The Academy of the Arcane Building / Landmark in Ikos | World Anvil
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The Academy of the Arcane

From the Chronicles of the Court Chronicler of the Kingdom of Ilios

Purpose / Function

The Academy was founded in 2215 as an academy to train the Arcani.


The Academy is a building made out of beautiful white marble carved with scenes of famous Arcani. It is a 3-story building with a central courtyard surrounded by classrooms. The building is roofed with red tile.   Two 3-story buildings lie on the east and west sides of the building. These function as dormitories for boys and girls. They surround a central courtyard with a hearth in the center for communal meals. Like the main academy, they have red tiled roofs.


The Academy was founded in 2215 as an academy for the Arcani in Ilios. The building has taught many powerful Arcani. One of the incoming students is Agamemnon Spiros, the second son of Archon Pyrrhos II.
Founding Date
10 Phaelia 2215
Alternative Names
The Academy
College / Academy
Parent Location


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