Water in the Skiak Desert

History & Usage


It was said that when the Skiak Desert was young, it was filled with wildlife. The inhabitants of the land were foolish and insulted Blinn, Goddess of Love and Water with their excessive use of water. To many Sand Elves this was the Oronian Empire. Blinn thought to teach them a lesson and stopped it from raining. The Skiak Desert took its current form. The Sand Elves suffered, but Blinn blessed them with underground water that only they could find. Thus the Sand Elves praised Blinn and cherished her gift.

Everyday use

The Sand Elf tribes of Skiak Trya are nomadic as they follow the water in the sand. Their ability to see things through the ground makes them experts at locating water in the desert. Sand Elves make wells that sit at the center of their village. When the well dries up they pack up their homes and move to the next well.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Sand Elves put great value in water in both cultural and spiritual ways. They take great pride in their conservation of water. Those who waste water are seen as disrespectful.   When a Sand Elf dies, they are wrapped with a small container of water. This is to send some of the water back to Blinn, carried by the dead. At no other time will they purposely waste water.


Trade & Market

Water is such a precious resource that tribes will engage in trade for water. It is valued more than coinage.


Sand Elves are masters of pottery and glassblowing, especially water-tight containers. Some Sand Elf pottery is infused with magic, sometimes to keep water cool or to pull water from a distant reservoir.


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