Fogged Memory

The mysteries of the Fog have plagued soulkind since before day one. Although we know more today than 19 years ago, we still guess at a lot of unexplained phenomenon outside the Worlds Edge.
— Recent Science Conference

Myths Over Time

We had many running theories over the last few years, each believing their own, but these were the most popular ones.


In the early years, in the era of Survival, we had no time to think deeper about where our surroundings originated, so we settled on different climates in a different realm. Thoughts like "it will probably clear up in the next few days", or "maybe it is seasonal" were all the talk among the survivors of that time. It was only after the invention of the Warding Light and the beginning of the era of Sustain that we explored this phenomenon further.

Gods Wrath

Of course, after four years of constant fog and no sunlight, coupled with the security of not expecting every day to be our last, we started exploring these questions further. The successful build of the Warding Light told us that the Fog was naturally occuring, and since we were sent here after not dying by falling down a huge abyss (see New Soul), we instinctively had gone the easy route and blamed it on some higher beings unbased wrath that they let loose on us. Those that arrived through the Passage to the New World by attempted suicide were blamed because "their attempt angered the gods" which in hindsight was the single dumbest and most egoistic thing to do. But well, us souls look for the easiest explanation always, it's in our nature.

Regional Phenomenon

This theory has existed parallel to the climate one, but at a more local space. Since the idea of a different global climate was too far fetched for some, the idea of a localized foggy climate became popular. People thought that we were in volcanic regions where fog was residue of recent eruptions. The idea that the constant darkness enabled constant foggy surroundings was also quite popular among the lesser more creative ideas, such as that the reason everything is cold and dark is because we were transported into an immensly huge cave underground. With the rise of technology, all of these theories were debunked over time.

Current Research Strand

Science was able to determine the Fog to be naturally occuring, though not becuase of the reasons thought. We created certain mana readers same as in the old world which did not work here. We did a variety of tests on "why" and found that the Fog was chaotic magic in nature. We thought our biome to just be unnaturally charged with mana then, but exploring the wider world and discovering mountain ranges, forests and lakes brought us to question the limited boundaries of the fog.
Related Locations
The Fog

What we think now

Our current running theory is that the fog is a materealization of the magic in this world. Creatures in this world breathe this magic in and enhance their bodies through it, causing unnatural (or in this case probably natural) mutations. We also think that absorbing the fog into our Warding Lights causes the natural animals to be angered, since their "breathable air" is being thinned out so to speak. This also would explain why the further we stray from our home, the more aggressive and deadly the monsters become, they have a denser fog to inhale and longer time to do so until they find us.

Constant Improvement

We are not content with our current understanding and are continuously furthering our research on the most vital component of this world. Hopefully the world out there has more secrets for us to uncover.
Never settle for anything less but the truth

Further Reading

Geographic Location | Jul 9, 2023


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