Hoiwian Empire

The country's landscape is delightful; pink blossom forests, calm lakes and relaxing hot springs are just a sliver of the elegance Hoiw has to offer, which is why the country is a popular destination among foreigners. The people of Hoiw are compassionate towards foreigners and tend to welcome them with a hearty meal. They feel foreigners could vitalize the country's well being.   Hoiw has firm laws and law enforcement, which is fairly normal. The people are untroubled due to a peaceful society, thanks to advanced techniques learned by passing travellers.   This is also reflected in the country's flag, which has a large star in silver and light silver.

1025 - 1425-2-15

Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Market economy


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