
Attention Last Whispers! This content is entirely not for your eyes and will spoil major parts of the campaigns plots. Do not read.
It feels dumb calling us that but we are, truly, a secret society I guess. Although I hate that categorization...
— Archmage Cayden Atreyum

What We Are

We, the Roxika, are the group of comprised of the most powerful Souls that this world has to offer. We all went through the trials put before us inside the Rahvka Rooms and are thus privy to a batch of the most secret information known.


We all at least cleared the Room of Death, a major challenge of the Rahvka Rooms. From that point onward, we are known as "Initiates of the Veil" and must earn our ways upwards the social hierarchy as well as clear the Rahvka Rooms to rise in rank.

TOP SECRET: What we know

We don't want to keep this information, but it is necessary to reach our goals. We know that in two years time, the gods of the old world will befall our world to battle their predecessors on this soil again.


We say again, because this is not the first time this happened. Our old world, Cathrea, was once a vibrant place in which we all lived in prosperity. Our old world had a huge abyss with rich history. It was thought to be endless in depth, but those that fell down, us, knew better. Most of us befell the same fate of ending up at the bottom of this pit, which did not end our lives, but instead teleported us to this new world. Here we, the Roxika were informed that Ignotas is indeed the same world as ours, just milenia in the future. Our old world had perished in another timeline as the fight between gods and greater gods ensued. And this time, we want to make sure things will be different.

The War

Aabriar Eudora Bridges, commonly known to be one of the First Arrivals, among Elijah Artemus Rox and the Rox council, is actually a creature created by one of these greater gods, the god of time, to help out soulkind to prepare for the upcoming battles. The greater gods will try to, again, annihilate their children and their childrens children, us, and the god of time can not stop his siblings alone.

Hard Truths

We can not go back home. Despite of the dreams of many of our citizens, there is no way home, because this world is the future. Our home is in the past. The only thing that we wish to accomplish is rescue as many people of our old world into this one before their impending annihilation in the past will strike, which it will exactly as our world will be if we don't work together.

The Public

While everyone has their own goals, the Roxika will try to steer the world towards progress. We work from the shadows to fund research projects we deem essential to winning this war, even if the researchers themselves don't know war is coming. We know this all sounds confusing, and it is, but you need to understand in order to help our cause. We can not tell the public, but we will make sure they prepare themselves nonetheless.
Related Items
Related Locations


Initiate of the Veil
New members that just cleared the Room of Death
Seeker of Secrets
Experienced member currently in search of knowledge
Harbinger of Twilight
Experienced member operating in the shadows
Master of the Whispering Winds
Elite members in charge of coordinating progress in various research centers
Grand Arbiter
The Council of the Roxika
Hooded Roxika
Celestial Invasion


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