Ythra van Gaevin

Ythra van Gaevin

Hi journal! Today has been yet another great day of locking myself in my lab and getting food delivered occasionally! I got so much done, but I want to write about something different today! I met a really interesting testsubject. One with a wild magic body.
— Ythra van Gaevin Journal

My First Entry

So, hi Journal. Today I fell down the Abyss and landed here. Pretty crazy, still kinda stumped on what is going on here. But I thought "oh well, at least I have an excuse to finally start journaling, now that I died and reincarnated in a new world", or something like that. I heard most people here journal, it's encouraged by the institute here or something I don't know. So anyways, now you get to know my most DARK AND CRAZY secrets.

First School Thoughts

So I'm going to school now! Shit's going down real fast here apparently. Not even a few days past and I am sitting in a classroom with 20 or so other newcomers and get taught how magic here is way different and we have futuristic maschinery, technology and whatever the fuck this all is. I am severely confused, but also intrigued. You wouldn't know, but before I wrote inside you, I had research papers, a buch of 'em. So to say I want to know more abot this new innovation would be an understatement.

People and Friends

The people here in my class are dickbags. I only have like 4 other women in my artisans class, two of which are girly girls that I can simply not bring myself to talk to and the other one seems chill. The 15 or 16 men are mostly macho and don't even consider talking to me. Those that I do talk to are mostly only interested in my body and not me. However two of them are pretty rad and I plan on maybe creating a Soulforge with my girl friend and them.

A Quick Rant

Hi Journal, just a quick fucking rant about myself and the assholes from my class. Danny and Pat have told me it is fine but it really isn't. Aside from those three friends of my Soulforge, no one likes to talk to me for more than a few minutes. I hear them talking about me being "eccentric", "sadistic" and a bunch of other things. I know I like to think of people as test subjects first and friends second, but this shit hurts man. It's not like I can tell them that I just need to get comfortable around them and stuff because who would listen. I don't do myself any good though because why do I only find men and women attractive if there is something mysterious about them? Fuck dude. Anyways, I gotta get to Angi's place to finish up some collab project due tomorrow. Write you later!


I don't know Journal, maybe it's just me but I don't get all the muscly schmucksly scientists that have all their brain power in their muscles instead. It's not like I dislike the looks of it, but wouldn't it be better to invest that training time in research? All the men in my class pride themselves on how hard they can slam down their hammer but can't figure out the difference between an explosion and implosion. On the other hand, I've seen some Slaughterers in the Venturers Tract that indeed look very fine. I mean as a certified twig I can only appreciate the work they put into their job as Slaughterers. Sorry for all the rambling Journal, but i guess what I'm trying to say is that I am skinny but can appreciate when people that need muscle build muscle. I don't know.

While On The Topic

Okay now to the juicy bit. I recently met a first year Slaughterer, his name is Jack! He is in a Soulventure, I think he mentioned something like "Lost Wisps". Lost Whisper? Last Whispers? Something like that. The coolest thing about him is his body. Okay not like that, his body is of wild magic! When he gets mad, he can do some crazy uncontrollable shit. And since I've been working on my Ring of Control I wanted to have him as my lab rat! All semi-jokes aside though, he proves to be a guy that gets more interesting every time I see him. He and his buddies took me and one of the schools secretaries, Ms. Fleming, out to a Slaughterers dorm party and I must confess, it was loads fun.
Current Status
Researching at the Spellcrafters
Current Location
forest green
curly, shoulder short, brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale white
162cm or 5'3
Aligned Organization
Extended Organization Affiliations
Craftsmen Consortium
Enigma Foundry
Ythra van Gaevin
Arghh how I would just love to strip you naked... and cut your stomach open to see what's inside!
— My Opening Line towards Jack

Further Reading

Organization | Nov 14, 2023
Artificing and Trinketing
Profession | Nov 28, 2023


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