
Profesion Revision #3, Attire and Practicality
After producing and trying on the new batch of Peacekeeper Attire we were able to discern the unpracticality of long metal strobe-supports on arms and forearms as well as limited leg movement due to the huge knee plates. Adjustments of the design will follow.
— Edith Audry Riggs

Civil Safety as an evergrowing Problem

As Vaporio grows in size by the day, we are getting reports of increased crime rates. While the numbers are not too huge, probably due to the entire new world situation, we were none the less mandated to enroll Peacekeepers, a sort of guards force to fend off crime.

Peacekeeper Academy

To enroll as a Peacekeeper, you will need to register within the designated academy and be given an extensive training in ethics, fighting and containing as well as anger management. Once completed, a ritual called the Peacekeepers Exchange will officially award the new guards their job.

The Exchange

The Exchange will be the ritual of publicly changing guard shifts to the new Peacekeepers for the first time. The current guard will give the upcoming one a brief rundown of the current happenings of their position, after which they will both salute each other. The signature Guardsmen Hat will then be put off of the active guard and be put on the new ones head, who will bow during this exchange. Once set up, the ring on the side of the hat will be reset by the old guard, marking the beginning of the first ever shift of the new Peacekeeper. Another salute completes the ritual, with the now freshly integrated guard moving towards their watchpoint.

Physical Appearance

The Peacekeepers will all be uniform, wearing a faded out blue-brassen linen attire with protective ornaments on the forearms and shoulders. They will carry a weapon of their choice, choosing from a pool of firearms, short- and crossbows, shortswords, rapiers and various assortments of smaller weaponry.

Day to Day Work

With the addition of the Peacekeepers, we have experienced a significant frop in crime, thus we started using their services in various other ways, such as first responders to yet another exploded laboratory of the Rox Academics, civil unrest or border duty.
Appendix #2, Expo Raids
Currently, we redeployed about 60% of our manpower towards Fort Expo to help with the liberation going on within the Expo Raids. Resulting from that change, we will predict a small rise in civil crime.
Public Opinion
Honored or Useless

Monetary Compensation

Peacekeepers will be paid a comfortable amount of money. They are not risking their lives actively lurking inside the deadly Fog like Soulventures do, but they are adamant with weaponry none the less, which needs to be rewarded. A months earn of a Peacekeeper will float around 4 - 10gp

Further Reading

Fort Expo
Settlement | Jul 9, 2023
Expo Raids
Military Conflict | Jul 4, 2024
Geographic Location | Jul 9, 2023


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