemies.
  • Weakness and incompetence.
  • Acts of mercy and kindness.
  • Reminders of his celestial past.

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Highly intelligent and strategic.
  • Fearless and determined.
  • Charismatic leader with a commanding presence.
  • Ability to inspire fear and loyalty.
  • Extensive knowledge of dark magic.
  • Resilient and nearly invincible in battle.

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Insatiable greed for power.
  • Deep-seated anger and hatred.
  • Ruthlessness and cruelty.
  • Paranoia and distrust of others.
  • Overconfidence leading to reckless decisions.
  • Emotional scars from his fall and banishment.

Personality Quirks

  • Frequently clenches his fists when angry.
  • Taps his fingers on his armor when deep in thought.
  • Collects trophies from his fallen enemies.
  • Has a habit of speaking to his infernal blade as if it were alive.


Zariel maintains a meticulous appearance, ensuring he always looks formidable and imposing. His infernal armor is always polished, and his weapons are kept in perfect condition.

Representation & Legacy

Zariel represents the ultimate fall from grace, embodying the corruption of wisdom and power. His legacy is one of fear and domination, with his rule over Avernus marked by relentless ambition and ruthless control. He is both feared and respected within the Nine Hells, known for his strategic brilliance and unwavering pursuit of power. Zariel's influence extends beyond his own layer, impacting the infernal politics of the entire Nine Hells and instilling fear in the hearts of both mortals and devils alike.



Zariel has ruled Avernus for centuries, establishing his dominion through fear, power, and strategic brilliance. His reign is marked by relentless warfare, both within the Nine Hells and against incursions from other planes.

Contacts & Relations

Infernal Hierarchy: Zariel maintains complex relationships with other archdevils and powerful entities within the Nine Hells. His alliances and rivalries shape the political landscape of Hell.   Mortal Cults: Numerous cults on the mortal plane worship Zariel, seeking power through dark pacts and infernal contracts.   Rivals: His most notable rival is Bel, the former ruler of Avernus, who constantly seeks to reclaim his throne.

Social Aptitude

Zariel is highly charismatic and manipulative, able to inspire both fear and loyalty in his followers. He excels in political maneuvering and can navigate the treacherous waters of infernal diplomacy with ease. However, his paranoia and distrust often hinder his ability to form lasting alliances.


Intense Gaze: Zariel often fixes his intense, burning gaze on those he speaks with, making them feel exposed and vulnerable.   Commanding Presence: He carries himself with a commanding and regal demeanor, reflecting his status as an archduke.   Deliberate Speech: His speech is measured and deliberate, often laced with underlying threats and promises of power.

Hobbies & Pets

Felbeasts: Zariel keeps a pack of felbeasts as both pets and guards, using them to hunt down and punish traitors and enemies.  
Battle Strategy: He spends much of his time devising battle strategies and planning military campaigns.   Infernal Forge: Zariel takes a personal interest in the infernal forges of Avernus, overseeing the creation of weapons and armor.


Zariel's speech is articulate and commanding, reflecting his confidence and authority. He speaks with a smooth, persuasive tone, often using his words to manipulate and control others.

Wealth & Financial state

Zariel possesses immense wealth, accumulated from the spoils of countless battles and infernal deals. His treasure hoard includes vast amounts of gold, rare magical artifacts, and the plundered riches of conquered realms. He also controls the resources of Avernus, including infernal forges and mines.
Divine Classification
Arch Devil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Archduke of Avernus
  • Fallen Son of Idozar
  • Lord of the Fifth Layer of Hell
  • Warlord of the Infernal Legions
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • "Power is forged in the fires of Hell."
  • "All shall bow before the might of Avernus."
  • "Redemption is a lie; only power is real."
Ruled Locations


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